DISCLAIMER: Like I said before, if I owned them, no one would know who Klaus or Luke are!

Me: Okayy, we got some more stuff to do!

Klaus: Oh, wonderful

Me: (takes his hat and hits him with it) No more sarcasm from you!

Klaus:. . .

Me: I'm just kidding! (hugs)


Ok I have a few dares becuz I love this story anyway on with the dares!

Layton: I dare you to not Say anything this whole famfic chap

Luke: I dare you to break your own leg and jump off a cliff( any saying Layton hehehehehehhe)

Me: You heard, well, read the dare, Professor, no talking!

Professor: (nods)

Luke: A-are you sure?

Me: Don't worry, you'll be fine

Luke:(jumps off cliff & dies)

Me: Noooooo! LUKE! (author powers)

Luke: (Alive and no broken bones) I'm alright? (sighs)

Me: I don't want you to die! You're too darn cute!

Luke: Thank you :3


Loving it! Okay, I've thought of a few. Is it okay if some people get dared twice? *listens* I'm going to assume that silence was a yes.


Flora, give Professah instant tea.

Professah: Drink it.

Luke: You can talk to animals, right? Well, tell Claudia you love her.

Professah: Tug on Claudia's tail for having a love affair with Luke.

Anton: Eat something that Flora cooked with the remains of the pool of peanut butter. Cannot be pb&j sandwiches!

Luke: Let Katia do your hair and makeup. Don't worry, I know you'd look cute anyway!

I think that's it, for now. Oh, wait, one last dare, for all of you, this time: Do not hate me. Please? I love you!

Flora: (reluctantly hands the professor instant tea) H-here you go, Professor

Professor: (nodding 'thank you' drinks tea. spits it out)

Me: Uh. . you didn't like it?

Professor: (shakes his head 'no')

Me: That's okayyy (gives him new tea) here you go

Professor: (drinks tea. Smiles)

Me: (walks into the kitchen) Erm. . .Flora? What are you making?

Flora: Peanut butter soup! (continues cooking) want to try it?

Me: Um, no thanks, not a big fan of peanut butter (jk, I really like peanut butter) (runs)

Anton: What is she making?

Me: Uh, it's a surprise!

Anton: Okay. . .

Flora: I'm done! (gives soup to Anton)

Anton: (eats some. Dies)

Me:. . .(brings him back to life) He loved it!

Luke: Claudia is a boy, didn't you know that?

Me: I knew! it's really weird though. . .

Luke: (reluctantly) I . . . love. . .you . . .Claudia

Claudia: Meow? (What the heck?)

Luke: Yeah, I didn't think you'd buy it. . .

Layton: (tugs on Claudia's tail)

Claudia: (attacks the Professah)

Me: BAD KITTY! BAD! (hits Claudia wit a baseball bat. . .not hard. . .)

Claudia: (leaves)

Me: Phew. . I hate cats (sneezes) and I''m allergic to them too! (sneezes)

Katia: Aw, Luke, don't you look cute!

Luke: (looks in a mirror and screams like a little girl)

Me: You do look cute! but you can go wash off the makeup and stuff

Luke: (runs away to the bathroom)

Me: We don't hate ya. right, guys?

All: (group mumble)

Me: I'll take that as a 'right!'

Okay, done for now, Review please!