by Kathryn Hart
Summary: What if, the Doctor, after he lost Rose, wrote a letter to her after every one of his adventures, and kept them hidden away and safe, as a way to connect himself to her? What if he had a chance to give her the letters in Journey's End? A Summary of all episodes from Series 3 and 4 from the Doctor's viewpoint.
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Doctor Who, which is a real shame, because if I did, the end of Series 2 would've been very different.
I put the intro on it's own chapter, to make the next chapters more realistic, like they're actual letters. I'll only add author's notes if I really need to. So I'll say it now, please review! Updates make for more "letters". :D
I tried to keep the Doctor in character, but only a bit, because I believe if he was writing a letter, he would write a little differently than he would talk to somebody, especially Rose. He possibly wouldn't talk about all the technical stuff, just the issues of the heart, because he thinks Rose is never going to read them. Some chapters will be short, some will be longer, depending on how much the Doctor feels like writing. ;)
Please Enjoy! :)
P.S. Those who read my story "Nine Events" and asked for the sequel "Ten Events", just know that I've started that story, I have the first three events written, Hopefully I'll finish it soon! :D