"Mom! You can't be serious. Why are we moving to California? What's wrong with Atlanta?" Claudia Shively asks her mother as they walk around their home in Atlanta, Georgia. Mary Jo Shively whirls around to look at her daughter.

"Claudia, we are going to California because I have to go for my job. We can either stay in Atlanta and have no food, no home, or anything or we can go to California and you can go to another school and make new friends." Mary Jo says. Claudia sighs.

"I guess I'll go to California. But can't Quinton and I go live with dad while you go to California and then come visit you?" Claudia asks.

"You could do that, but I want you to come with me." Mary Jo replies pushing Claudia's hair behind her shoulder. "I think you'll love California. You'll have a lot of new friends. Trust me."

"I trust you with my life mom. I'm just nervous about it." Claudia responds with a sigh.

"Oh, you'll be fine. Now excuse me while I call Julia." Mary Jo says picking up the phone off the inn table and sits on the couch.

Bayside High

"Zack, you're a genius!" Screech "Samuel" Powers says to his best friend. Zack sighs.

"I love hearing you say that." Zack states sliding into a seat next to Lisa Turtle at their gang's favorite hangout.

"What's going on?" Kelly Kapowski asks.

"Yeah Preppy, why does Screech think that you're a genius?" A.C. Slater asks his rival and friend.

"I got myself out of lunch detention with Belding." Zack responds smiling.

"Come on Zack, you know that Belding's going to make sure you serve that lunch detention. How'd you get out of it?" Jessie Spano asks leaning on the table.

"I can't tell you that. Just know that I am the genius who was able to get out of it." Zack responds with a huge grin.

"Is that paint under your fingernails?" Lisa asks looking at Zack's hand.

"Zack, you didn't!" Jessie calls, but not very loudly.

"Way to go Preppy!" Slater says.

"Slater, do you have any idea how much trouble Zack could get in for this?" Kelly asks.

"A lot! We watched them tow Belding's car!" Screech hollers.

"Zack Morris! My office… NOW!" Mr. Richard Belding belts out as he walks across the floor of the Max.

"Ooh, look out Zack, he looks mad." Kelly says.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I can get out of it." Zack replies. He stands up and walks over. He rubs his hands together. "Mr. Belding, what can I do for you?"

"Don't play that game with me Morris. I was informed that my car was towed from my private parking space because it was in a handicapped spot. You and I both know that I parked in my spot this morning and that it's not a handicapped space." Mr. Belding smiles. "We will have a lot to talk about while you are in detention the rest of the school year."

"Isn't that a little much? I mean, what Zack did wasn't that bad Mr. Belding." Jessie says sweetly.

"Would you like to join him in detention Jessie?" Mr. Belding asks looking at her. Jessie raises her hands as she walks back Zack.

"You're on your own Zack."

Atlanta, Georgia

Ted Shively brings his son home to his mom.

"Quinton, I need you to go upstairs and pack a bag of stuff that you would like to take to the new house just until we can come back and get the rest of this stuff at the end of the week." Mary Jo says hugging her 8 year old son.

"Are you really going to California?" Ted asks his ex-wife.

"Yes. I have a job over there and I need to be there." Mary Jo replies without even looking at him.

"You can't take the kids that far without my consent and I don't think you should go. I forbid you to go." Ted says sternly. Mary Jo picks up one of Quinton's toys off the couch, turns around and looks at her ex-husband.

"Forbid me? You can't forbid me Ted. We've been divorced for 3 years. I don't listen to you anymore. I'm not responsible to you. If I want to move to California that is my business not yours." Mary Jo states turning away again. "We are leaving for California this morning and we won't be coming home till this weekend and you can't say a thing about it. Now get out of my house." Ted shakes his head and leaves. "Come on Quint! We have to make that airplane! We need to leave in just a few minutes."

"Coming mom!" Quint hollers running down the stairs with a suitcase bulging and overflowing with toys.

"Did you pack any clothes hon?" Mary Jo asks looking at his bag.

"Yes mom I did. They are at the bottom of the bag." Quint replies.

"Okay." Mary Jo says. She, Claudia and Quinton walk out the front door and lock it.

Bayside High

At school the next day, Mr. Belding calls Jessie into his office.

"Hello Mr. Belding." Jessie says as she stands in the back of his office.

"Sit down, Jessie." Mr. Belding replies. Jessie sits on the edge of the chair.

"If this is about what happened with Zack yesterday I am really sorry. I didn't know what was going on. I think I lost my head because I don't really remember much of what happened yesterday." Jessie says.

"No, it's got nothing to do with that Jessie. A new student will be coming in with her mom sometime day or maybe tomorrow and I was hoping that you would show her around since I don't have the time to do it myself." Mr. Belding says.

"Sure, what's her name sir?" Jessie asks standing up.

"Claudia Shively. Her family is from Atlanta, Georgia." Mr. Belding says.

"Wow. What are they doing coming all the way to Palisades?" Jessie asks.

"Jessie, you can ask them when they are here. I just need to know right now that you can talk to her? Show her the way around our school?" Mr. Belding asks.

"Yeah, I can do that." Jessie replies.