Disclaimer: Don't own Bones! Just love 'em!

Last chapter!


She whimpered in protest as he sat up and ended the physical contact she had started to crave.

"Shh, relax, Bones. I'm not going anywhere. It's just that," he placed his hands on her shirt, unbuttoning it slowly, " we're overdressed for the occasion. Don't you think?"

She licked her lips as she nodded. "Yes," She hastily agreed, "Yes, yes we are."

Booth couldn't suppress a smile as he took in the sparkle in her eyes and the blush on her cheeks. "God, you're beautiful," he whispered as he slowly opened her shirt, baring her to his gaze.

She could feel her cheeks redden even more at his comment, but she didn't feel put on the spot, or embarrassed by his loving intense gaze. No, on the contrary, she felt special. For once in her life, she felt accepted; I want to make him feel like that. Her decision made, she sat up straight as well and squirmed around a bit until she was mirroring his position.

He looked her in the eye, pleasantly surprised by her actions. "What are you doing, Bones?"

"You're overdressed as well, Booth," confidently, she got a hold of his belt buckle and took it off, "I just thought you would appreciate my help," she looked back up at him. "Are you saying you don't want my help?" she asked playfully, surprised by the relaxed, loving atmosphere they had successfully created together.

"No, Temperance, I don't mind, not at all." He created a little more space, by sliding a little further away from her and laid back down, opening himself up to her.

She felt awed that such a loving, gentle, caring man had chosen her over all of the women he could have. She sat down next to his hips and gently let her fingers graze the skin of his abdomen, arousing him with a feather light touch.

Booth was pleasantly surprised when she took it slowly. He had been afraid she would want to rush her way through the experience, focusing on the actions as opposed to the feelings, but his fears seemed completely ungrounded. However, he had been waiting for 5 years, and well, there is only so much a guy can take.

She smiled when he turned towards her, leaning on his elbow. When he cupped her face in his palm, she slightly pressed into his touch.

"How about we get back to where left off, huh?" He leaned closer to her, pressing his lips to her cheek, knowing that there was no way he was going to get back on track if he would kiss her properly.

His kiss was brief and left her wanting for more. But that was quickly forgotten as he got up, kicked his shoes off, took of his socks and proceeded to continue what she had started, taking his jeans off. Her heartbeat sped up as he didn't stop there and took of his boxers as well.

After stripping in front of her, he reached his hand out to her. She placed her hand in his and allowed him to pull her to her feet. When she was standing in front of him, she placed her hands on her shirt ready to take it off, but he interrupted her. "Please, allow me."

She nodded slowly and let go of her shirt, looking up at him as he slipped his hands underneath the soft fabric and placed them on her bare shoulders, pushing the fabric back, letting it fall onto the floor.

His breath hitched slightly in his throat as he took in the vision in front of him. She was everything he had known she would be, her creamy skin, soft and pale, illuminated by the small quantity of light that found its way into the tent. She was a goddess. HIS goddess.

Smiling at the loving way he let his gaze glide over her body, she tempted him by lifting her foot and running it up his calve, laughing at the low growl that left his lips. "We aren't getting anywhere if you keep staring, Booth," Brennan purred.

"Can't help it," Booth replied quickly, kissing her collar bone while running his hands up and down her back, reaching for the clasp that held her bra in place. "God, Bones, you're damn perfect to me." He gently slipped the bra straps down her arms, removing the garment, carelessly tossing it over his shoulder, not caring where it landed, as long as it wasn't a barrier between their skin anymore. He once again scooped her up in his arms, kneeling and laying her down on the duvet. His attention was drawn to the tie resting in the valley between her breasts.

Her breathing turned shallow as Booth focused his attention on her breasts and his tie lying between them. She nervously licked her lips as Booth gently took the knot in his hands, slowly untying it as he continued to caress her bare torso with his intense gaze.

Booth couldn't get enough of the incredible beauty that had been hidden from him for so many years. Yeah, he had had a glimpse that Halloween, when she had dressed up as Wonder Woman and another sneak peak when they had gone under cover in the circus, but it was nothing compared to this moment. As soon as he had untied the knot, his fingers lightly traced her collar bones, flattening his palms on her shoulders as he caressed her arms. When he reached her hands, he lifted them and pressed his lips against her knuckles. Laying them back down, he rested his hands on her hips, sliding them back up, over her tummy.

She kept looking at him, a strange fluttery feeling in her stomach as Booth caressed the soft skin of her belly. She moaned softly at the gentle, yet incredibly intense and arousing touch, closing her eyes, wanting to intensify the feeling when he would reach her full breasts.

Booth grinned as he saw her closing her eyes. So instead of touching her where he knew she longed for his touch, he gently tugged at the tie, dragging it over her body, replacing his touch with the soft, ghostly touch of the fabric, opening her eyes.

"Please, Booth," She moaned as she reached for his hands, pressing them down on her tummy, "Touch me, we've waited long enough. Please don't make me wait any longer,"

Hearing her soft pleas, he caressed her skin, moving his hands lower until they rested on her panties. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her hip as he tugged the last piece of fabric down her legs. Once they were off, they flew through the air, just like her bra had done a few moments earlier. The sight of her naked body spread out, in front of him, made his own body react. He growled soft as he placed his hands next to her knees and started crawling over her, hovering over her body.

The moment he came closer, she pressed her hands on his shoulder, sliding them down his back as he hovered over her. The tension was becoming too much and she wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him down, pressing his bare skin against hers. "Booth, please…" She was beyond coherent speech, so she bends her right knee in a silent plea for him to show her, to make love to her.

As he joined their bodies softly, he pressed his lips against her cheek, loving the whimpered sounds that left her lips. Before he started to move inside of her body, he stilled, kissing her deeply. "You okay, Temperance?"

"God yes! Don't stop, Booth. Please, don't…" She needed him to move, to touch her, to kiss her, to – she just needed him.

"Can you feel the difference, Temperance? This isn't about lust, it's about love." He tilted his head to the side, pressing a kiss to the swell of her breast, right above her heart. He looked into her blue eyes again. "I do lust for you too, Bones. But I'll prove that some other time. Right now, I want you to feel how much I love you. Can you feel that?"

She had been rendered speechless, both by his actions and his words. She caressed his leg with hers as she gently rolled her hips, encouraging him to start moving, to help her break the laws of physics. She had tried doing that on her own and she had failed. Miserably. She cupped his face in her hands and directed his lips back down, to hers.

Her tongue invaded his mouth and as they shared an intense kiss, Booth resumed his movements, gently thrusting inside of her, keeping their bodies close.

His moves made her body quiver with longing, but even though it was arousing, it had more of a soothing quality. His thrusts were shallow and slow, making her aware of his body, but not enough to drive her towards the edge of the cliff; she so desperately wanted to fall from, knowing Booth would catch her.

Booth kissed his way back to her ear, peppering her cheek with butterfly kisses. "I love you, Temperance Brennan,"

His whispered declaration of love made her take action as she wrapped her bare legs around his hips, urging his movements to become faster. "I know,"

At her answer, he stilled his body inside of hers, once again. "Do you love me too?" He looked her straight in the eye, watching her response.

She tried to find her voice, to push those words past her lips, to tell him that she loved him too, but the words got stuck in her throat.

Her struggle for words was obvious to him, as was the sparkle in her eye and the way she had tightened her grip around his hips, "Shh, I know," He answered her as he started moving faster. His hand slid between their bodies, covering her breast.

She moaned and writhed beneath him as she felt his palm press lightly against her right breast, hardening her nipple before he smoothed it back over. Her eyes rolled back as the intensity of his thrusts changed from slow and shallow, to deep, penetrating movements.

Her moans spurred him on as he gently sucked her earlobe, raking his teeth lightly over it, before he let go. "Are you ready to break the laws of physics with me, Dr. Brennan?"

"Uh uh," She moaned an affirmative sound as she seemed to have forgotten how one forms words and pushes them through their lips.

He grinned at her soft agreement, gently biting her neck, snapping her out of her gaze.

She turned her head a little the moment he let go of her neck. "Look into my eyes, Temperance. I want to see you when you come."

His words made heat pool in her lower tummy, increasing in size each time the tip of Booth's penis came in touch with her cervix.

Slowly, Booth slipped his hand lower between them, stimulating her clitoris by making slow, circular movements, which he sped up in time with his thrusts.

"Oh, Booth, I – I don't think I,"

He shook his head slowly, "No, don't run from it. Open yourself up to that feeling, to me."

The heat quickly became an unbearable, exquisite feeling that she couldn't escape from, no matter how hard she would try, but Booth's soft, determined words had weakened her resolve to run away from it. She wanted to experience it, wanted to break those damn laws that felt constricting all of the sudden. "Booth, please… Seeley,"

The sound of his first name, tumbling from her lips, was the last sign of encouragement he needed. He let go and allowed his aroused body to take over, to search for that release he had promised her.

"Oh, god, Booth!" She whispered, gasping as her orgasm hit her. It started deep inside of her body, racing through her torso, making her heartbeat speed up drastically as it stole her breath. But it wasn't done yet, the muscles in her legs quivered, squeezing his hips, sending his body even deeper inside of hers.

As she tightened the grip of her legs around her, gasping softly, he came inside of her body. He pressed his lips to her neck in an open-mouthed kiss, giving her neck a quick lick.

Together they rode out the waves of their orgasms as she released her tight grip around him, her limbs going limp as she lacked the strength to keep them wrapped around his broad frame. "I love you too, Booth."

"I know, honey. I know," He slowly pulled back, to withdraw his body from hers, but he was stopped by her soft whisper.

"No, don't go. Don't leave me. Stay. Just a little longer?" Her eyes were brimming with tears from the intensity of the experience.

"Shh, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. But I'm a little heavy to stay like this for too long. So just a few moments, okay." He didn't want to leave her body, which offered him such love, understanding and acceptance, but he didn't want to hurt her either.

"No. I – I'm not ready to lose that connection with you. Please, Seeley." She couldn't let go of him. Because if he let go of her, before she could accept this rationally as well as emotionally, she knew she would feel the need to run again. And she didn't want to run from Booth, not anymore. Not after having fully received his love.

He pondered his options for a moment and just a few seconds later, he found the perfect solution. He slipped his hands slowly underneath her body. "Wrap your arms and legs around me," He instructed softly.

She didn't see the point in doing that, but after all he had proved to her tonight, she didn't question his motives and did as she was asked.

He grabbed the duvet, that they were laying on, in his hand and as soon as she had wrapped her body around his, he rolled them over, so she was lying on top of him. Their bodies still connected. The duvet came with them, forming a protective cocoon around both of them.

She quickly rearranged her arms and legs into a wonderfully lazy, comfortable position, snuggling in their make shift love nest. "Thank you, Booth."

"You're welcome, baby. More than welcome," He added softly. He quickly swept his glance over the inside of the tent. When he located a big purple pillow right next to him, he pushed it, slightly lifting his head, so he could rest it on it, making himself comfortable.

"Hmmm," she exhaled tiredly, feeling warm, satisfied and loved. She rubbed his cheek against his chest, briefly pressing her lips onto it. She reached for his hands and placed them on her lower back.

"Go to sleep, baby," He gently ran his hands over her back, "Go to sleep, Temperance. I'll be here in the morning."

And he was. And he continued to be there for her, just like she was for him, for the rest of their lives. Lusting, loving, and breaking the laws of physics, together.

The End!

Hope you enjoyed it!

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