So this is my FIRST ever dasey fanfic and i just watched the movie Tristan and Isolde and I fell in love with James Franco all over again and I thought, why not do a story on it?
'Tristan and Isolde is just, so beautiful,' she said bursting through the door in tears.
'Who?' Derek looked up to see her looking like a complete wreck. Well nothing from the ordinary. He refrained from saying anything. She might have gone She-Hulk on him.
'Well no one cares about Isolde, it's Tristan,' she began to mumble.
'And he is?' He looked at her for an answer but she was lost in a daze.
She sighed. 'He's Tristan, Tristan of Aragon. You know, he's British. I wonder if British people like Canadians,' she said pondering.
'You've lost me,' he said.
'I never had you,' she whispered under her breath. She forgot he had super hearing and his eyes opened wider in shock.
'Come again?'
'Tristan, Tristan of Aragon!' she exclaimed.
Derek noticed the DVD case in her hands and rolled her eyes.
'He's, he's just so beautiful,' she sighed again as she plopped on his bed. Her dress had rode up to reveal her long dancer legs. Derek stared at her face to avoid looking elsewhere.
'Tristan? The character from the movie?' His eyes were back on her legs. She was to busy crying to noticing him perving on her.
'Mnhmmm,' she mumbled.
'How much exactly have you had to drink?' His eyebrow rising in unison to his question.
'The whole bottle?' She said trying to weigh the contents of the empty Jack Daniels on her lap.
'Right,' he said, his voice tingeing on concern.
So she was drunk.
'I'm off,' she stood up to lose her balance. She would have fallen head first if he hadn't caught her. She stood there in his arms for a while, staring at him with such great intensity he was afraid that she would burn holes through the back of his head.
'Look,' he sighed, almost in defeat 'Just stay Case' he said, his eyes were pleading her to listen.
'I'm fine!' she said stumbling towards the door in her heels. 'I'm going out,'
'You can't go now; you're in no state to be going anywhere.' She was resting her hand on the knob for it to slip off. 'I don't even understand how you even got here!'
'Look,' she said pointing her finger at him. It was supposed to be threatening but he moved towards her. In her attempt to back away, Casey felt a bruise when her head came into contact with the door. 'Ow,' she mouthed and dropped to the floor.
He ran to her side to see her laughing as she finally glugged the contents of the bottle.
'Casey,' He said rubbing her back. 'What happened?'
'He has a girlfriend,' she said sobbing through her tears.
'Tristan' she said before a fresh wave of tears hit her.
'Is he even worth it?' He asked trying to play along, see where she was going with this.
She merely nodded in response. 'Definitely,'
'Oh,' almost slightly angry at her answer. 'Well, he isn't, because number one, he's a character in a movie, number two, he's not even that great a sword fighter,' yes. He watched it about ten times with her, every time she broke up with one of those 'good for nothing' boys. 'and three,' he said looking at her. 'You are worth so much more,'
Something in her chest tightened. It wasn't her heart. It couldn't be her heart, it was Derek.
'Yeah,' she said immediately diminishing her tears. Her phone began to buzz. 'It's Emily,'
'She knew you were here?' She nodded as she answer her phone. 'She know's that,'
'That we what?'
'You know,' he out his hands in his pockets awkwardly. 'Hang out,'
'Yep?' She had immediately put on that facade she was so good at putting. 'One minute,' she said into her phone and quickly shut it as she stood up rubbing her head.
'Where do you think you're going?'
'There,' she said pointing outside.
'But, you, how much did you drink,'
'I'm not sure, besides I'm not,'
'You're not what?'
'Yeah, and my mum's Queen Elizabeth,' he murmured.
'Really?' she said beaming back at him. He rolled his eyes at her.
'No,' he retorted helping her up.
'Right,' she said looking at him. Straight in the eyes. She could drown in that sea of brown.
'I'm not letting you go,' he said holding her hand. He was almost leaning down as if to kiss her.
'Wha?' She was beginning to quickly sober up and she didn't like it.
'I can't, I care about you too much to leave like this,'
'Ww, well tough,' she stuttered in response, on the verge of tears again.
'What did I say?'
'You said you cared about me,' she said falling to the floor again. He bent down and captured her in his arms. In his attempt to rescue her she shrugged away, as though he was contagious.
'What's wrong in that?' He half-laughed.
'You're Derek, you don't say those things,' she said in tears. 'Ever,'
'Well, I've grown up a bit, so I do.'
She didn't respond.
'You mean too much for me to let you go out like this. I'm saying it, because you're my best friend, and I'm yours. I've known you ever since our parents got married. We don't hide things from each other; in fact I think we're more blunt and honest if anything. And instead of you going to Emily's house, you came to mine. And look at you now, like this. In tears over some guy, '
'I know' she cried. 'I'm a mess,'
'Even though you might think you look like one, hundreds of boys would differ with that. And so do I,'
She continued to cry.
'You are a beautiful mess. And you're all mine.' He said kissing her forehead.
She stopped crying.
'No,' she whispered as she abruptly stood up.
'No what? You okay?' he touched her cheek but she flinched away from his grasp.
'I'm not,' she said shaking her head.
'You're not what?'
'I not,' she muttered repeatedly to herself.
She grabbed her bag from the counter and swiftly opened the door. Well, it was a stumble for the door considering she was in five inch heels, and she was significantly plastered.
'It's you,' she mumbled as she closed the door on him.
Sooo, whatchya think? :)
Bye for now! x