Chapter 31: Love and Marriage

Her body was shaking from the rage she built up from memories of their last encounter. Her blood was boiling and her temper taut like a band ready to snap.

"You could try." the god of war answered back. "I'm not here to cause any trouble." he commented. She sneered in disbelief and pushed the blade closer.

"I just came by to warn you. My sister Athena has regrouped and has used time since you last battled to garner support from most of Olympus to come after Eve again. She has scared them into executing a self fulfilling prophecy. Aphrodite and I have tried to talk them out of it, but soon they will be coming after you again. I give it a week at the most before they'll start back up again."

Using his index finger, he pushes away the breast dagger.

"By the way, congratulations." he adds, before he turns around and with a crackle of electricity, he leaves her in the inn room alone.

A bit dumbfounded and still quite perturbed by his recent presence, she snaps out of it with a quick mental shake off when she remembers that she is supposed to be on the beach right now. One last look in the mirror, she opens the door and heads toward the beach.

Temples throbbing and her blood coursing through her body like she had came out of a fight, she took in the scene on the beach. All of her friends and family were waiting patiently, talking amongst themselves. The sun was slowly setting, bathing the sky in oranges edging slowly away, and purples slowly consuming the light. Gabrielle was standing at the front of the crowd at the water's edge, looking beautiful but lonely as she traced her bare feet in the sand of the shore. They had agreed to keep their dresses in hiding till the big day, and Xena was thankful, because when she saw the vision of her love in her dress, it knocked the breath out of her. It cooled her down in an instant, fading the rage that was so close to the surface. The crowd turned and smiles soon embraced many of its occupants. She imagined she made quite a sight when she cleaned up, and after all, she and Gabrielle were the main attraction. Trudging through the sand, leaving a trail with her dress and her feet, she joined Gabrielle with her feet in the small waves touching the shore.

"You look beautiful." They said breathlessly to each other upon seeing each other up close.

Gabrielle's dress was quite similar to Xena's by pure coincidence. It was a beautiful white sheath dress with a zigzagging silver pattern all along the hem. Her back was bare with only thin straps crisscrossing across her well toned back.

"Aphrodite?" Gabrielle called out to her friend. Both Xena and Gabrielle were filled with happiness and excitement that the ceremony would soon start. Aphrodite appeared at the scene, surprising some in the crowd. The goddess was dressed very modestly in an almost priestess like white robe. She sported some strange round circular frames on her eyes and a stack of scrolls in her hands.

"I'm here sweet pea." Aphrodite responded to her friend. "Are we ready?" she whispered to both the women, who seemed to only have eyes for each other.

Nodding their acceptance, the goddess of love began the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today to attend the joining of two hearts. The love they share is nothing like I've ever seen before. It inspires and you can't help but feel some of it when they are around. If anyone should have any reason for these two to not join, speak now, or forever hold your peace." Aphrodite questioned. Scattering sand could be heard as a lone figure approached. The crowd turned to the sound and Xena was the first to adopt a wary look, followed by numerous others.

Herodotus was the lone figure walking toward the ceremony, something carried in his hand. Gabrielle froze in wonder of what problems he would cause. She knew he didn't approve of her marriage to Xena, but she assumed he just wouldn't be present at their wedding; in protest of the joining. She hadn't expected him to actively seek out to interrupt and prevent the wedding. Gabrielle waited in anticipation of what he would say. Herodotus searched the crowd and focused on his daughter at the front of the ceremony. He strode purposefully up to her holding a sack in his hand. Gabrielle pursed her lips, not wanting to be the first to argue. Xena eyed him cautiously. He lifted the sack and handed it to Gabrielle.

"It's some things from your room. Childhood toys for your marriage offering." Herodotus explained, and quickly set about to locating Hecuba. He joined her and Lila for the rest of the ceremony. Xena exhaled in relief and Gabrielle let go of her combative stance. Gabrielle was touched by her father's showing, especially since she had expected it to be for a different reason. Gabrielle's face softened and she flashed him a smile. Her father returned it reluctantly. Xena's words to him this morning made him realize that although he didn't agree with her choice, it was his duty as her parent to love her unconditionally. If she was happy, he could be happy for her too.

Aphrodite then continued, "Xena and Gabrielle, you have some words you would like to say to each other?" Gabrielle shook herself out of the shock of her father showing up and turned to Xena to recite the vows she had written.

"Xena, ever since I first laid eyes on you, I needed to know you. You were everything I wanted to be and more. I was drawn to you like a moth to a flame. You've always had this pull on me. It seems so obvious and clean now that we belong together. We are binded together in something much more complex than we can ever imagine. With you I feel content, complete, and safe. Like the story, you are my tree in the forest. When I found out that you loved me the way that I loved you, it was the happiest day of my life. Every passing day we've had together of trial or tribulation, I find that I love you more. So today, I dedicate my heart, soul, life, and body to you and I want you to understand that I would do anything for you. Anything to be by your side. I love you Xena." the blond finished, her voice dripping with emotion and her eyes watering. Xena's heart was warmed by the vow, looking into Gabrielle's eyes, she could see that every word was meant and the steely resolve in the declaration.

"Gabrielle, you came into my life and saved me from me. Everyday I reveled in the fact that you were still with me. Deep down, however, I felt I didn't deserve you, that I'd only tarnish who you are. But every time I looked into your eyes, I saw something I never thought I would, I saw something in myself. I saw someone who needs you, someone who would do anything for you and your love, and you reflected that back. You showed me that you want and need me too. I see through your eyes, the person I have always wanted to be, because you see me that way. You love me despite everything and that is a comfort that I can't live without. Your love is stronger than anything I've ever felt before. You love me for my darkness and for my light. My love for you is endless, and you are the most important thing in my life, even beyond the greater good. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me." Xena declared.

All in the crowd sat in silence, shocked by the amount of words and emotion behind the vow, especially coming from Xena. For once, Gabrielle wasn't the only one to see this loving and romantic side of her. Gabrielle let out a few happy sobs as Xena took her hand in hers. The older woman wiped away a tear that escaped its confines. Aphrodite also a had a tear as she continued with the ceremony.

"Xena do you take Gabrielle, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in prosperity, till death do you part?" Aphrodite asked.

"I do, even beyond death." Xena clarified.

"Gabrielle, do you take Xena, yada, yada, you heard what I said, don't make me repeat it." Aphrodite rushed.

"I do." Gabrielle answered. Tears streaming in happiness.

"I now pronounce you, married! Seal this marriage with a kiss!" Aphrodite instructed.

Xena pulled Gabrielle into her arms and sealed the ceremony with a sweet kiss that promised forever. After all, she didn't want to leave the whole crowd blushing.

The crowd erupted in a chorus of cheers and clapping. They were all genuinely happy for the couple and felt they both deserved this happiness. Cyrene was the first to approach the new married couple.

"And it all goes down hill from here!" Cyrene chuckled.

Xena and Gabrielle laughed at the joking comment. Xena took Eve from her mother's arms and carried her up into the air, looking up at the infant as she giggled.

"Evie, I want you to meet your new Dad." Xena spoke, almost too seriously. Gabrielle smacked Xena in the arm for the teasing remark.

"Well now the spousal abuse begins!" Xena teased.

The rest of their friends and family soon surrounded them in happy congratulations, as the wedding feast began. It was complete with food, drink, and dancing. In the celebration, everyone knew a little bit of just what happily ever after felt like.


**Author's Note: I was supposed to post this chapter yesterday, but was a bit busy. Thank you to all who stuck through this nonsense of a story. The reviews and adds gave me lots of joy and inspiration. I hope this wasn't too much of a mushy end, but I selfishly wanted one for our favorite gals. So sorry if the quality didn't hold up. If you didn't like it, I apologize and encourage you to write your very own story, because it is definitely fun :). Battle On! On a happy note, in my mind Leona brought the kids safely to Octavia in Rome, and lived happily ever after. Octavia never remarried, so assume what you will, I will too lol ;)**



**Don't say I didn't warn you.

Following Gabrielle into the inn room they had rented, Xena shut the door. Everyone had headed home and Aphrodite had offered to take Cyrene and Eve home to Amphipolis and watch over Eve, so that Xena and Gabrielle would not have a worried honeymoon. After the wedding feast, Xena had informed Gabrielle of Ares' visit and Aphrodite had confirmed the warning.

"Xena, do you ever get the feeling that it never ends for us? That our life is one big crises to another?" Gabrielle asked rhetorically. The information about Athena's regrouping hadn't put a damper on their happiness, only because they always knew it would only been a matter of time before they would be back to revisit the 'Twilight of the Gods' prophecy.

"As long as we have the ability to help someone, protect someone, or a cause that needs fighting for, we'll have those. It doesn't matter, so long as I'm with you." Xena smiled.

"I bet you say that to all of the girls you have locked up in a bridal chamber." Gabrielle teased.

In truth, Gabrielle had been nervous about intimacy, especially their first time. It wasn't a secret that Xena surpassed her in the experience department, so part of her felt insecure. Many times during a heavy make out session, Gabrielle didn't act on her desires, because she didn't quite have the confidence. Xena never forced the issue because she wanted Gabrielle to be ready of her own accord. Gabrielle wanted their first time to be tonight, insecurity be damned.

"Look, Gabrielle, I know its our honeymoon, but you don't have to do anything you are not ready for. We have our whole lives." Xena preempted, knowing that Gabrielle might feel an obligation to be intimate. Gabrielle was touched by Xena's understanding, however be it misguided.

"Xena, I've always been ready, its just that—what if I'm not good, or as good as your other lovers?" Gabrielle questioned.

"Gabrielle, by the love and passion you display to me, I can't imagine you being anything but amazing. I know that you will be amazing, for the simple fact that I've never loved anyone as much as I love you." Xena encouraged.

Gabrielle had her heart set for tonight as the night. She had taken steps to try to enhance her chances of making the night memorable. She knew they would be tired after the feast and their mutual fondness of a nice hot tub. Their room had a sunken hot tub, and using some advice from Aphrodite, she had the inn staff bring in items to the bath before their return. It was now that she just had to put it all into motion. She pulled Xena into the bath chamber and revealed her provisions. Xena took in the smells and the steam lifting from the tub.

"Why do I get the feeling you are trying to seduce me." Xena remarked in a deep, lusty voice, raising her patented eyebrow.

The tub was filled with silky salts, rose petals, and a sweet smelling aroma of chocolate filled the air. Candles provided the only light of the room.

"Perhaps because I am." Gabrielle grinned and winked conspiratorially.

She wanted Xena and she wanted to show her just how much. She pushed the shoulder straps of her dress down slowly, but was distracted by the beauty of her new wife. She was going to make this night memorable. Who needed confidence, when desire drove your actions.

She strode purposefully for Xena, and reached out her hand to caress her face and down to her neck. Xena's eyes closed in response to the soft touch that lingered over her. In response to the intimate touch, Xena hungered for a kiss to feel their connection and Gabrielle's soft lips. Their lips moved in unison, their hearts swelling from the connection. With the combined heat of the bath and their emotion, they began to feel weak and breathless. Gabrielle was the first to act, she tugged Xena down to the floor next the bath, and slowly and methodically she began to undress her love whilst deepening their kiss. As she lay on top of Xena on the floor, she felt consumed in desire. The sweet nectar of Xena's breath, and the taste of her tongue served to excite Gabrielle to a new height of desire. She began to tear at the stubborn garments.

Xena returned the fervor and also yearned to touch the lithe body of her lover that she had admired for so long. Their hands moved in tandem, caressing and touching, removing and undressing, memorizing the softness of each other. Gabrielle then reached for Xena's breasts, removing the bustier and spreading her hands all over Xena's sensitive skin. Xena gasped and disconnected the kiss as her head rolled back in the pleasure of the touch. The blond found that moment of perceived bliss gave her the courage to take control of situation. They had wanted each other for so long that there wasn't any doubt to their readiness.

She stepped out of her remaining undergarments, revealing her nakedness. She returned to the floor beside her love and helped Xena out her own undergarments. She admired the perfectness of Xena's body uninhibited. Every curve and inch of her skin was amazing.

"By the Gods, you are beautiful." Gabrielle lustfully remarked.

The brunette was touched by the sentiment, but all she could think of was at how amazingly gorgeous Gabrielle's naked body was. Her mouth watered at its symmetry and natural beauty.

"I must have done something right, cause I think I've died and gone to heaven." Xena remarked, leering at the body before her. Gabrielle blushed. The blushed tinted and only served to make her even more beautiful.

She dragged Xena by her hand into the tub with her and bade her to sit, since the tub had a ledge to comfortably sit on while in the water. Taking the oils and soap into her hands she made a mixture of soap and oil. The oil seemed to heat in her hand and the lather of soap allowed it to be spread easily. She returned to place atop the warrior and used her knee to spread Xena's legs apart so that she could situate herself between them. Xena luxuriated in the hot water on her skin and the softness of Gabrielle body touching hers, It was getting hard to concentrate. She had never let herself be so vulnerable to anyone in her life, but with Gabrielle, she couldn't help but surrender.

The blond began massaging the oil all over her partner's body. Her shoulders, her breasts, and the inside of her thighs were worshiped and adored by steady hands. A steady heat and ache was growing at their centers as their desire for being one heightened by the intimate touch. Needing contact, Xena began kissing Gabrielle. It halted her in her heavy massage and the kiss deepened. Their tongues caressed and they sucked on one another's tongue, wanting to consume and deepen the kiss all they can. Unconsciously, Gabrielle's hips began to rock, igniting a fire and a frantic fondling of skin rubbing and struggling for contact all over each other. Gabrielle adjusted to straddle Xena and Xena pulled her in close. She pulled Gabrielle into her center. The blond gasped at the contact and Xena moaned. The older woman dove into kissing the hollow of her neck, her hands lightly scratching Gabrielle's back as she pulled her closer into her. They moved against one another in a fluid dance of give and take.

The rising heat and tingling took over Xena's body. The notion that this was Gabrielle on top of her, and all over her, took her over the edge. Waves and waves of excitement bundled on top of each layer, until she felt she could take it no longer. Her breaths became ragged as she felt the pleasure overflow its cup, sending her reeling in ecstasy. The pressure, the rubbing, the heat on her need, was being manipulated right where it ached and the speed quickened toward an explosion. Xena cried out at the pleasure that proceeded from her orgasm. Wave after wave of release sent her body into a tailspin as Gabrielle continued to rock against her. Feeling her own release imminent, the shorter woman struggled to to stay aware.

"Oh Gods Xena!" Gabrielle husked, taking great pleasure in Xena's release. She felt her own so close now as she sped up her own thrusts, pulling herself harder onto Xena to deepen the contact. Recklessly holding on and struggling for control, Xena returned the fervid thrusts into her center, unwillingly extending her own pleasure. Soon Gabrielle cried out in release pushing her over the edge.

"Xena!" Gabrielle moaned and grunted as she felt her center tightened in waves of ecstasy. Xena sucked and kissed at her skin as she watched Gabrielle ride out the waves of her orgasm in awe. As the waves subsided, Gabrielle slumped on top of her love. Xena adjusted her to pull her close, so that her head rested on her shoulder.

"Like I said. Amazing." Xena stated breathlessly and spent, in the aftermath of intense lovemaking.

"And we haven't even gotten to me pleasuring you with my tongue and fingers." Gabrielle mumbled from her position, a hint at what she had researched on.

Xena's eyes grew wide at the intonation of her love's voice, thickened with desire, and she couldn't wait for the next round of lovemaking she had in store for her.

THE END... AGAIN [ But it's only the beginning for them ;) ]

**Author's Note: Ok, that was just horrible lol. My first attempt at a sex scene and it goes down in flames. Oh well, maybe next time :P***