Redbutterfly25 says- I know I wrote a different story but I promise I will finish Books of Heart. Anyways, I hope nobody will hate me for making a story about Nintendo DS's. It's just an idea and I hope it will turn out well. Anyways while you guys read, I will be hiding in Snake's Box and don't want to be disturbed at the moment.

Disclaimer: No Nintendo characters belong to me. Nor Harvest Moon/Natsume of any sorts belong to me.

Chapter 1: My DS

It was nighttime at the Smash Mansion. Mostly everybody was asleep, but only one person wasn't. Princess Zelda has been suffering from insomnia for the past few months and she couldn't find out why, but luckily, her favorite item was next to her.

"Ahh, Kura, you never leave my side. You'll always be with me, right?"

Kura was Zelda's favorite Nintendo DS. It was the white Nintendo DSi and Zelda never left it. Her favorite game was The New game Spirit Tracks. She absolutely loved Toon Link and her own toon self. She would play it everyday, but since she finished it, it was boring.

"Nothing to do…" she said to herself.

She looked across from her and saw Peach sleeping soundly.

"I'm so jealous of Peach… she sleeps instantly…" Zelda thought.

She turned on her DSi. She looked at her screen. She touched the Pictochat screen and entered the room.

Now entering: NewMagic

Zelda waited and started doodling on the screen. She typed down some words…

I'm bored… someone talk to me… send.

She waited. All of a sudden,


Zelda looked at the screen.

Now entering: RainyDay

"RainyDay? Who's that?" Zelda questioned.

Bored? Me too, it said.

I can't sleep. Too much on my mind… send.

Don't worry, just make sure your mind is empty, it replied.

Okay I'll try. May I ask who this is? Send.

Looks like your gonna have to find out the hard way. I'm not telling, it said.

Zelda groaned,

Oh well, let's just draw for now, send.

Okay, was the reply.

Zelda smiled. Both she and RainyDay started drawing. She giggled and drew some more.

Wow, you're a really good drawer. I wish I can draw like you, the message said.

Hee hee, thank you. I've been practicing for years until I got good, but still practicing to be better. Send.

I hope you do become better. Well it's getting late. I'll talk to you tomorrow night. Good night, it said.

Okay, it was nice talking to you… send.

You too, the last message said.

Now leaving: NewMagic

Now leaving: RainyDay

Zelda turned off her DSi and stuck it under her pillow. She smiled.

"RainyDay… I will find out who you are," Zelda thought before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning came faster than ever. Everybody woke up.

"Link, I'll trade you my omelet for your sandwich," Olimar said.

"No way," Link replied.

He almost bumped in the sleepy Princess. She yawned.

"Zelda, having trouble sleeping again?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm getting sleepier everyday…"

"Don't worry. Just relax and you'll do fine. Oh yeah, I need help with my Harvest Moon game. For some reason the girl I'm trying to marry, won't marry me,"

"Which Harvest Moon game did you get?"

"Island of Happiness,"

"Which girl are you trying to marry?"


"Okay, I'll look at it later,"

Zelda walked past him and went to the kitchen. She saw one more egg sandwich and decided to take it. She went to the dining room and saw Marth and Pit talking about something.

"Oh Zelda, just the person I was looking for!" Pit said.

"Yes? What is it?" Zelda asked.

"Zelda, Marth thinks that Fire Emblem games are better than Pokémon games. But he's wrong because Pokémon has been out for a very long time," Pit pouted.

"Well Fire Emblem series has been out too you know,"

"Well they are both good games. I like Pokémon and fire emblem, its fun and challenging,"

"Hearing it from you Princess Zelda, then it is okay!" Pit said.

She sat down and started eating her sandwich. Then she saw another face she hasn't seen in a while.

"Oh my, Ike," The Princess of Hyrule said, surprised.

"Princess Zelda," he said.

"I take it you did not get enough sleep last night?"

"Yes I didn't. You either?"

"Yes, I have a slight problem with insomnia lately…"

"I see. Try counting sheep, maybe that will help,"

"Yes, I will try. Thank you for your advice, Ike,"

"No problem Princess Zelda, if you don't mind, I will take my leave," he said then walked away.

"Such a strange, yet mysterious man… I like that," Zelda said happily.

Peach came in the dining room, furious.

"I cannot believe this!" Peach yelled.

She sat in a chair, and didn't notice her best friend.

"Peach? Are you having problems again… with Roy?" Zelda asked.

"Oh Zelda! I didn't see you there…"

"Would you like to talk about it?"

Peach sighed,

"Roy's acting like a jerk again. He keeps telling me that I shouldn't go out so much and that I shouldn't hang around guys,"

"Well that is a problem. There's only four girls here, excluding the assist trophies… most of the brawlers, are males,"

"Exactly! He doesn't understand that! Zelda, I'm afraid, things are not working out for us,"

"Oh Peach, when you first got together you were so in love,"

"But Zelda, he's gotten more… fierce. Everytime I try and go to my room, he'll always yell at me and say if anyone is in my room,"

"Of course, I remember the other day…"


Peach was making sure no one would enter the room.

"PEACH!" The red headed boy yelled.

"R-Roy! Please, don't misunderstand,"

"Who's in that room? Tell me now!" He yelled.

"I promise you it's not a guy! Please, just leave,"

"You are asking me to leave?"

He pushed her out of the way and opened the door.


Zelda looked up and saw the angry boy. She was comforting a little girl who got lost on her way.

The little girl cried some more.

"Prince Roy, you know your manners, please leave this room now. Didn't Peach warn you?"

He nodded and left the room.

End of Flashback.

"Peach, if he ever hits you, I better be the first to be reported,"

"Yes Zelda. Anyways, how's your relationship going?"


"Oh Zelda, how can you not see that you have so many admirers? Come on, let's go check!"

She grabbed her hand and went outside.

"Okay, you see there's Pit. I asked him about you and he says he'll protect you no matter what,"

"Peach, really, I don't need a-" she was cut off.

"Okay, Prince Marth has a crush on you! He's not a bad man is he?"

"Peach, really,"

"Oh and Link, he-"

"Peach, Link doesn't like me,"


"Peach, I don't need a boyfriend,"

"But Zelda, all you do is practice and practice and then for free time, you play your DSi. Isn't that childish?"

"I will not have you talk like that to my DSi. He's precious to me," (And yet the name is Kura…)

Zelda walked away.

"Wait, Zelda,"

She didn't listen.

"You know Peach, out of all people; you should know that no one ever talks about Zelda's DSi. It's precious to her," Pit said.

"But still, she's a princess. Princess's don't play with games," Peach said.

"What's wrong with that?" Link said.

"Nothing, it's just not right to see her playing a video game,"

"Peach, your Zelda's best friend, you should understand, and plus she's had a problem with insomnia lately. Usually she'll play it then it knocks her out, but I guess it's not working…"

Peach was silent.

Zelda was in her room lying down.

"Peach… I thought you would know that my DSi is precious to me. It's my last thing from Hyrule castle that reminds me of home…" Zelda thought.

She sighed and took out her DSi. She turned it on and went to Pictochat.

Now entering: NewMagic

What should I do? Send.


Now entering: RedBlue

Huh? Who's this? The message said.

Not telling. Sorry. Send.

In that case… can I tell you something? It said.

Sure. Send.

I… think I'm going to break up with my girlfriend, Peach, it said.

Zelda's eyes grew wide.

"What? Roy? Why?" Zelda questioned.

Oh no! Why is Roy breaking up with Peach?

Who is this mysterious RainyDay? (You will find out later...)

And why is Peach so concerned about Zelda?

Find out next chapter! Soon! Please review! :)

If you can give me suggestion of names for PictoChat nicknames, it has to be 8 letters long only. And it needs to say who is it for, example: NewMagic is Zelda.
