Disclaimer: I do not own Justice League or any of the characters or locations used.

Diana's tangled raven hair hung around her face, her shoulders hunched and her arms wrapped around her chest as tears streamed from her reddened eyes. Blood continued to pour from her jaw and cheek, the crowd's yells and jeers still ringing in her ears, her costume torn in places from the angry mob, shaking slightly in pain and fear, the once proud and strong woman a scared and hurt wreck.

It had been a routine mission, a simple bridge collapsing; things had been going completely to plan with Superman and Atom Smasher managing to hold up the bridge while she, Shayera and Batman evacuated those still in their cars, up until the point one of the suspension cables had snapped and the cable smashed into Shayera's back, sending the winged hero crashing into the canal below which fed into the sea, the metal lacerating the Thanagrian's back easily before she crashed into the salt water.

The fall had broken one of Shayera's wings and one arm; she hadn't hesitated in diving into the water, the red cloud of Shayera's blood engulfing her, taking hold of the winged woman and swimming towards the surface, their heads both breaking the surface together mere seconds after they crashed to the water, Diana quickly flying up to the concrete beside where their three fellow heroes stood worriedly, having already finished their evacuation of the bridge. Gently Diana placed Shayera on the ground, supporting her so that her slashed back didn't touch the ground, her blue eyes gazing into Shayera's beautiful emerald, her own filled with tears.

"Please Shayera, please be ok, oh Hero please survive Shayera" she whispered tearfully, gently stroking the Thanagarian's hair, able to hear Batman barking to Martian Manhunter to get Shayera up to the Watchtower, gently lowering her head to graze her lips to Shayera's "By Hera Shay, your not leaving me tonight" she whispered, much to the shock of the crowd, smiling softly as the blueness engulfed her lover, seeing her teleport to the best doctors on the planet or off it. They had been a couple secretly for months, after their ordeal in Tartarus they had begun to realize how much they meant to each other, and with most of the Amazons being lesbians, while homosexual relationships were accepted on Thanagar neither felt particularly awkward from their relationship.

Slowly she straightened up, eyes looking around at the bridge, attention turned from the crowd, not seeing what hit her before it smashed into her jaw, giving a yelp of pain as it cut into her cheek and jaw, the bone in her jaw crunching as it broke, blood beginning to pour from her cheek and jaw as the brick fell to the ground beside her, hitting the ground on her hands and knees in pain beside it, hand shooting up to her broken jaw, tears beginning to form as she heard a voice from the crowd scream out,

"Filthy lesbian whore!", the hatred in the words beyond anything she'd heard directed at her, similar shouts beginning to emanate from others, pulling herself to her feet even as Atom Smasher and Superman pushed a few of the crowd back, Batman slamming his fist to the temple of the man who had thrown the brick., yet their efforts barely doing anything.

She tried to run past the lynch mob, yet she couldn't, there were so many of them that they were surrounding her. One hand clutched her broken jaw as she began to push her way through the mass of bodies, all thoughts o being able to fly gone from her mind in her worry about Shayera and hurt from the betrayal of the public. She felt hands punching or grabbing at her, either tearing her costume or groping at her body, able to feel pieces of trash, handfuls of dirt and rocks pelting her body she ran, scratching into her skin and ripping at her clothes. Quickly she managed to push her way through the mob and began to run tearfully through the alleys, jeers and shouts of disgust following her as she ran until she finally heard the voices quieten, knowing she'd escaped the hateful people, falling to her knees and practically crawling into one last ally, slumping against the wall, arms wrapping around her knees as she drew them to her chest. She loved Shayera, why couldn't these people accept they loved one another, she tried to help them over and over, probably saved many of their lives, yet as soon as she showed she was in love with another woman they turned on her.

She simply lay there shaking, her blood beginning to stain her tanned skin, barely able to lift her communicator to her lips and sob out

"T-tra-transp-ort m-me t-to the watchtower J-J'onn", able to feel the light engulfing her as she lay there, vanishing from the grimy Metropolis ally, atoms flying towards the watchtower, barely noticing the change as she sobbed, feeling gentle hands lifting her, glancing up through her tears as J'onn's green features, usually solemn, now shaking in anger, not even resisting as he probed her mind, not even resisting as he shut her mind down, setting her into a deep sleep.

Shayera's emerald eyes opened, able to feel several things immediately, her wing and arm feeling stiff and sore in casts, her back numb still, the larger form against her own, such a familiar form in her arms.

"Diana?" she whispered, eyes opening before blinking in horror, knowing Diana healed quickly, which made what she was seeing all the more horrific for her, a long white scar across her lover's cheek and another over her jaw which now sat at a slightly different angle, arms wrapping around Diana's larger form, holding the Amazon Princess to her, rage running through her, wanting to kill whoever did this to her Diana, her Princess. Diana stirred in her arms, her blue eyes opening to look at Shayera peacefully for a few seconds before the previous day's memories return, one tanned hand lifting to cover her cheek and jaw, able to feel the scars there, turning over with a yelp as tears sprang to her blue eyes.

"Don't look at me Shayera, I'm disgusting" she sniffled out, the winged woman's heart breaking at the sight of her lover so hurt, gently lifting a hand to Diana's, gently taking it away and placing a kiss over her lover's scars.

"Your not disgusting Diana, your beautiful and you always shall be, you're my princess and I love you" she whispered softly, holding the tearful Amazon to her, Diana's sobs lessening slightly in volume as she looked over at her lover, "Now tell me what happened"

"Y…you had passed out after you fell into the canal… when I pulled you out I was so scared I was going to lose you…. you were losing so much blood…. I kissed you quickly…" Diana whispered out, having to stop several times to prevent herself from lapsing into sobs "W…when you were teleported away…. there was someone…. he c…called me" she had to pause again, barely able to whisper out the worlds "a f…filthy lesbian whore…. And t…threw a brick…. It hit my f…face, Bruce and C….Clark tried to protect m…me but with so many I was forced to r…run, they continued to h…it m…me as I r…ran, th…rew things a…. at m…. me" she managed to sob out before breaking out into tears again, why did these people hate her so much when her only apparent crime was loving another woman? Turning weakly back to Shayera to see tears falling from her angel's emerald eyes, wrapping her arms around the winged woman and burying her face in the redhead's hair as she felt Shayera's face press to her shoulder.

They lay together, sobbing into one another's shoulder and hair as Shayera silently cursed the humans in a thousand tongues

Slowly Diana's invisible jet descended on Themyscira, its landing gear beginning to deploy, the vehicle sinking to a halt under her command, gently unbuckling from the seat and taking Shayera's hand in her own, walking together down the steps to set foot on Themyscira for the first time since the Tartarus incident when they first began to fall in love. Able to see her mother with her guards rushing towards them, both women's scarred features on display causing Hippolyta to gasp in shock. Slowly Diana stepped forwards

"Mother, we need somewhere to stay…"

A/N: Should I do more about Diana and Shayera? Possibly a sequel? Please Review, and I certainly don't condone any of the disgusting bigotry shown in this fic by the public, this serves only to highlight how incredibly disgusting and monsterous Bigotry and homophobia is. Bigotry is wrong in all forms. Thank you, for reading.