Lalala~! Ouran, Ouran, Ouran, Ouran Academy! Hehehe ok! On Quizilla a bunch of people requested that I continue this story, so I decided that I should give the Fanfiction-addicts a peek! ^_^

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ouran High school Host Club-Anime or Manga. Because if I did, *has a look on her face like Tamaki when he daydreams* the Host club would actually be sleeping with their customers, and I would pick one epic-Ouran-fangirl from random and let them be the main character for at least one whole episode! Me first. Cuz I thought of it. :D


Chapter one



"Kasanoda siblings, please return to us safely."



"Kasanoda siblings, have a good day at work today."


Oh boy.

The air felt thick as Ritsu, once again, made a big deal out of nothing.


"Ahhh!"Our Yakuza gang screamed as they cowered in fear from Ritsu.

I rolled my eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys, to not call it work?" As his glare increased so did their fear.


"That's enough." I demanded, not even turning around to look at them. "Your exaggerating things again, Ritsu. Just get over it..." I said with authority dripping from each word.


My head snapped up to look at him. My glaring fiery eyes locked on him. "I said: Get. Over. It." Annoyance practically radiated off me, making the air hotter and heavier. "You really do neglect all the good things you have don't you?"

"A-ah, y-yes onē-san...Sorry."He hung his head hung in defeat.

I began walking, once again,out of the wooden gate of our residence. We both stopped out on the side walk. I turned slowly towards him, my head lifted to look up at him. I sighed deeply before flicking my wrist. "Bend down." He hesitantly followed orders without question. I then calmly started to smooth his similar fiery hair down. "...So," I voiced in a quiet yet strong tone. "You're going to try and make friends today?"

"Y-yeah..."I could tell that he was nervous about my reaction.

I grabbed both sides of his face gently in my hands before kissing his forehead lovingly. "Good luck, Ototo-san(little brother)." A rare smile graced my features as I let him go. He smiled back as he stood back to his full height of about 5'9". "Oi, is, hair ok?" I asked painfully. I always hated asking about those kinds of things, I sounded so...girly.

He heard my pain filled voice, and made a laughing noise in the back of his throat. "Yeah."


We looked over to see my limo ride to school. "You gonna get a ride to school with me?" I asked as I opened the back door of the slick black car. He shook his head once. "Nah. I'm gonna walk today."

"Well alright, tell me if anything happens. And I have my phone if ya need me!" We waved each other off as I began to ride away.

I sighed and watched as my home got farther and farther away. 'He really doesn't realize how much of a lucky bastard he is...'

~* 20 min later*~

I groaned as I slid down in my seat in an attempted to hide myself as we drove up to my school. St. Lobelia Girls' Academy.

'Oh f*k my life...'

I lazily slid out of the car so that it would take more time to go in. I stood and watched with a heavy heart as my ride to freedom/doom rode away without me. And I swear to you, I didn't take more than 5 freakin' steps down the stone laid path, and swarms of giggling girls crowed around me with flushed faces and adoring eyes.

"Good morning Ayano-Sama!"

A disgusted shiver went through me as I tried to walk threw the love-sick fan girls. "Mornin'..."

They all stopped as I continued to walk away. "...AHH~ !"

"Did you hear what She said?" One fan girl squealed.

"Yeah~!" Another one said.

"Who didn't?" And another one ...

"Her slang is so~ MOE!"


I sped up my foot steps as it soon became a sprint as a blush covered my face from embarrassment and anger.

'F*kin' lesbos! I'm not motha f*king Moe!'

I forcefully kicked open the main doors of Lobelia, and stomped my way through the academy, trying to let off some steam before class. I marched into one of the bathrooms to be by myself and calm down. I turned on one of the sinks and started splashing water on my heated face.

"Damn it, I just get here and people are already pissin' me off..." I mumbled as I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore my fiery red hair down like a did every day, even though it was constantly in my eyes. and I was already wearing my St. Lobelia uniform.

"Well, don't you look absolutely stunning, my little red octopus..."

I whirled around to see who said that. Only to find out it was Benio Amakusa, leader of the(super Lesbian) Zuka club.

"Oh, it's just you." I replied coldly before I walked past her without a second glance. I heard, from what I can tell is her foot steps and two other behind me as I continued down the hall. Right now is when I wish this school wasn't so f*kin' big, so they could stop stalking me.

After a while a began to notice that the fan girls, I mean the whole damn student body,began to emerge. All of them whispering excitedly. I actually caught what one was saying- "Please say that Ayano-Sama is in the Zuka club!"


I shot my body around to face the Zuka club. Rage flowing through my like a river. "No bloody way in hell, am I ever, going to join the Zuka club!" I don't think I could make it any more clearer. Benio held a confused, wide eyed look on her stupid face.

"What? Now who said anything about that?" I could f*kin' hear the laughter in her voice! "But if you want to, it's alright with me! It's about time anyway!" ...What?

"Welcome to the Zuka club! My little octopus..."



Is this really the begging of the best years of my life?

I actually had to revise this story, cuz REALLY sucked before. T-T The next chapter's going to be ALOT better, believe me!