Thank you Invince01, child who is cool, crazy-apple94, BMX, The Breakthrough, Anonoymous reader #2, and KODfreak for the reviews. This is the biggest bulk I've gotten. Yay!

Okay I think everyone knew that one. Riley is the only character to speak in every episode. Up until Bitches to Rags, it was Huey and Riley. But, Huey didn't say nothing in that one. Also, in A Date With the Health Inspector, Granddad isn't seen or heard. Everyone else…. It's just obvious.


"I'll do whatever it takes."


"Cindy! Girl, you better open the door!"

Jazmine stood looking slightly disheveled from her 5 block journey to her best friend's apartment. Her bun was slightly tussled, her dress drooped and she had nearly lost a heel stalking up the driveway. Preparing to attack, she removed her earrings and hiked her dress up in a knot.

How dare she?


How could she even look at Huey? Her Huey.


She had gone off the deep end, now.


And she didn't even see it coming…

The door swung open and Cindy, fully clad in a pair of black see-through lingerie and housecoat. With an expensive camera in hand, she stared at the mulatto.

With a tear streaked face.

"Oh, Jazzy… you know don't you?" she whined, wiping her tears on the sleeve of her housecoat. Jazmine's heart strings were instantly struck. Not fully penetrated, but stuck. She kept her defensive and glare pose but softened her tone.


Jazmine braced herself as Cindy ran into her arms, now sobbing loudly. "Jazz, do you know what happened?"

Remembering why she came, Jazmine gained a small amount of her original mood and didn't embrace Cindy, but answered in a pointed hostile voice, "You tell me, you're the one sleeping with my Huey. Aren't you?"

Cindy stopped crying and slowly peeled away from away from her. She remained hunched over and raised her head to let her eyes reach Jazmine's. "It's more complicated than that. Come in."

She was about to demand that the blonde start explaining where they were, but with a few years of basketball and dance, the wrist pull from Cindy was nearly unbreakable. Jazmine found herself being pulled into Cindy's living room/photography room. She had found herself as a photographer after high school and supported herself after her mother kicked her out to make room for her…..boyfriend …last week.

"Look Cindy," Jazmine was still being pulled on the couch, "I want to know what's going on between you and Huey. Now."

"He's been forcing me to sleep with him," she sniffed and grabbed a tissue box from the in table.

"What?" Jazmine nearly whispered.

"Whenever he's not doing that… he makes me take pictures of myself and fax them to him."

"Makes you?"

"He threatened to kill me," her voice trembled.

"What? Why would he do that?"

"He wants to have his cake and eat it too!"

Jazmine gave her a look, "What the hell does that mean?"

"He told me he wants to be in a relationship with you but have all the sex he can get. I think he's some type of sex addict or something," her sobs were now full blown tears. "Help me Jazz!"

Jazmine stared at her while she but her head in her knees and cried her eyes out. Wrapping her arm around her hurt friend, she sighed. Why Cindy of all people? Why did he have to ruin everything? Why wasn't she good enough for him? He did propose after all.

He proposed….

"It's a shame isn't it."

"Oh, Jazz, it's a catastrophe! What are you gonna do?"

She'd nearly forgotten how much she was still like Riley. "When did all this happen?" Jazmine asked ignoring Cindy's question.

"Mostly Saturdays. Sometimes on Wednesdays," Cindy sobbed into Jazmine's shoulder.


"You don't wanna know."


"Sometimes in the car… sometimes in your bed."


"I'm so sorry, Jazmine. But he's… he's a terrible person. Are you gonna stay with him?"

"I don't know," she paused to regain her thoughts. "How was it?"


She answered kind of fast. Jazmine raised an eyebrow without looking at her and held Cindy's head in her arms. Her story seemed a bit too perfectly crafted. True, Cindy's mother and life growing up gave her trust issues. But, why didn't she tell her? Or the police for that matter?


"Because, he's so rough. And because I knew I'd hurt you in a long run."

"Why didn't you try to stop him?"

"Because, Jazmine!" Cindy rose and stood in front of Jazmine, who remained seated on the couch. "He's strong! I tried everything! I even tried pulling his hair! Nothing worked!"

Jazmine stood and just stayed silent in front of her. Before Cindy could react, she found a tan hand slapping her with enough force to move her entire head in contact with her face.

"You fucking liar."

Cindy's eyes widened. "W-w….what?"

Jazmine grabbed her by her shoulders and threw her on the couch, her voice got dangerously low, "You really think I don't know Huey better than that? Really?"

"What are you talking about? Why don't you believe me?"

"Huey may not have class on Wednesdays, but he works. All day. He never misses a day. And if you knew anything about Huey you'd know that and his weaknesses in bed. You pull his hair, he stops. It's that simple.

"I can't believe you. All this time I thought you were my friend. I thought I could trust you. And you want my man," her voice began to break, "Why mine? Why Huey?"

"I don't want Huey," Cindy stood and got in Jazmine's face with a glare.

"What do you mean?"

Cindy exhaled and walked past her and into the hall leading to the bedroom. Jazmine, dead on her heels, watched as Cindy stopped and put her hands on her hips.

"What do you mean, Cindy?" she repeated.

"Caesar broke up with me," she mumbled.

"What the hell does that have to do with anyth- Wait what? Why would he do that?"

"He thought I was cheating on him."

"And he was right?" Jazmine raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

Cindy peeked an eye over her shoulder, "No."

"So why did you lie? Why are you sending him these pictures?" she balled her fists and threw her arms to her sides, "Why do you want to get in-between us? Why do you want my Huey?"

"I. Do. Not. Want. Huey."


Cindy spun around and threw Jazmine against the wall. She pinned her wrists down and crashed her lips on hers.


'Cindy is crazy. I know this. Caesar knows this. We all know this. She was a psychotic stalker and a potential home wrecker. She wouldn't hurt Jazmine though.'

Would she?

Huey was pacing at the front door for a few seconds before whipping out his cell phone. He dialed Caesar's number and waited for him to pick up the phone.

'Cindy's not that crazy.'

Is she?


"Caesar come pick me up. We need to stop at Cindy's," he said with a rare sense of urgency.

"What the hell happened to your car? Wh-"

"Just get over here! I'll explain everything later," he hung up the phone and mentally smacked himself. Who was he kidding? Cindy had lost her marbles and he let his woman go over to her place.

'Cindy's crazy. What the hell was I thinking waiting this long?'

And with that he opened the door and stepped out.

Jazmine's eyes widened at the blonde.

Cindy was kissing her.

And she was kissing back.

It took nearly 10 seconds before she found the mental strength to push her off of her. "C-Cindy? W-Wh… How? I am so confused."

"Don't be," Cindy hushed while grabbing her chin and pulling her in once more. This time, Jazmine smacked her away and pushed past her down the hall towards the living room again.

"What the fuck is going on, Cindy? What's with the pictures?"

"Huh, you seem mad," she strolled into the living room and gave her a seductive look.

"Just answer the question smartass."

"Dear Jazz, I haven't seen this side of you since Riley deleted all of your Usher songs," Cindy smirked, "Well, I guess I'll start from the top… There Once Was A Man From Nantucket, Who Had A-"

"Don't be funny Cindy!" Jazmine pointed with anger, "Just tell me what's up with the pictures!"

"We're together now, Jazz. None of that matters anymore," she approached her and gasped as Jazmine took a step back.

"Get the hell away from me you freak! What are you some kind of lesbian?"

"Freak?" she seemed genuinely hurt by the insult.

"Yes, freak! How many people do things like thi-," Jazmine stopped in mid sentence as she uncovered one of Cindy's larger photographs. It was a shot of a couple through a window who were… fornicating. The woman was on top of the man with her arms around his neck and each leg on either side of him, folded with curling toes. The man's hands were on her back, holding her up and on her butt. His face was buried into her shoulder and her head was thrown back in pure ecstasy. The graphic nature wasn't what bothered Jazmine. It was the people in it.

It was her and Huey.

"You don't get it do you, Jazz." Cindy place her hand on the shoulder of a frozen Jazmine, who still stared at the high quality photo. "I wanted you to leave Huey and come to me. I knew nothing would be better than breaking your trust in him. That's why I did what I did. He doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone who care about you and loves you."

Jazmine turned around and folded her arms, "Huey does love me. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there." With that, she shook of Cindy's hand and calmly walked towards the door.

"Damn it, Jazz. I am the only one who loves you! The only one! No one else deserves you! You'd think that after what happened with your mother you'd love me back!"

Jazmine stooped dead and her tone became deadly, "What are you talking about?"

"Your mother, stupid! You think that someone with cancer just passes away like that? They don't!"

Now she was turned around and approaching her, "What do you mean? Stop speaking in circles!"

"When I did what I did you were supposed to come to ME! Not Huey and not that dumbass Riley! Me!"

"You killed my mom," Jazmine nearly collapsed as realization hit her. She noticed an eye twitch from Cindy, who was huffing and puffing and red in the face. Why had she never noticed her friend's instability before?

"And when that damned Riley got away from the car alive, you were supposed to ask ME if I was ok! Not him!"

"Oh, you're crazy Cindy," Jazmine backed away and shook her head.

With a shriek of despair, Cindy dropped to her knees, "I. AM. NOT. CRAZY!"

Jazmine continued to back away, suddenly feeling sorry for her ex-friend. She then stopped herself. Feeling sorry for her? She murdered her mother, nearly murdered her other best friend and tried to break up the only person who had been there for through all her hardships. How dare she?

"Get some help, McPhearson. Don't think that this is the end," and with the slam of the door, she left the blonde to wallow in pity. Not pity for herself. Not pity for Jazmine. And damn sure not pity for her mother.

It was pity for Huey.

The next person on her death list.

"You were lucky when you were just going to lose her. Let's see how lucky you are when you lose you're life."

Huey looked at his watch. How long did it take to get here from 2 miles away?

'Speak of the devil.'

Caesar pulled into the driveway and got out of the car with a look of confusion on his face. Before he could even try to ask a question, Huey bombarded him with answers.

"Cindy's crazy. Jazmine went to her place and she may end up getting hurt. Get in the car and shut up," he said while walking towards the passenger's seat.


"I'll tell you later, we don't have time for this!"

"But there's Jazmine right there."

Sure enough, there was his car, being driven by Jazmine. She stopped the car and stepped out with a fast pace towards Huey. Caesar was the first to speak up.

"Jazmine maybe you'll give me a better explanation than Hu- aw com'on!" Caesar exclaimed at the couple, who began to kiss right there on the sidewalk.

"Huey, I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry l left you with that crazy-"

"Ya'll that's beautiful but-," Caesar tried.

"It's so much to it than you think."

"Talk about it?" Huey placed his forehead on hers.

"Sure," she breathed.

"You didn't kill her did you?"


"Hurt her?"


"She hurt you?"

She sighed, "Let's just talk about it inside."

"Helloooo. Caesar here. Needs to go home, blocked in. Ya' know," Caesar huffed from the sideline.

"That's fine with me," they both walked back towards the house.

"Hey! Let me out!" Caesar said with his arms out wide in exaggeration.

Jazmine turned around and stared at Caesar in confusion, "You're already outside Caesar."

"…Is that a joke or something? You know what I mean!"

With a tiny smile Jazmine took the keys and back out from the parking lot while Caesar did the same. When he was in the street, he yelled out the window, "Congratulations!"

When she exited the car, she found that Huey had already gone back into the house. She went inside and searched for him.

She found him in the kitchen with the ring in his hand, examining it. She immediately felt guilty and hung her head.

"I'll so sorry, Huey. I'm sorry I didn't trust you or believe you. I'm sorry that you probably don't want to be with me anymore," she sobbed.

"Idiot," he turned in his stool and gave her a hard look. "You think I'm going to let a psycho's advances on me determine our relationship."

"That's the thing. It actually has nothing to do with you… she wants me."

"…Come again?"

"She wants me," Jazmine's voice broke and she covered her eyes with her hands, "Huey," it came out in a soft whisper, "She killed my mom."

Huey stood in shock, "What?"

"And she tried to kill Riley too."


"I told you. She wants me. She wants me all to herself as her lover or something. She's obsessed with me Huey! I'm scared!"

"She's not going to lay a finger on you," he embraced her and set his chin on her head.

"I'm not worried about me! What if she hurts you? What if she kills you or Riley?"

"You're serious? You think that she can lay a finger on me?"

"She killed my mother. She killed her. My mom's dead because of her… because of me."

"Don't blame yourself!" he grabbed her shoulders and looked her dead in the eye. "We're going to the firm tomorrow and get her thrown in jail. After all, some niggas just need to go to jail."

She save a small chuckle, "Did you just call Cindy a nigga?"

"I should call her worse," he took her chin and made her look him in the eye. "Cindy's not go-"

"She took a picture of us having sex and had it blown up."

He paused, "We… have got to get her in jail. If not, we're going to have to kill her."

She laughed and buried her face in his chest, "Or at least close the blinds once in a while."

"That would us some good. Just calm down okay."

"One more thing."

"Don't tell me."

"It's a good thing. Especially since you proposed."

He looked at her strangely, "Explain."

"Well, Huey, before you dropped the bombshell that is Cindy, I was going to tell you… I'm pregnant."

Through the window, a woman dressed in full play took snapshot after snapshot of the couple.

"You should be scared."

Well… that was nice. I really hope you'll still read it after that whole… lesbian…. thing. And I hope that took you by surprise.


hehe I'm starting to like this bit...

Who is the only voice actor to be featured on the Boondocks, Family Guy and the Simpsons?

Hint: He's only recurring on Family Guy.

Good day everyone!

Oh and by the way, could you actually review the STORY if you answer the quizzes. Thank you.
