'Swimming' and 'I'm pregnant.'

"Molly, may I zalk to you?" Fleur asked as she entered the kitchen were Molly happened to be cooking dinner.

"Yeah, of course, my dear. What's wrong?" Molly asked as she turned around from washing her hands.

"How do I break it to Bill that I'm pregnant?" She asked, deciding that it was better to just come out with what she had to say.

"Looks like a Weasley swimmer got through, aye?" Molly asked, repeating what Arthur had told her when she had found out she was pregnant with Ron. "Congratulations, dear." She added as she pulled Fleur into a hug.

"Zhank you, Molly." Fleur said as she wrapped her arms around her mother in law's abdomen, pulling away once she felt Molly loosen her grip around her.

"Now, lets see how you could break it to Bill." Molly said thoughtfully as she leaned up against the counter. "I have this shirt I made when I found out I was pregnant with your husband that you could use." She gasped after a few minutes.

"What does it zay?" Fleur asked as she let her hand drift to her flat stomach.

"It has a big arrow pointing to your belly saying 'There's a Weasley in here.'" Molly replied as she looked at Fleur's figure, "It might be a bit big, I am rounder then you and I was pretty far into the pregnancy when I found out I was pregnant with him."

"It'll be fine, Molly." Fleur stated as she smiled up at the elderly women. "And you're beautiful no matter how round you are." She added, trying to make up for when she acted like a snob.

"Awe, how sweet." Molly replied as she walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs, entering the master bedroom once she made it up all four flights of stairs. After minutes of searching, she goes back downstairs and hands the shirt to Fleur. "I'm not sure how good it smells, I haven't washed it since I last wore it."

"It zmells fine." Fleur stated as she put the shirt up to her nose. "Make zure no one comes in." She added before she took her shirt off, stripping openly in the kitchen when she got the 'everything's clear' nod from Molly.

15 Minutes Later

"Fleur, are you… Pregnant?" Bill asked at the same exact moment Arthur's mouth dropped from surprise, getting a nod from both Weasley women in response.

"Congratulations, Daddy-to-be." Molly stated as she leaned over and kissed her eldest son on the cheek. "How does it feel?"

"It feels amazing, Mum." Bill replied as he gave his mum a quick hug, "Fleur can I talk to you?" He added as he stood up from the kitchen table.

"Yez, of courze." Fleur said as she also stood up and followed Bill into the living room.

"Can you believe we're going to be grandparent's, Arthur?" Molly asked as she got up from her chair and sat in her husbands lap, kissing him ever so slightly once she snuggled close to his chest.

"Isn't that your shirt?" Arthur asked, oblivious to the fact that his wife just asked him a question.

"That would be my shirt, love." Molly chuckled, "Remember I wore it when I found out I was pregnant with Bill?"

"I do, would you want to wear it again?" Arthur asked naughtily, wiggling his right eyebrow for affect.

"Arthur!" Molly squealed as she swatted his chest. "We're going to have a grandkid to spoil and you're thinking about having one of our own!"

"I know, I know. But it's just not the same not having a little one running around." Arthur replied, turning bright red in response.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, we'll have a little one running around in about nine months." Molly stated as she gave Arthur another slight kiss.

"Mum! You might set off a bout of morning sickness for Fleur!" Bill said teasingly as he walked back into the room.

"Bill, it wouldn't be morning sickness if it weren't in the morning." Molly teased back as she rolled her eyes and got off of her husband's lap.

"You would know." Bill stated as a smile flickered onto his face.

"As a matter of fact, I would." Molly replied as Bill took her into a loving embrace, "You were the one that gave me the worst morning sickness after all."

"Awe, I'm sorry mum." Bill said as Molly wrapped her arms around him before taking a seat at the table.

"It's fine, love." Molly replied as she rolled her eyes. "Now, what do you think you'll name the little one?"

"What a typical Molly Weasley question." Bill teased, "But I was thinking for a girl Victoire or Dominique for a girl and Louis for a boy."

"Awe, how cute!" Molly squealed. The rest of the night seem to fly by as the two couples talked about names for the newest arrival.

This was originally derived from an RP I had a while back. But because this was written for a challenge, I didn't want it to be to long so I cut some of the parts that I originally was gonna have in out.