Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon! Because if I did then I wouldn't be writing this disclaimer.


"Yay . . . the first day of Summer! Hooray . . . Yeah right."

This was the mind of Lizzy. Always knowing that every single day was going to be normal. Never expecting anything. And, unusually, it seemed to her that Summer, was the most boring season of the entire year. Every Summer, she would think about how boring it would be. The funny thing is that she was usually right. She knew that on the seventeenth of every single June, was the day that she would have to endure her seven year old brother's birthday at the local swimming pool. And that was in their back yard, and was also five feet in diameter all the way around. So also, every single morning on the first day of Summer, she would go for a walk around their town.

She started to brush her average brown shoulder length hair. Then when she was done with that, she walked to the bathroom in her room and started to do her makeup.

Yeah. She was just like any other normal girl.

She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. Then she ran out the door leaving a note on the kitchen table, not like anyone would actually see the note before she got home. Lizzy ran out the door as fast as she wrote the note.

It was a cool morning. It was still pretty early, so the dew from the grass hadn't evaporated into the air yet. She looked down at her feet which were making impressions in the grass for a second after she walked over it, then darted back up.

She started in town square. It was her favorite place. She sat down on the nearest bench. There was a mermaid on one side. With a stone tail, every single scale perfect. Above the tail was her chest. A shirt covered with seashells. Each one crafted to perfection. Then there was her face and hair. Her hair was longer than her mid body. Her face was the most detailed of them all. Eyes closed, a smile on her face, the tiniest dimples on both sides of her face. It was truly amazing. On the other side was a man. Appearing to have been walking. He was as detailed as the mermaid, only he had short hair and legs.

The fountain reflected Lizzy's brown eyes and hair, and her pale complexion. She made sure to visit this place on her walk. When she was in a good mood, the fountain calmed her to the point of making her forget that the Summer was boring.

Behind them, if you looked, were two small fish. And if you looked very close to them, you would notice that they were squirting water in the shape of a heart. Lizzy stood up. Then she looked to her left. There was a girl sitting there. She was just staring at the fountain as if it was the strangest thing in the world. She got up and walked around it, hands behind her back. Short brown hair and bright blue eyes. Lizzy got away quickly. "There's something about her that looks familiar. But I just can't put my finger on it." She started to walk home. Behind her, she heard a soft squeal.