Caine looked in horror at What Was Once Diana.
For once, he had no idea what to do. Even in the worst of sticky situations, he always had something chugging away in the back of his mind, a "just in case" department in his brain ready to kick into action when things went down. But not now. Now, he was frozen.
It looked like her, it's voice was her's, its paleness, its chopped off hair, its bags under the eyes were hers, but Diana was gone.
"Release her, Caine. Release me. You don't want her hurt, do you, Caine? I will hurt her, Caine. You know my power. You know what I can do with her mind." Said the thing that was not Diana.
Well what now? What now, Caine?
He wished he could let her go. Something was just so wrong about dangling her seven feet in the air when she was so hurt, but he knew he couldn't free The Darkness. They weren't on the same side anymore, The Darkness and he. IT was that simple. Caine had taken too much from it to let it be, to let it go free and wreak havoc.
And now that thing had Diana.
What now, Caine? No big plans?
He felt something wet on his cheek. He was crying. Boys his age weren't supposed to cry, but was he really a boy in the FAYZ? Noone is a kid in the FAYZ, where you age 20 years in a month. Were men allowed to cry? Perhaps there was some kind of if-the-girl-you-love-is-being-controlled-by-some-kind-of-glowing-radioactive-space-creature-then-you're-allowed-to-cry rule. Not relevant. Think, Caine, think!
"Let's make a deal." Said Caine.
The Darkness shuddered.
"No, Caine, don't! We cannot bend!" cried Diana.
Then The Thing convulsed and was itself once more.
What now, Caine?