This is a plot that I've had in the back of my head that I'm just getting around to writing. There will be spanking, of course, as the summary says there will be. But it won't happen for a little while.

I hope you guys like it!

The sun wasn't shining and rain was pouring down. This was the kind of day we went to school on.

I sat in the back of the Volvo in the middle. Alice and Emmett were on either side of me. Edward was driving and Rosalie, the queen that she thinks she is, got shot gun. She thought she was too good to sit in the back.

Edward turned the car into the parking lot of Forks High School. He parked next to Bella's old red truck. She should just let Edward get her a new car.

I turned my head as Edward pulled Bella close to him and kissed her lips. The two of them were sending off such powerful waves of love. It made me smile at Alice and wrap my arm around her shoulders.

We headed into the worn down building for our first period class. Oh, joy-Calculus. I shared the same feelings as Bella about this particular class. Mr. Varner got on my nerves easily.

We had to take a test. It was easy, of course, since I've taken Calculus multiple times before. I finished early along with my siblings and Alice. Bella was still furiously scribbling away, trying her best to get a good grade. I felt bad for the poor girl.

When the bell finally rang to declare that first period was over, the whole class rushed out of their seats and into the hallway. Second period would begin shortly.

The day was very uneventful. But that changed last period.

We had P.E. last period. We all walked over to the gym in silence. It was still raining, but that was no shocker.

The coach said to pair up. Alice and Bella became partners instantly while Emmett and Edward did as well. Rosalie was glaring daggers at Alice.

"Are you absolutely kidding me, Alice?" she asked. "You're seriously gonna ditch me for some stupid human girl?"

Alice scowled back. "Shut it, Rosalie. She's my friend."

"Alice, be partners with Rosalie. I'll be partners with Jasper," Bella offered.

"No, Bella, it's fine," Alice said, trying to get Bella to come back.

"I don't care, Alice," Bella stated. "I'm terrible at this class."

"Bella-" Alice began but Rosalie cut her off.

"Go with Jasper, Bella!" Rosalie demanded, her icy glare pointed at Bella.

I had no problem being partners with Bella, but Rosalie was being a real bitch.

"Come on, Bella. Ignore her," I said.

Bella smiled at me. "Thanks, Jasper."

I nodded. "Anytime."

We had to pass a basketball back and forth. This is what P.E. has come to.

With my enhanced vampire hearing, I was able to hear what Rosalie was saying to Alice.

"I don't get it, Alice," she began. "We're sisters, and some bitchy human girl comes along and you suddenly can't be bothered with me anymore."

"She's not a bitch, Rosalie. You are," Alice shot back.

Rosalie's eyes narrowed. "And there you go. Just defend that dumb, stupid, idiotic human like I'm a fucking piece of dirt!"

That was it. I like to consider myself a gentleman and stick up for the girls in the house. Bella was like a little sister to me and I didn't like that Rosalie was talking about her like that. Time to be the overprotective big brother that was inside me.

"Shut up, Rosalie!" I yelled. "Before you call anyone a bitch, look in a mirror!"

"I'm not talking to you, Jasper!" she yelled back.

I saw the P.E. teacher start to make his way over here.

"You just did! You take dumb blond to a whole new level!"

"Oh, that is it, Jasper!" She chucked the ball at me with a human force, but the force would have been strong for a human. I ducked and it hit Bella right on the side of her head. She fell to the ground.

"Bella!" I exclaimed. I rushed over to her side, immediately ashamed of myself that I had ducked. It had been a reflex. "I'm so sorry!"

Edward was soon over here, too, along with Alice, Emmett, and the teacher.

"It's not...your fault...Jazz," she stuttered weakly. Her voice was barely a whisper, but I heard it perfectly clear. It made me feel really guilty.

"Call 911!" the teacher shouted.

Alice whipped out her cell phone and dialed the three digits. "I need an ambulance at Forks High School!...No, I need one now!...There's a girl with a head injury...Let me talk to Dr. Cullen...Now, it's an emergency!...Dad, Bella had a head injury. We need an ambulance."

I heard him say that he would make sure that one was sent over and that he'd be waiting in the emergency room for us. Alice thanked him and hung up.

"There's an ambulance on the way. Hold on, Bella," Alice said, meanwhile fixing Rosalie with an awful glare.

"Rosalie, Jasper, why don't you two take a trip down to the principal's office," the teacher said.

Rosalie was about to protest when I dragged her along. She shut up but glared at me. Whatever. We were all used to her glaring at us.

We didn't speak on the walk to the principal's office.

When we got there, the principal, Mr. Green, was on the phone. From the sounds of it, he was talking to our P.E. coach about what happened.

He called us in a moment later. I closed the door behind me and sat beside Rosalie.

"I would like to hear you two tell me what happened," he said.

Rosalie and I both started to talk at the same time. We began to argue until Mr. Green had to tell us to calm down.

"From what I hear, Jasper yelled at Rosalie and swore at her-"

"Only because she was bullying another student!" I protested. "She always does, so I was defending the other student."

Mr. Green nodded. "I see. I'm going to call your house. I'm sending you two home early. For further punishment, you each have three days of detention after school. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Mr. Green," we both said.

Rosalie and I looked away from each other while Mr. Green dialed the number to our house. I could hear perfectly well the whole conversation.

"Hello?" Esme's voice said.

"Hello, this is Mr. Green, principal at Forks High School. I'm looking for either Dr. or Mrs. Cullen."

"I'm Mrs. Cullen."

"Well, Mrs. Cullen, I'm afraid we have a problem with two of your children. Could you please come down to the school to pick them up? I'm sending them home early."

"Of course. Thank you for calling. Bye."

"Thank you, Mrs. Cullen. Bye."

He hung up the phone.

I know all too well how this was going to turn out. Esme was going to be disappointed in us. Then when Carlisle got home, she would tell him what happened. And the consequence...well, I didn't really want to think about the consequence. More like my butt didn't want to think about the consequence.

Emmett, Edward, and I all had our fair share of spankings. We, naturally, got into a lot of trouble that had to do with fighting and wrestling and broken things.

Alice and Rosalie don't get spanked as often as we do. They're true "daddy's girls."

Esme arrived at the office quickly. Mr. Green explained what happened as I bowed my head, ashamed at myself. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rosalie stick her chin up in the air, obviously not feeling remorse for her actions.

"Alright, you two, come on," Esme said, gesturing us out the door.

Of course, Rosalie got shot gun because she was too good to sit in the back. Esme drove at a fast speed.

"Rosalie, I am extremely disappointed in you," Esme lectured. "I know you have a good heart and that you're a kind person. I don't understand why you choose to be so cruel to Bella. She's such a nice girl and I don't get what fault you find in her to make you act like this."

"Save it, Esme," Rosalie snapped. "My feelings will never change for that bitch."

"Rosalie Cullen!" Esme exclaimed. Although when we went in public her and my last name was Hale, we were really Cullens. "You better watch your language and your attitude."

"I can't watch my language or my attitude. Neither thing is visible," Rosalie said.

"Rosalie, I am absolutely furious with you right now! You're lucky I'm not spanking you myself!"

Esme never spanked any of us. She would be to emotional. She did, though, give us warning swats. Whenever we were pushing it, she would smack our behinds once in warning.

"Jasper, I know that what Rosalie did was wrong, but you can't retaliate like that. You reacted in a way that I thought you knew better than to do. I'm very disappointed in you, Jazz," Esme stated.

I folded my hands in my lap and put my head down. "Sorry, Mom."

Esme looked back at me through the mirror and I saw a small, sad smile on her face. "I know, baby. I know."

I was surprised when Esme took a right turn instead of of left that would take us to our house. She was taking us to the hospital.

"Aw, come on, Mom. I don't wanna go see the human!" Rosalie complained.

"She has a name, Rosalie!" Esme exclaimed.

"I don't freakin' care!" Rosalie shouted.

"I don't freakin' care!" I mocked. I instantly regretted it.

"Jasper, Rosalie already has a bad punishment coming to her, and now you do, too. You should have stayed out of it," Esme said.

I nodded in shame. "Yes, ma'am."

It only took a couple minutes until we were at the hospital.

"Hi, Mrs. Cullen," the receptionist, Ashley, greeted. She was in her early twenties and studying to become a nurse. She was always nice to all of us and from what I've seen, the only girl at the hospital that didn't fall all over Carlisle. "Dr. Cullen is in the ER treating Bella. Only two visitors, I'm sorry."

"That's fine, I'll stay here," Rosalie said, sitting in the waiting room.

"Thank you, Ashley."

Esme and I walked down to the ER. I was becoming better at controlling myself around blood. Ever since Bella's birthday party, I've been extra careful. When we moved back to Forks, I started to become more used to being around Bella. Blood didn't bother me nearly as much anymore.

"Jasper, you can't fight with your siblings," Esme said.

"The bitch had it coming."

Esme sighed. "Jasper, Carlisle and I give you guys freedom, but we don't allow you boys to call any girls in the house a bitch. You know that, Jasper."

We walked the rest of the way in silence.

When we got to the emergency room, Carlisle was checking over Bella's head. Alice, Edward, and Emmett hadn't arrived yet. School was still in session.

Bella whimpered when Carlisle touched a certain spot on her head. "I'm sorry, sweetheart," Carlisle apologized.

Bella looked up at us as we made our way over to them. "I know what you're thinking, Jasper. It's not your fault. I wouldv'e inflicted this on myself anyway."

I wore a guilty expression. "Bella, ah'm really sorry."

"Don't worry about it, Jazz. You didn't cause this. I'm just accident prone."

Carlisle finished examing Bella's head. "So no further injury beyond the concussion."

Concussion. Bella had a concussion.

"Ah'm so sor-"

"You have nothing to apologize for, Jasper!" Bella exclaimed.

I sighed and still wore my guilty expression.

"We'll talk about this later, Jasper," Carlisle said.

This wasn't going to be a pleasant convesation.

A new story! Please review!