Vitty Rose: Hey guys, I want to start by apologizing for taking so long to update. I want to start by saying I'm really, really, extremely sorry, I never meant to take this long, it's just been one heck of a summer, after my laptop charger died I actually got it replaced within the next week, but for that entire week I had a SasuNaru withdraw, then got a boyfriend. Lols. He takes next to all my time nowadays, sorry everyone, I promise to do my best to try writing again. I'll be starting my senior year, so I don't know how much time when I start school I will have to write, but I will try my best. Thank you everyone who has stuck with me, I'm not giving up it's just going to take some time to get back into writing. I love and appreciate all the reviews. ^-^

Disclaimer: The day I own Naruto will be the day... yeah it's never going to happen.


My eyes fluttered open before I quickly shut them from the blinding light. Where was I? Last I remembered I was having a panic attack in my science classroom. My brain slowly started to process it, then I realized I didn't have one of those dreams; does that mean this was over? Or was I in one right now? Was this a dream?

My eyes bolted open; I started to breathe heavily again. The room that looked like a hospital started to swirl. Oh no, I'm going to have to face him again. I didn't want to face him again, I couldn't face him again.

"Naruto?" That was his voice; I was still in a dream. I started to panic, and before my brain could register anything he was already in the room. He looked different; he didn't have on his usually sinister face, but a face filled with worry. "Are you okay?" I didn't say anything as he walked towards me. I just stared at him. Something wasn't right, why was he acting like this? He should be mean, he should be smirking at me, mocking me, trying to control me... but he wasn't.


"Naruto!" Kiba interrupted me and came in and give me a hug, shoving Sasuke out of the way. "I was worried about you, what happened? The nurse said you had a panic attack." I glanced over at Sasuke, who at the moment seemed to be glaring at Kiba. This was all wrong, what was going on?

Maybe I wasn't in a dream. "What's going on?" I asked Kiba.

Kiba sighed, "Please tell me you remember?" I gave him a blank stare. "Dude, you had a random panic attack in Orochimaru's classroom, we had to drag you to the nurse's office, Orochimaru looked pissed." I cringed; was he going to kick me out of his class? "Luckily Sasuke was there; he talked to Orochimaru and was able to get you guys time to work on the project again." I looked over at Sasuke, he just casually looked away. I found myself smiling.

"T-thanks," I said to him. Sasuke looked back at me with surprised eyes, then quickly put back on his emotionless face.

"Hn, don't thank me idiot, we're partners; your grade is my grade," he said in a 'whatever' tone. I stuck my tongue out at him. "Very mature, dobe." I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to Kiba.

"So when can I get out of here?" I asked.

"Wel-" Kiba started.

"When the nurse says you're ready to leave," Sakura said, coming up behind Kiba and walking past Sasuke.

"But Sakura~" I started.

"No 'but Sakura', you'll leave when the nurse says so, and that's final."

"Fine." Sakura smirked triumphantly.

"Well it's good to see you up Mr. Uzumaki, you gave us quite the scare there," the nurse said, coming in with a clipboard. She had short black hair and black eyes. She walked towards me and started to check out my eyes, ears, blood pressure, etc. Finally she stepped back. "Alright Uzumaki, you seem to be fine, nothing out of the ordinary; do you know what might have triggered you to have a panic attack?" At that moment everyone seemed to look at me again. The nurse sighed, "Would everyone please leave."

I sighed in relief. I don't think I'd be able to say it with everyone tuning in to everything.

"Okay Mr. Uzumaki, let's start again; do you know anything that might have triggered you to have a panic attack?" The nurse clicked her pen, getting ready to write.

"Um… I think it was when Sasuke picked up the scalpel," I admitted.

"What was he doing with that?" She asked with a stern look.

"We had to dissect a starfish," I said.

"Then why did it bother you?"

"I- Knives scare me," the nurse nodded, writing things down. I didn't want to tell her it was knives in Sasuke's hands that scared me, not the knife itself.

"So when you saw Sasuke pick up the scalpel you panicked?" I nodded.

"Well I can try and see about getting you out of the project bu-"

"I can't," I said quickly.

"Why not?" she asked confused.

"It's a part of our final grade, if I don't do it then the professor will flunk me."

The nurse sighed, "Who's your professor?"


She nodded. "Yeah, he'd flunk you," she sighed again, signaling for my friends who were staring from the door window to come in. I was surprised to see Sasuke was still here.

"What, think I'd leave, dobe?" he asked when he caught me staring at him.

"Well why wouldn't you?" I retorted.

"Because I have to know whether or not I have to do this stupid project by myself." Why did I feel hurt? What am I thinking, I don't feel hurt, nope not at all.

"Anyway," the nurse started, "Uzumaki can leave now, but Sasuke as his partner you must watch out for him. It seems he's afraid of knives."

Sasuke glared at me, "Why didn't you say anything idiot, that would have caused a lot less stress." I held myself back from mentioning that it was only when he held the knife, and chose to instead glare at him.

"Well you're free to go now Uzumaki, I excused you from the rest of your classes; go home and rest." I nodded, getting out of the bed. I doubted I was going to rest at all, but there was no point in saying that out loud.

I jumped out of the hospital bed, giving a big grin to Sakura-chan; she seemed to catch on.

"Oh no, nope," Sakura said shaking her head; I gave her puppy dog eyes. "No, Naruto!" I kept staring at her as he shook her head, before she sighed, "Fine, I'll buy you ramen. Let's go."

"Yay!" I said, following after Sakura.

"Can I tag along?" Kiba asked. I looked at Sakura; she glared.

"Fine, but you're buying your own ramen," she said. Kiba smiled happily. "You know, why don't we all go?" I looked at her, surprised. She turned to Sasuke, "Would you like to join us, Sasuke-kun?" I looked back at Sakura and started to shake my head. There was no way I wanted Sasuke to join us.

Sasuke noticed me shaking my head and smirked, "Sure, I'd love to." I let my shoulders hang in defeat.

"Good, then let's head out. Sasuke-kun, do you have your own car? Or would you like to just come with us? I'll be heading back here after ramen, I still have classes," Sakura asked.

"Hn," was Sasuke's only reply, following after us.


The ramen restaurant was next to deserted with it being right after lunchtime. We still took a booth off to the side and each grabbed a menu. I was seated next to Sasuke unfortunately, but took my focus off of him so that I could choose my ramen; love ramen.

"Hello, nice to see you guys here today," the waitress said with a smile, but blushed when she saw Sasuke; for some reason I didn't like her so much anymore. "And who are you? I don't think we've met before."

"I'll take the Miso Ramen," Sasuke said not even looking at her, dismissing her altogether.

She seemed flustered for a second before writing it down quickly, "And for you, Sakura?"

"Chicken ramen, ofcourse," Sakura said.

"Kiba, let me guess, the Teriyaki?" Kiba nodded, "And Naruto?"

"Hm..." I said, flipping through the menu. I never tried the beef before, "I'll have the beef." She nodded, taking our menus and walking off. I turned to Sasuke when she left, "You know that was very rude the way you talked to her." I don't know what in the world gave me so much courage, but I wasn't about to back down.

"Hn," was all he said.

"Hn? Hn? Is that all you can say?" I asked.

"Yes," I huffed, crossing my arms, not wanting to look at him anymore. "Why do you care anyway, dobe?"

My face got all red and I glared at him, "Because she's a friend, and don't call me dobe, teme."

Sasuke glared back, "I just did, dumbass, what are you going to do about it?"

"I'll do something, just you watch." Even though I said it, I could tell it sounded incredibly stupid.

"Hn, dobe," Sasuke said.

I was about to retort before Sakura interrupted me, "So Sasuke, what are you trying to major in?"

"Psychology. I want to become a detective, it runs in my family."

"I see, that sounds so cool; I'm majoring in medical, going to be a doctor." Sasuke nodded, not really interested; how rude. Sakura though didn't seem to notice and kept staring at him. I narrowed my eyes at her; she couldn't.

"So… Sasuke, are you seeing anyone?" Sakura asked shyly. My eyes bulged; she could. She had a crush on him, Sasuke Uchiha, the man that plagued my every nightmare. I couldn't let this happen, I couldn't let Sakura go through what I'm going through.

"No," Sasuke said, not even looking at her, just kinda picking at his nails.

"Oh, well any reason for that? Crush? Love interest?" Sakura asked, blushing and looking away. Kiba and I looked at each other, then looked at her; she wasn't really about to try and ask Sasuke out right now?


"Well if you don't, would you like to maybe, I don't know, come on a dat-"

"No, sorry, I'm not interested in girls," my eyes widened along with everyone else's at the table.

"You mean you're gay?" I asked, but then again I should have already known the answer to this.

Sasuke smirked at me, why is it always me? "Yes." I gulped; I did not like the sound of that. "Is that a problem?"

"N-no, it's disappointing but not a problem, Naruto here is gay also, so it's not a problem," Sakura said quickly. I glared at her, she had no right to tell him I was gay.

"Hn," Sasuke said, not really replying.

We all stayed in an awkward silence, none of us really knowing what to say. I really didn't want to say anything because now that Sasuke knew I was gay, that could only lead to more problems for me. Kiba I was surprised wasn't saying anything, he had been quiet this entire time.

"Well here's your ramen," the waitress said with a smile, breaking us from the silence, setting a nice steaming bowl in front of me. I looked at it hungrily, then said a little thanks, breaking my chopsticks in two and digging in.

"You think you could stuff your face a little faster, dobe?" Sasuke remarked. I glared at him, and ate faster to spite him. Sasuke glared back.

"Well this has been an interesting day, has it not?" Sakura said with an awkward laugh, poking around her ramen.

"You can say that again," Kiba said between bites.

I slurped up the last of my ramen, drinking the juices, then pointed to Sakura's untouched bowl, "Gonna eat that?" Sakura rolled her eyes, but pushed the bowl towards me. I started to wolf it down like I did my bowl.

"Does he always eat like an animal?" Sasuke asked with disgust clearly in his voice.

"Yeah, you get used to it after a while. If you think this is bad, you should have seen Naruto in here when they had the 'all you can eat' ramen day," Sakura said with a laugh.

I swallowed the last bit, glaring at Sakura, "I'm right here, you know."

Sakura smirked, "I know."

I continued to glare at her, but was quickly sidetracked as I noticed Sasuke hadn't eaten his bowl. "You gonna finish that?" I asked.

Sasuke smirked; I gulped, I didn't like that look. "Maybe."

I glared. "Well be that way then, I didn't want your ramen anyway," I huffed, crossing my arms. I perked up as I noticed the ramen get scooted towards me; I instantly grabbed my chopsticks and dug in.

"Oh yeah, definitely didn't want my ramen." I ignored him and kept eating; of course I wanted the ramen, ramen was the gift of gods.

I finished off the ramen with a satisfied sigh; no matter how much ramen I had, it was never enough ramen.

"Thanks for the ramen Sakura-chan," I said with a grin. Sakura just waved her hand, not even bothering to say 'you're welcome'.

"Are you guys done here?" the waitress asked.

"Yep," I said with a happy nod. I couldn't wait to get home and away from the teme.

"Alright, here's your receipt then," she put the receipt down on the table.

"Actually, is there any way to split this into three?" Sakura asked.

"Well-" The waitress started.

"Don't worry about it, I got it," Sasuke said, handing a twenty to the waitress. "Keep the change," she nodded and walked off.

"T-thanks, you really didn't have to do that," Sakura said. I glared at him, show off.

"Hn, do you mind dropping me back off at the school now? I have to get to my next class," Sasuke said.

"Y-yeah that's fine, come on everybody, let's go," Sakura grabbed her purse, and we all headed back to the car. I got stuck in the back with Sasuke; Kiba called shot gun, and Sakura was driving.

It was once again quiet except for the soft hum of music in the background. I took this time to take a quick glance over at Sasuke; questions started to pop up in my head. Why was he acting nice? Why wasn't he trying to kill me? Why did he seem so different? Could this really be all an act? As much as I wanted to believe this Sasuke was just acting to get me to warm up to him, something just wasn't the same, something just wasn't right. A picture of the dream Sasuke popped into my head, and I started to shake, but stopped as I looked at this Sasuke in front of me; what was so different about the two? What made one so normal, and the other so menacing?

I didn't want to think about it anymore, it was hurting my head, but one thing I realized: if I really wanted to find the answers to the questions I was looking for, I'd have to get closer to this Sasuke. He was the key, maybe even to stopping the dream Sasuke from hurting me anymore. He was my best hope, yet worst fear at the same time.

I gulped, looking away from him. I was going to have to do what I feared most at this moment, getting close to Sasuke, but it had to be done. I couldn't hide anymore, that was not an option. I glared out the window; I had to end this, I had to...

I don't know why I didn't think of this before. Maybe it was because I was too afraid to get close to him, but not anymore; no, now was my time to retaliate. I was tired of being a coward, I was going to figure out was going on, or die trying.

"Naruto? Naruto!" I snapped out of it, looking at Sakura. "We're here."

"Where?" I asked dumbly.

"Your apartment, stupid," I looked back out the window; she was right. I laughed nervously and opened the door to the car, but stopped; if there was any time to get close to Sasuke now was the time. I sighed and turned towards Sasuke, who was looking at me skeptically.

I took a deep breath. "Sorry," I bit out.

Sasuke looked shocked, "What?"

"Sorry," I said again.

"For what?" Sasuke asked, narrowing his eyes. I gulped.

"Well, uh, for, uh... misjudging you, I really had no reason to act like that, and I'm sorry," I gulped again. I had to say it if I wanted him to start trusting me. "You are actually," I sighed, "not that bad of a person." I looked away; I didn't want to see some stupid smirk on his face.

"Hn, whatever dobe, just don't fail me," I glared at him, but I noticed that his smirk was the same mocking one as it usually is.

"You can count on me, teme!" I said, finally getting out the car.

I waved goodbye to them as they drove off, my hand slowly dropping and a frown in place; this was going to be the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life, and I was surprisingly looking forward to it, but brushed that off and headed inside, to spend the day once again fighting to fall asleep.


Vitty Rose: Thank you everyone, this has been Chapter 5. I'll try my best to update sooner, 'til then I sends lots of love, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.