Ginny was sitting at the dinner table by herself with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. As she turned the page, she pulled her legs up to her chest and moved the book closer to her, pushing her glasses higher up on her nose. She hated her glasses with a passion, that's why she never wore them. She wore contacts instead. It was midnight with the moon lighting her pages. She brought the steaming mug of tea to her lips and sipped slowly, her eyes continuing to fly across the tiny print on the yellowed and aged pages. Suddenly, Ginny put her book down on the table next to her tea and pulled her very long hair in a messy ponytail. She reached for her book, but then her hands moved back to her hair and removed the hair tie holding her hair back and pulled her hair to her left shoulder, humming as she quickly braided her hair before turning back to her book. Ginny assumed her previous position and began to read again. She found that she couldn't focus on her book as well as could before.

Visions of her boyfriend sound asleep in a room above her danced before her eyes. How happy Harry looked while they wondered around Godric's Hollow, how he drank in the way his parents looked holding him in their arms, and how he spent the day in the destroyed cottage where he had lived happily with his parents… She smiled at the very happy smile Harry and Sirius wore when they exited the cottage together. Harry had discovered his parents' wands and an old photo album that his mum, Lily, had made with careful hands, and he found the toy broom that Sirius had brought him for his first birthday. Ginny's smile grew wider as she imagined Harry flying around the house on the little broom. She imagined Harry without a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead, a Harry without carrying the world on his shoulders, a Harry that had his own parents. She imagined Harry happy. Truly happy, without a single care in the world. Ginny briefly wondered if she'd still love him as much as she did had this Harry existed. She hit herself for even thinking that. Of course she would! She loved Harry for the person that he is now! She didn't care about his fame or anything like that! In fact, she wished that all of that would be taken away, so he could live freely without worry. If she could make that happen, she would do so in a heartbeat. Anything to make him happy. Ginny loved Harry with everything she had and more. Harry made her happy. His mere presence made her heart race and her breaths shallow.

Harry was everything Ginny's ever wanted. She loved his strength, admired it even. She loved how he was so kind, even when he was around his friends. Well, Ginny thought, Hermione always kept him in line. It was always Harry and Hermione. Whenever her stupid and rash brother, Ronald screwed something up with either of them, Harry would always stick by Hermione's side. While Ronald made her cry, Harry made her all better. He picked up the pieces and put Hermione back together again. It had always been like that. Hermione was his sister. She had always been, and always will be. He loved her so very much and always protected her. Harry was the same with Ginny. Well, other than the fact that Harry saw Hermione as a sister. Harry certainly did not see Ginny as a sister. Maybe when they were younger, but not now. Harry loved Ginny… Not like he loved Hermione, though. If he did… That would just be wrong, wouldn't it? After everything.. That would just be wrong.

Ginny rose from her chair and began walking around the kitchen, looking for something to eat. Strawberries sounded absolutely delightful at the moment. As did chocolate. Chocolate covered strawberries… Oh, Ginny's mouth was watering as she rummaged around in the fridge. The bright light hurt her eyes, but when she finally found what she was looking for, the light didn't hurt so much. She busied herself with making her midnight snack. As her hands moved quickly, but carefully, she allowed her thoughts to turn back to Harry.

It was the way that his hair fell in his face, and the way his eyes stared into hers. That was what killed her. The way he looked at her. Ginny loved to look at Harry when he had just woken up and when he was asleep. She liked the way he looked when he was walking in the rain with her by his side. She remembered the time when she had accidently pushed Harry into the mud. Ginny had been so embarrassed, and expected him to be very angry with her. Ginny, however, had been completely wrong. Harry had jumped up, laughing, before turning to her and pulling her into a hug before he pushed her down into the same mud puddle. She had giggled and pulled him down with her. Harry had to eventually take his white school shirt off, and Ginny wasn't complaining. Though Ginny loved the way Harry looked in his white button up with his sleeves rolled up to his elbow and his dark jeans and his messy hair dripping into his emerald eyes. He had his arm draped around Ginny's shoulders as they walked to the park. Ginny, being the clumsy little girl that she was, had slipped on a wet leaf, throwing Harry into the mud puddle next to them. Ginny loved being kissed in the rain. She had attacked Harry that day with more kisses than she ever had before. They had stayed there, laying under a tree in the rain all night, talking. It was the best night Ginny had ever had.

While they were in Godric's Hollow, she had marveled at the happiness that Harry had felt. He held her close to him as they wondered through the graveyard. She saw him try to hide the tears that sprung to his eyes when Remus found James and Lily's grave. She saw Sirius and Remus themselves crying. Ginny, at that moment, felt like she was intruding upon their memories and pain. But when she saw Harry looking at her, she saw that he really did want her there with him. And that fact made Ginny feel very special and very loved. When Harry had seen the statue of them in the graveyard, Ginny had to keep herself from crying at the look on Harry's face. She couldn't explain it; it was that of pure happiness and deep longing. When he and Sirius had disappeared into the cottage, Ginny had waited patiently outside with Remus. He had told Ginny stories from when Harry was a year old. They had made her smile and laugh. When the pair finally emerged from the cottage hours later, they were both smiling ear to ear. Ginny saw that Harry was the happiest he'd ever been in his life. She wanted him to feel like that all the time.

"What are you doing up so late?" A familiar voice whispered in her ear as his warm arms wrapped around her waist.

"I couldn't sleep." Ginny said simply, turning around in his arms to smile at him. Harry laughed.

"I kinda figured that one out for myself, thanks." He smirked. Ginny playfully hit his chest. He smiled but then his expression turned serious. "Did you have another nightmare?" He asked softly. Ginny looked at him.

"No." She said. "I was waiting for Hermione to get home, 'cause it didn't feel right without her."

"Is she really still out?" Harry asked, cocking his head. Ginny couldn't help but laugh. Harry looked like a confused puppy dog.

"Yeah, she went out with Drake again."

"Did she?"


"It's like, past midnight." He stated. Ginny laughed again.

"Really? Oh, Harry, I'm so proud of you! You know how to tell time!" She smirked. Harry laughed and kissed her. He pointed to the strawberries behind her.

"What are you making?" He asked curiously. Ginny smiled and turned back to the counter.

"Chocolate covered strawberries." She said. Harry set his hands on her hips and watched her dip the strawberries in the bowl and set them carefully on the wax paper.

"What are you doing?" Ginny asked, licking her fingers after she put another strawberry on the wax paper.

"Taking a strawberry." Harry stated simply, biting into the strawberry. He smiled and offered a bite to her. She took the remaining bit from him and finished it before throwing into the trash. She began to sway side to side in her work, humming softly. She felt Harry smiling on her shoulder.

" 'Cause I miss you, and I miss you, and now I wonder… If I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by? 'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles if I could just see you tonight." She sang quietly. Harry grinned and kissed her.

"What was that for?" Ginny asked. Harry laughed.

"I like the way you sound when you sing." He said. Then he grabbed her hand. "D'you trust me?" He asked, dragging her to the door.

"What a stupid question." She said, allowing him to lead her. "Of course I trust you!"

"Okay, then close your eyes." Harry said, walking backwards and still pulling her along. Ginny did as she was told and enjoyed the way the wet glass felt under her feet.

"Where are you taking me?"She whispered after what felt like ten minutes. Harry didn't respond.

"We're almost there." Five minutes after that was said, Harry pulled her to the grass. "Open your eyes." He said softly as Ginny moved to sit on his lap. Harry laughed and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Harry, this is.. beautiful." Ginny murmured. Harry had led her to a lake that Ginny had never seen before. The light of the nearby city was reflected on the water and the wind was lightly. Ginny look her hair down and let it blow around her. She turned to face Harry.

"You wanna know something?" She asked. Harry nodded.

"Sure." He replied. Ginny put her hands on either side of his face and spoke softly.

"I never did believe in love 'till I met you. Well, a little after I met you." She confessed. Harry smiled.

"Nor did I, Ginny." He admitted. Ginny grinned at him and kissed him.

"I love you." She whispered as she pushed him to the ground.

"I love you, too." Harry murmured, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her again.

"Where are Harry and Ginny?" Hermione asked as she entered the kitchen. Molly looked up from her cooking.

"What? Oh, dear, I dunno. I found chocolate covered strawberries on the counter, though…" She muttered, flipping a pancake. She decided it wasn't worth her time and pointed her wand at it. The pancakes began to flip themselves and Molly turned her attention to Hermione. "Did you check their rooms?" She asked, tucking her wand into the front pocket of her apron.

"Mum, Ginny and I share the same room." Hermione reminded her.

"Oh, yes, you do." Molly muttered. "Did you check Harry's room?"

"Mum, where's Harry?" Ron asked, taking Hermione's coffee.

"We were just discussing that." Hermione said, attempting to get her coffee back.

"So, both Harry and Ginny are missing?" Molly asked, pouring herself a cup of tea. Hermione and Ron looked at each other.

"It would appear so." Hermione said, having finally won her coffee back. Ron walked over to the window.

"They're not outside."

"Oh, Ronald, that doesn't mean anything." Hermione said, drawing the curtains back.


"Just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they're not outside." Molly said, picking up Ginny's book and tea from the table. "Hermione, dear, can you please take her book up to her room?" She asked handing the book to her. Hermione nodded.

"Maybe they're back up in their rooms." Ron suggested. Hermione laughed.

"Don't be stupid, Ronald." Hermione said, handing him her coffee. "You can finish it." She added, running up the stairs.

"Hey, mum." Draco said casually as he walked into the kitchen. Molly sighed.

Did anybody ever stay at their own houses?

"Hello, dear." She smiled faintly, moving the pancakes and bacon to the table. "Are you staying for breakfast or are you just here to get Hermione?" She asked, pointing her wand at the remaining food on the counter. They moved obediently to the table.

"Actually, I was hoping for a word with Harry." He said, pouring himself a cup of pumpkin juice. Molly stared at him.

"We've lost Harry and Ginny at the moment." She stated. "Up, you lot! Breakfast's ready!" She yelled up the stairs. Draco laughed before he turned to Ron.

"You've lost them?" He asked him. Ron nodded.

"Yeah, Harry wasn't in our room when I woke up, and Ginny wasn't with Hermione either, so, we've lost them."

"Did you check the rest of the house?"

"Erm, yes."

"D'you think they're down at the park?"

Ron considered this. He took a piece of toast and two slices of bacon and beckoned for Draco to follow him as they walked out of the kitchen.

"Where are you two going?" Molly called after them.

"We're gonna look for Harry and Ginny." Ron said simply.

"I wanna go!" Hermione said, running after them. She jumped on Draco's back.

"Well, hello there." He smiled. Ron laughed at them.

"Where d'you think they are?"

"The park." Ron and Draco said together. Hermione slid of Draco's back and held his hand as they across the field.

"That was… weird. I thought only girls did that!" She said. They laughed.

"Guys.. The park is empty." Ron said when they reached their desired destination.

"Really, Ronald?" Hermione said sarcastically.

"Why d'you insist on calling me by my full name?" He groaned. Hermione laughed.


"Harry once told me he likes going down to the lake…" Draco said, pulling Hermione in the opposite direction. Ron followed, giving Hermione the last bit of toast. She took a bite then gave it to Draco.

"What lake?" Ron said. Draco sighed.

"Just follow me, kay?"

They walked in silence for a bit.

"Hey! I think I see something!" Ron said, beginning to run. Draco looked at Hermione, who shrugged, and began running after him.

Harry smiled and pulled Ginny closer to him.

"D'you realize we've been her e all night?" Ginny asked, sitting up and crossing her legs.

"We have…" Harry said, his eyes wide. "D'you think anyone's noticed we're gone?" He asked. Ginny considered his words for a moment as she took Harry's forgotten shirt and wrapping it around her, buttoning the buttons slowly.

"Probably." She said, looking back at him.

"Is it still wet?" Harry asked, pointing to the his shirt. Ginny shrugged.

"A bit. I dunno why you didn't take it off while we were swimming." She smirked. Harry laughed and shook his head.

"You didn't take your shirt off, either." He stated. Ginny blushed.

"That's different." She insisted. Harry laughed.

"I know." He smiled. Ginny crossed her arms as she stood up.

"It's pretty." She said softly. "How the sun reflects on the water."

"Not as pretty as you." Harry said. Ginny laughed.

"You are so cheesy!" She exclaimed, turning to face him.

"Oh shush. You know you love it." He countered as she walked into his open arms. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest, breathing him in.

"I s'pose I do.." She smirked, looking back up at him.

"Oh, I see how it is." Harry pouted. Ginny stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. Harry lifted her in the air and spun her around. Ginny giggled.

"Oh, you know I love every little bit of you, Harry." She whispered. Harry smiled happily.

"Do you really?"

" 'Course I do." Ginny smiled.


Ginny and Harry sighed in unison as the turned around.

"Hi, Hermione." They said flatly. Hermione frowned while Draco and Ron laughed.

"What are you two doing out here?" She asked as she drew nearer to them. Ginny sighed.

"We fancied ourselves a midnight stroll." She said simply. Hermione smirked.

"You weren't in when I got in last night." She accused.

" 'Course I wasn't. You weren't in when I left." Ginny countered. Hermione laughed and hugged Ginny. "What time did you get home, anyway?" She asked curiously. It was Hermione's turn to blush as she glanced at Draco.

" 'Round 2.." She muttered. Ginny laughed.

"Really? And you're telling me off for going to the lake with my boyfriend."

"I was with my fiancé. " Hermione countered. Ginny ignored this as she handed Harry his shirt back.

"I 'spect you'll be needing this when we get back to mum. She'll chew us out for hours for that…" She said darkly. Harry smiled as he put it back on, buttoning the buttons as they slowly walked back to the Burrow.

"Hello, dear." Molly said happily when Harry and Ginny walked through the door first.

"Hi, mum." They said cheerfully. Molly smiled at them and pushed a hot cup of tea into each of their hands. They drank it slowly as they all sat at the table.

"I think we should make a curfew." Molly suggested. There was a collective groan around the table. "You are to be out no later than two." She stated.

"Mum, we're all of age." Hermione said sadly. Molly smiled.

"I know that, dear. But while you're living under my roof, you'll live by my rules." She smiled sweetly. Everyone groaned and finished their breakfast in silence.

"Luna?" Blaise called, turning around the corner.

"Come find me!" Her soft and musical voice called. Blaise sighed as he smiled and began to run forward, keeping his eyes open. He stopped for a second when he heard her footsteps, echoing off of the stone ground and brick walls. He decided that she was heading north and took off in that direction. When he found her, her long blonde hair was flowing down her back and some fell to the side, where it touched the ground. She was leaning over an old table, staring around the corner with her wand tucked behind her ear. Blaise tiptoed over to her and slipped his thumbs through her belt loops on her black shorts. She jumped.

"I found you." Blaise said simply, kissing her softly. "What's my reward?"

"I think we need to find a place of our own." Hermione stated as her, Ginny, Draco, Harry, and Ron sat in a circle in the living room while Molly and Arthur were out with some old friends they hadn't seen in a while. They were passing around a bottle of Firewhisky, their legs all crossed.

"Where?" Ginny said, handing the bottle to Draco, who was on her left. They sat in silent thought for a while, biting their lips.

"Think Sirius will let him live with him at Grimmauld Place?" Draco asked Harry, breaking the silence. Before Harry could answer, Luna and Blaise walked casually into the room and took their usual spots around the circle; Luna between Ginny and Draco, Blaise between Harry and Hermione.

"What's the topic?" Blaise asked, taking the bottle gratefully from Harry.

"We're discussing new living arrangements." Ron said. "Mum's set up a curfew." He added at the confused look on Luna's face. She nodded in understanding.


"Because she thinks we've been in and out too late at night." Harry explained, taking a chocolate frog from the stack of food in the middle of the circle. "I also think she's getting a bit annoyed with Drake, you and Luna just walking in whenever."

"Why would that bother her?" Luna asked, taking a handful of chips. Harry smiled.

"Because, she has to make more food and stuff all the time. And, face it, there's really not enough room for all of us at the Burrow." Hermione said.

"But anyway, back to what I was saying." Draco started again. "Harry, d'you think that Sirius will let us move in with him at Grimmauld Place?" He asked, drinking from the bottle he'd just taken from Luna. Harry stared at him for a moment.

"Dunno…" He said quietly. "Probably. The house is big enough for all of us."

"We should ask him." Ginny said. "Harry and I practically live at his house anyway. We switch off and on from here and his place." She said. "I'm sure he'll let us all move in."

"Yeah, and maybe he and Remus will stop arguing so much." Harry smirked. "They're like an old married couple."

"Oh shush, Harry. They don't argue too much." Hermione said, throwing a chocolate frog at him. He held it up and smiled.

"Cheers." He smirked. "And.. I s'pose they don't. But still."

"I think we should ask him." Luna said, sipping from the bottle before offering it to Ginny.

"We could go over for dinner tonight.. I think Molly'd like a break from cooking." Blaise said quietly. Everyone thought about this for a moment.

"Ron, where's the Floo Powder?" Ginny asked, starting to stand up. She handed the bottle to Harry, who took it happily and took a rather large drink from it before passing it on.

"The flower pot on the fireplace." Ron said, pointing past her.

"Oh, right." She threw a handful into the fire and stuck her head in the flames. When she spoke, her voice was thick and muffled. She sat on her knees for a couple moments while everyone watched, before turning around and shaking her hair out. She rubbed her eyes as she sat back down next to Luna.

"What'd he say?" Harry said, leaning over and bushing a bit of soot from off of her shoulder. She smiled softly at him.

"He said he'd be delighted." Ginny grinned.

"So… First, how are we going to break the news to mum? And second, how are we gonna ask Sirius?" Draco asked, pointing his wand at the empty bottle of Firewhisky, refilling it.

"Well, that's easy." Hermione said, taking the now full bottle and bringing it to her lips.

"How is that easy?" Luna asked curiously.

"Well.. Asking Sirius will be easy, anyway." Hermione corrected herself. She bit her lip and she passed Blaise the bottle. "What are we gonna say to mum?" She asked nervously. They sat in silent thought. It was Luna who broke the silence.

"Erm, we could tell her that…" She started, then fell silent, deciding that her idea was pointless. The bottle was passed around the circle two times before anyone spoke again.

"Can we just say that… We're gonna give her a break for a bit?" Harry suggested. Everyone shook their head.

"Erm, why don't we just be blunt about it?" Blaise suggested.

"That'll sound a bit mean, though, don't you think?" Ginny said.

"Yeah, we'll go up to her, 'Hey, mum, we're moving out to live with Sirius 'till we can all find a place of our own.' Yeah, that'll go real well." Ron said sarcastically. Draco laughed.

"When you put it that way, it'll sound mean. What we'll say is… 'Mum, we love you, but we think it'd be better for all of us to go live with Sirius for a bit. That way, you can have more time with dad. And it won't be so crowded all the time.' Doesn't that sound nicer?" Draco said, smiling at his friends. Everyone considered his words for a moment.

"That does sound nice.." Ginny said quietly. "Now the only question is, how are we gonna ask Sirius?"

"We'll just go up to him, 'Hey, Sirius, can we live with you for a while?' Just say it. Just like that." Harry said.

"That just sounds horrible, mate." Blaise laughed.

"Well, what d'you think we should say, Blaise?" Harry asked, taking the bottle from Luna.


"Well, we know Sirius will be easier. He loves us, he'll most likely say yes." Ginny said. Luna nodded in agreement.

"We'll just go up to him after dinner, say, 'Sirius, we were wondering if we could live with you and Remus for a while.' Does that sound good?" Luna asked.

"Nah," Ron muttered.

"How 'bout we just wing it?" Blaise suggested.

"We don't really have to be too careful with Sirius, you know. He'll probably say yes." Luna said softly.

"Yeah, like I said, Harry and I practically live over there, anyway."

"So, I'm sure he won't mind too much if we wanna make the change permanent, right?" Hermione said, drinking from the bottle that had just found itself to her hands.

"I don't think he will." Harry muttered. Hermione played with the ring on her finger as she looked around the circle.

"When are we gonna tell mum?" Ron whispered.

"After we ask Sirius." Ginny said.

"Well, yeah, but when?" Ron asked again. Ginny sighed.

"Can't we just figure that one out when it comes?"

"No, Gin, I think he has a point.. We do need to figure out when to tell her." Harry said.

"Then we have to figure out when we ask Sirius." Blaise said, opening the unopened box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans.

"Before or after dinner?" Luna asked, beginning to part her long hair to braid it.

"Before." Draco said instantly.

"Why before?"

"Because, then we can tell mum after."


"She'll be full and content and happy that she didn't have to cook, so it'll be easier to ask her." Draco explained simply. Ginny played with her braids uncomfortably.

"I dunno, Drake…" She murmured.

"That's the only time I can think that'll work." He said.

"The problem is, as much as she complains about it, I think mum likes having the house full." Hermione muttered, undoing her braids, shaking her hair out and began to braid them again. It was a nervous habit of hers. "I think she likes cooking for us. And, it's not like we make huge messes, but when we do, we usually clean them up." She said, tying a hair tie around her first braid. "It may annoy her a bit that we're out all hours of the night, and that Draco, Luna, and Blaise walk in and out like they live here, too, but I think she likes it. And, besides, think about it.. when we leave, she'll be stuck with not only dad, but the twins, too."

"Fred and George are only really here for meal times, but then after that, they're gone." Ron pointed out. Luna nodded.

"I dunno, but I think it might hurt her to tell her we're moving out to live with Sirius." Luna said softly, agreeing with Hermione.

"I think she'll be a bit understanding, too, though." Ginny said, tugging on her braids and biting her lip.

"What makes you think that, sissy?" Luna asked curiously.

" 'Cause she's always had Harry, and Sirius has never really had him. And she knows that Sirius is kinda like a brother slash father to him, and that maybe when Harry's with Sirius, he's a bit happier, 'cause Sirius reminds Harry of his dad."

"I'm happy in both places, though." Harry said, biting the head off of a chocolate frog.

"I know you are, Harry, but think… Sirius really is a lot like your dad, from all the stories we've heard. And I know you think of mum as your mother, too, but think.. Mum didn't really know Lily and James too well, like Sirius and Remus did." Ginny explained kindly. "I think that if you ask her, she'll be a bit more understanding and kind than she would be to the rest of us."

Harry stared at her for a moment.

"That really made no sense to me at all." He said quietly. "But, I think I know what you're trying to say." He said quickly when Ginny's face fell. "You're saying you want me to guilt trip mum?" He asked. Ginny blushed.

"I s'pose so.." She whispered, playing with her bracelets nervously. "But, honestly, I think that's the only thing that's gonna work."

"Ginny's right, Harry." Hermione said. Harry shrugged.

"I dunno."

"Harry, honey, that's really the only thing that's gonna work with mum." Ginny said kindly. Harry smiled.

"Fine. But if she gets mad, it's all on you." He smirked, kissing Ginny's hand.

"Sounds like a plan."