Okay, so, I have a thing for characters getting twins. It builds tension and tension leads to drama and drama can be solved, which is the resolution. See? Language Art or Reading or whatever. Anyway, this is about Fang getting a twin sister. She is a bird kid, too, but Jeb left her behind and Fang and her have never met. Her name is Jab. She looks a lot like Fang, except she is short. She's about 5" on the dot. She is basically Fangs exact opposite, though. She's pretty cheerful and she gets extra privlages for good behavior, like she has an iPod and has limited computer access. They meet while at the School when they fail to rescue Angel. So, ON WITH THIS FANGALICOUS STORY!
Disclaimer: I don't own Maximum Ride.
Too Much In One Day
Fang POV
I sat back in my dog crate. I thought that as long as we're here with no apparent escape, we might as well get comfy.
I almost laughed out loud. Yeah, right. get comfy in the School, where you're constantly pricked by needles. Tested for stanima, speed, strength, endurance. Hardly fed. Just like home.
The door opened and in walked a girl. She wasn't a whitecoat. She was about 14, though she was short. Her hair was raven black and only fell to her shoulders in little ringlets. It had little streaks of pink in it. She had side bangs that covered one eye. Her eyes were brown, the same color as mine. She had wings. They were the same raven black as mine. Hers were smaller, though. She looked in each crate, like she would see someone she recognised. She stopped at mine and dropped to her knees in front of my crate.
"Fang?" she asked.
"Yes. Do I know you?" I asked.
"No. We've never met. But I know you," she said softly.
"How do you know me?" I asked.
"We're, well, twins," she said. I stared at her. "Fine, don't believe me, then." She stood up. "Tell one of the whitecoats or an Eraser when you want to see me."
"Wait," I said. "Do you a birth mark on your neck in the shape of a shark tooth?"
"Why, yes I do," she said, sitting back down. She tilted her head all the way over to reveal her neck. There was a little brown mole identicle to mine.
"Wow. We really are twins," I said in amazement.
"The name's Jab," she said. She looked at the rest of the flock. She pointed at Max. "Maximum Ride, right? Like Sally Ride?" Max nodded. Jab pointed to Angel. "Angel." She nodded. "Where's Gazzy?" she asked.
"Got away," Max said.
"Oh." She pointed to Nudge. "Nudge." Nudge nodded. "I'm guessing Iggy got away,too."
"Yup," Angel said.
"Hey, do they still obsess over explosives?" Jab asked.
"Yup," Nudge said. "They ended up blowing up our old shack. We didn't live in it, but we met in it. But it got over run by Erasers so they blew it up with a couple inside."
"I wonder why they separated us," I mused.
"I don't know, Fang. I don't know," she said. She put her head down to think. "Maybe together we're some kind of powerful force."
"Then why would they let you see me now?" I asked.
"I don't know. Doesn't hurt to try. I hope," she said. She unhatched my crate. I stepped out and unfolded my wings. She was working on opening everyone else's crates. We all streched our wings. She held her hand up, palm toward me. I pressed my hand to hers there was a staticy feeling. We pulled apart to see a blue spiderweb of lightning bolts weaving out between them.
"Wow," I said in amazement. I was about to touch it with my otherhand, but Max hit it away.
"Don't touch it, stupid! You could kill yourself," she said.
"Well, I couldn't resist," I said. "That stuff is cool."
"If we touch it, it doesn't electricute us. It just kind of moved with our hands," Jab said, holding up her other hand. She was holding the web like cloth. It stretched out to where her hand was. She let go. "Let's try to do two hands," she said, holding up her other hand I pressed my hand to it and pulled back. The web was there, just like the first one.
"That's really cool," Nudge said. We were all gaping at the electronic spider webs.
"Now how do we stop these?" I said.
"Try closing your palms," Jab said. I shrugged and closed my palms at the same time she did. The webs disappeared. "Okay, that was beyond awesome."
"Agreed," Max said.
"I triple that motion," Nudge said.
"Max, how do you say triple, but for 4?" Angel asked.
"Quadruple," Max relied.
"Then I quadruple the motion," Angel said. Jab smiled.
"You're cute, Angel," she said.
"Thank you," Angel said.
"Hey, do you guys have mates?" she asked.
"Mates?" I asked.
"Guess not," she said. "A mate is an experiment's companion, a soul mate, so to say."
"Oh, like in mating season and stuff?" Nudge asked.
"Exactly, only we mate at random times. Like, you could be friends one second and then fall in love with each other the next." That rang a very vivid bell. That's how it was with Max right now. I was just somehow in love with her. But I would never admit that.
"I have a mate. But he's not exactly a bird kid," she said. She whistlered. "Cam," she called. I guy came in and I automatically recognised him as an Eraser. I got on the defense, ready to beat him down if he tried touching any of my girls.
"Hey, babe," the Eraser said, kissing Jab on the cheek. He was young, probably a couple years. He turned toward the flock. "I'm guessing this is ever famous flock." Jab nodded.
"Yup. This is Fang, no duh," she said pointing to me. "This is Max." She pointed to Max. "Then Angel." She pointed to Angel. "And Nudge." Her finger landed on Nudge and then dropped to her side. "They don't know where Iggy and Gazzy are, though. They got away."
"Well, that's good," Cam said.
"Wait, you don't want to kill the flock?" Max asked.
"No, since my mate is kind of a flock member, too," he said. Jab climbed into his lap and started playing with his fingers like a little kid.
"Did you need me, Jab?" Cam asked.
"They didn't know what a mate was. I was just demonstrating," she said. Now that I was paying attention, I saw the clear look of love and admiration on his face. He would clearly never hurt Jab.
"When was the last time you turned?" I asked.
"A year ago. That's when I mated with Jab," he said.
"How old were you then?" I asked.
"About 2 years old. I've seemed to age normally since then. I guess if you don't morphe for a long time, you age like a human."
"That's interesting," Max said.
"Very," I agreed.
"It might just be the way of staying with Jab for a while longer," he said sadly, wrapping his arms around Jab's waist.
"Well, you're not going anywhere yet," she said. The determination in her voice was a sure sign of how much they loved each other.
"I hear whitecoats. You guys better get back in your cages," Cam said. We nodded and climbed back in. Jab sat in front of my crate.
"We'll find a way out, Fang. Don't worry," she whispered.
"I believe you," I said, smiling. She smiled back. I put my hand on the bars of the crate. Jab put her hand over mine. A blue glow iluminated between our hands.
A few whitecoats and Erasers, including Ari, came in.
"Hey, dummies," he said to us. I snarled at him, but he didn't notice. "Time for practice." They loaded us on some tables and pushed us through the halls. Jab and Cam followed. We went through a door and outside. I expected fresh air, but the outside was tainted with the smell of cleaning supplies. Who cleans out doors with bleach?
"I've got your backs," Jab said. "And you'll learn why they call me Jab." Jeb (Jeb, not Jab. No typo) stepped out onto the field.
"Okay, so this is a fight to the death, basically," he said and walked to the side. Jab and Cam unlocked our crates. We stepped out with much difficulty. A bell rang and Erasers raced toward us, snouts and claws ready. Jab crouched and sprung for the nearest one. She jumped high enough to wrap her legs around his neck. Then she did something that I didn't really expect from her. She grabbed the Eraser's head and thrust it around. There was a gross crack and then the Eraser fell to the ground dead, its head bent at a weird angle.
"And that is why they call me Jab," she said proudly. I mimicked her actions, jumping up, using my wings to get higher, and then wrapping my legs around an Eraser's neck. I put a lot of force into twisting his head around. His neck cracked and he fell to the ground like a rag doll. I stared at the body.
"I did it," I said. Then I heard bird sounds up ahead. Not just any birds, eagles. The eagles from the cave. I looked up to see a bunch of winged creatures up over head. 2 were oddly shaped, and I knew those were Iggy and Gazzy. Yes! A rescue party. The birds swooped down and stared to tear the Erasers up. I ran and jumped, getting some air in my wings. I hovered, looking for everyone in the havoc. I saw Angel had already gone up. Max was near Ari, who was being chased by an eagle, but was still trying to grab Max.
"Jump Max!" I yelled to her. She did as told and jumped up, unfurling her wings. She was now out of reach. I looked around for Nudge, Cam, and Jab. Nudge was just comming out from the havoc.
Just then I heard a bloodcurtling scream. It sounded like Jab. I looked in the direction of it to see Jab coming through the flying dust and birds, pulling Cam up with her. But an eagle had him by the abdomen. I went to help her get him. Not even both of us togetheer could get it off of him. I struggled with Jab until her hands became too sweaty. His hands slipped out of hers and he fell. 2 eagles decided to rip him limb from limb, literally. Jab was still, just flapping her wings to hover. She stared as the birds ripped her mate to peices. Silent tears streamed down her face.
"No," she whispered. "No, that didn't just happen." I took her in my arms. She was shaking and I knew she wouldn't have been able to fly very far. So I carried her for a while. Iggy asked what happened and I told him to wait until when she was asleep. He nodded.
"Fang, I know that Max is your mate," Jab whispered so low that not even Iggy couldn't have heard it.
"No she's not," I whispered back just as low.
"Fang, I'm like Angel. I read minds," she said.
"Shoot," I whispered. "What are Max's thoughts?"
"I'm not telling you her thoughts just like I won't tell her your thoughts. You'll settle in with your mating in a while," she said.
"Whatever," I said. A couple minutes later, her breath evened. She was asleep.
"Guys, can we land here? Jab's asleep," I said. Max nodded. We dipped down and landed on the soft dessert sand.
"Now, first, who is she?" Iggy asked. Gazzy sat down to listen, too.
"She's my twin sister, Jab," I said.
"Wow, now that I look at her, she does look a lot like you," the Gasman said.
"Well I wouldn't know," Iggy complained.
"Oh, shut up and listen," I said. "There are these things called mates. I think that all experiments can have mates. Well, Jab's was an Eraser. He was nice, though, like Jab was his reason to be good. She probably was. Well, she just witnessed him get torn to pieces quite literally by eagles."
"Oh," Gazzy said looking down. "Our bad."
"No, it was no one's fault. An eagle just decided he wanted a hot dog," I said, laughing wryly. "I wish I could help her, but I can't ."
"We can all help her. She's family," Iggy said. The Gasman nodded. "Where is she?"
"Right here," I said, leading him over to where I had laid Jab on my windbreaker. He sat down at her side. He shook her a little bit.
"Huh?" she slured. "Are my blueberry pancakes ready?" I laughed at her.
"No, this is Iggy," Iggy said. She opened her eyes all the way. Then they went wide.
"Nice to finally meet you, Iggy," she said, sitting up. "You too, Gazzy. Wait, does Gazzy still have-"
"Gastrointestonal problems? Yes," Iggy said.
"Thought so. Yeah, could you sleep over there, Gazzy?" she asked. "No offense."
"None taken," the Gasman said. "They don't call me the Gasman for nothing."
"I know that," she said. She looked at me. "Um, Fang, Iggy, could I maybe talk to you two for a second?" We nodded. Iggy put a hand on her back so that he could follow. She walked a couple yards over. "Iggy, I can see your thoughts. I know what you're feeling," she said to Iggy.
"Does it mean we're... mated?" he asked.
"Yes, because, frankly, I have the exact same thoughts as you. We're mates." She smiled evilly. "I can think of two other people who are mated," she said. I glared at her. "But I can't tell you guys."
"Why not?" Iggy asked.
"Because it's their buissness, and they'll tell people when they feel like it," she said.
"It's probably Max and Fang," Iggy guessed.
"My lips are ceiled," she said, looking at me. "Now come on before Gazzy starts to eavesdrop." Iggy hooked his finger through Jab's belt loop and we made ourway back to the others.
"What's up?" Max asked. Jab whispered something in her ear. "No way!" Max squealed.
"It's true," Jab said. Max smiled.
"Congratulations to you! Cangratulaions to you! Cangratulations to Ig and Jab! Congratulations to you!" Max sung.
"What?" Nudge and Angel asked.
"They're mated!" Max exploded.
"Congrats to the happy couple," Nudge said.
"Nudge, honey, you make us sound like we just got engaged," Jab said.
"You might as well have," she said.
"We're only 14, Nudge! I can't even get a tattoo without parental permition," Jab said, laughing.
"Yeah, I think I'ma go to bed," I said. I held out my fist.
"Stack your fist on top of the others," Max explained to Jab. "Then tap other's fists." Jab nodded.
"Night," I said, laying down.
"Night," Iggy said, laying next to Jab and wrapping his arms around her, hugging her to his chest.
"Goodnight," Nudge yawned.
"Don't let the sand bugs bite," Angel said.
"Night, flock," Max said. I saw Jab take an iPod out of her jacket and put something on. She put one in her ear and the other in Iggy's ear. Max hugged Angel close. Nudge pressed her back to Max's. Gazzy let one rip before going to bed.
"That's gross, Gasman," I said. He laughed and put his head on his balled up windbreaker. I curled up and fell deep to sleep. If I had a dream, I didn't remember.
So? What'd you think. I don't know if there is such thing as mates, 'cause I've only ever read the first book, but I made it up. I'm sad I had to kill Cam, but I didn't want an Eraser travelling with the flock. But I like Iggy, so I made her remate with him. I think they're cute together. Okay, so questions:
1) Should I have Max and Fang figure out they are mated or should Jab tell them?
2) Should the Voice still be there?
3) Who should tell the flock their parental history and about the Institute, Angel or Jab?
4) Should there be an IggyxJab Lemon? FangxMax?
Please help! I need help with this one since I only read the first book. Please and Thank you. Love you guys!
Jabrielle (Jab's first name)