"Mrs. Weasley?" Audrey called as she walked into the Burrow, Percy-less.

"You're early, is everything alright?" Molly asked as she walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, "And it's Molly, dear." She added as she gave her soon-to-be daughter-in-law a hug.

"Well, I have a question for you and because Percy's going to be late I decided to take advantage of coming over early."

"Ok, make yourself comfortable." Molly said as she guided Audrey over to the couch, taking a seat soon after. "Now, what's your question, dear?" She added once both her and Audrey were comfortable.

"I just found out I'm pregnant and I wanted to ask you how you told Mr. Weasley you were expecting." Audrey replied, deciding that it was best just to straight out tell Molly why she came over.

"Oh my god!" Molly squealed as she leaned over and pulled Audrey into a big Molly Weasley hug. "Congratulations, dear." She added before she pulled away, Audrey relaxing in response.

"Thank you, Molly." Audrey replied as she grinned the pregnancy smile.

"Follow me, dear, I have the perfect shirt you could wear." Molly gasped as she stood up and walked towards the stairs, Audrey close behind.

"Can I help you look, Molly?" Audrey asked once they were in the master bedroom.

"Nope, it shouldn't be hard to find." Molly replied as she walked towards the dresser and opened the second drawer. "Looks like I found it." She added seconds later as she took out a shirt that read 'There's a Weasley in here.'

"Awe, it's adorable!" Audrey squealed once she had the shirt in her hands. "Thank you." She added as she walked the rest of the distance between her and Molly, hugging her tightly once she was in front of her.

"You're welcome, dear." Molly replied as she wrapped her arms around Audrey, noticing her breathing become unsteady. "What's wrong, sweetie?" She added when she felt a soft sob rack her tiny body.

"As much as I love my parents, they weren't really ever there for me." Audrey started, "And seeing you interact with your family, it makes me wish I were apart of it."

"Awe, sweetheart, you're as much apart of this family as anyone else." Molly breathed as she softly rubbed circles on her soon-to-be daughter-in-law's back.

"Thank you." Audrey stated as she pulled away from Molly and wiped away the tears she had shed.

An Hour and A Half Later

"I've seen that shirt before." Percy stated once he noticed the shirt his fiancé had on.

"Your mother wore it when she found out she was pregnant with Bill." Arthur replied once he read what the shirt said. "Wait, are you pregnant?"

"You're pregnant, Aud?" Percy chorused as he re-read the shirt Audrey had on.

"Yepp, I found out today." Audrey replied as a bright smile appeared on her face.

"I love you." Percy uttered as he stood up from the chair he was sitting in and took Audrey into a loving embrace, kissing her passionately once she was safely cuddled into his chest.

"I love you too, Perce." Audrey replied once she pulled away for air. The rest of the night flew by as the two couples discussed the wedding and what's to be expected of parenthood.

So I'm finally done writing the 'tell your spouse you're pregnant for the first time' series(: I kinda want to write fanfics of when everyone finds out their pregnant for a second time but I wanna have an idea like this were they use a shirt. So I need some help, any ideas?