Disclaimer: I do not own any other Twilight character. Stephanie Meyers does, simple as that. Enjoy!
Summary: Bella has always been one of the guys and always in love with Edward. The summer of senior year things change and she becomes more girlie. Will E notice or it be too late.
"EW" I shouted as Emmett dangled a big juicy worm in my face laughing.
I started to turn and run away but as always my clumsy feet found a root of a tree to trip on. As I braced myself for the inevitable feeling of wet soggy earth meeting my face, I felt myself being pulled up instead of down. I looked at what was saving me from falling and saw it was my best friend Edward.
"Come on Bells worms have never scared you before." Edward laughed as he turned around toward his older brother.
"Yes I know but Em said he was gonna make me eat it! Even that's to gross for me to do. Thanks for catching me by the way."
"Bells you know I will always be there to catch you," He flashed his crippling smile at me, "come on lets my some football." and he ran off to the back yard.
"BELS! LET'S GO! You're making us miss the pregame!" Emmett shouted from my living room floor.
"EM, CALM THE FUCK DOWN! Excuse me for having to pee for once in my god damn life!" I responded.
Yes I was still best friends with Emmett McCarty and Edward Cullen, we even added another to the mix his name was Jasper Hale. School had just ended and we were now officially seniors at Forks High School. I was still just as much of a tomboy as I was at 13 and still just as much in love with Edward. Alice and I have become closer as a result of all three boys going on sports camp for the past couple summers. She is Edward's twin but the exact opposite. She hates sports and loves fashion. Edward is 5'11 and Alice is 5'3, he has bronze sex hair and she has short spiky black hair. It is like night and day with them.
I was around 16 when I realized I was in love with Edward, with a little help from Alice. A person would think a sister wouldn't encourage her best friend to go for it with her twin brother but nothing about Alice is ever normal. She always nudges me when it was just the three of us and is always lends a shoulder for me to cry on when Edward gives Em, Jasper and I a play-by-play of his latest date.
The one problem about our relationship, as you can tell, is that I have always been just one of the guys and really I am ok with it mostly. It just seems like a man would have more common sense than to talk about his dates and everything that happened when it ended in front of a girl. I think Jasper has sort of caught on with how I feel about Edward because just last week he tried to get Edward to stop. To which Edward responds, "hell Jas, Bells is one of the guys. She is more guy then girl."
It was just a week after the last day of our junior year at Forks High and we were on our way to the Cullen's to watch the baseball game Phillies vs. the Yankees. My favorite sports teams were the Giants for football, the Suns for basketball and the Phillies for baseball. The guys have been on edge around me it had seemed so I was excited to just hang out with everyone and thought it was going to be the perfect start to my summer, boy was I wrong. Anyway back to the present where Emmet was so patiently for me to finish up in the bathroom.
I quickly checked my reflection in the mirror. I put my hair in high ponytail and was wearing my favorite Phillies shirt that Edward had given me for my birthday last year. (All outfit links are posted on my profile check them out! Shirts under Bella's regular outfits)
As I ran out of my room I felt myself collide with something hard and shut my eyes as I waited for my face to meet the floor. After a couple seconds and not feeling the plush blue carpet opened my eyes and saw the reason I wasn't on the ground. Edward had caught me, just like he always does, "Bells when are you gonna learn to look before you run?" he said smirking.
I blushed, "the same day you will learn to hear me coming and not stand in the way."
"Hey I am standing in the hall way so its free domain!" he chuckled.
"COME ON GUYS! We are gonna miss the first pitch!" Emmett bellowed from downstairs.
"Uh, Ed you sorta have to let me go. Em sounds like he is gonna have a cow if we don't get down there." I said quietly.
"Oh right, sorry about that."
The instant Edward set me up straight and unwrapped his arms I wished he hadn't because I missed the warmth. We went downstairs to find my dad, Charlie and Emmett at the front door staring at the two of us.
"What were you two down that took so long?" Charlie grunted.
"Well Chief we were about to have wild and crazy sex right before Em ruined the moment." Edward responded and my mouth nearly hit the floor.
I started blushing as I thought about that actually happening. Loud laughing broke my day dream, as I looked around I noticed all three men were nearly in tears at the thought. I just pushed past them and ran into the car. I was hurt, beyond hurt. I mean I can understand how they would think of me as just the friend or daughter but I am still a girl.
'Just not a very good one' I thought to myself.
Soon after I left the house, all three followed suite. Edward decided to torture me some more and sat in the back with me. It took him less time to realize something was off with me and discreetly nudged my shoulder with his.
"Hey is everything ok? You seem out of it?" he asked with a frown on his God-like face.
"Yeah just thinking about the game. Can't wait to see Chase Utley help kick some Yankee ass."
"Well at least you are not like Alice who only watches the games for Cole Hamel and he 'utterly hot ass' we all know that isn't something you even think about, like ever." he says mimicking his twin.
"Actually Chase Utley does have an awesome ass and is pretty hot."
I noticed Edward's chin clench a little and wondered what that was about. When Emmett heard my remark he turned around with his goofy smile and started to tease me mercilessly. When he mentioned about Chase and I doing the horizontal tango both Charlie and Edward yelled at him that that was enough. Shortly after we arrived at the Cullen's houseā¦ well it is more like a mansion or something. The Cullen's are from old money and an even older family. The good thing about the family is that they don't flaunt their money, with the exception of Alice of course. That girl could spend over $5,000 in little less than an hour!
When we got into the house I barely had anytime to look around when I heard a screech, "BELLAAA!" and saw a blur knock me down onto the floor.
"Hey Alice! What's up?"
"Bella you seriously need to let me dress you up one day! I mean you have such a cute physic yet you always wear such boy clothes. It's just wrong!" she exclaimed looking up and down at my outfit.
"Hey! This is the girl's design of shirt so therefore it is girly." I argued as she huffed and puffed into the kitchen.
As I followed her Esme, Edward and Alice's mother greeted me. She was the closest to a mother I would ever have since my mother, Renee, died during childbirth. Esme is my godmother and was my mom's best friend growing up.
"Ah Bella, looking beautiful as always! Come here and help me out with this Taco Dip. No matter how many times I make it the damn thing just wont come out as good as yours!" she huffed.
"Mom Bella needs to watch the Yankees crush her beloved Chase Utley and his Phailing (don't worry I didn't spell it incorrectly. I am a big Phillies fan and people around my area spell anything with an PH instead of F when they associate the word with the baseball team) Phillies." Edward interrupted leaning against the door frame smirking.
That sight would make any straight girl start drooling.
"Oh right, I forgot the game was on tonight. Well have fun dear." Esme said and gave me a kiss on the cheek and steered me into their theater room.
It was the bottom if the seventh inning and Phillies were winning 6-4 and a commercial just started. All the usual suspects were watching the game. Emmett and Edward sat on both sides of me as Jasper and Alice cuddled on the floor in front of us. Both fathers were sitting on the two-seater. I found myself thinking about the upcoming summer. Alice had finally convinced me to tell Edward how I feel about him and I know after this game she would pull me up to her dungeon a.k.a her room to make up a game plan for the big moment. She kept persisting that I do it as soon as possible but I didn't see what the big rush was.
"So Edward I bet you guys are excited about going to camp all summer this year. I hear there will be college recruiters there?" Charlie asked.
In those two sentences my world almost crashed in on me. The whole summer? When were the going to tell me? "What?" I stood up and looked at my guys. Edward kept looking at the floor and wouldn't make eye contact. None of the boys were, not even Alice! It dawned on me that they all knew but no one had thought to tell me.
"Ed- what's going on?"
"Well we got invited to this really awesome baseball camp, Bells. They have college recruiters there every week! It's just what I need if I am going to play college baseball. There is only one downside which is that it is for basically all summer and only male. We really couldn't miss this opportunity." Edward said still barely making eye contact. When he finished I finally noticed something.
"We?" I said tearfully
"Uh yeah Bella, Eddie, Jas and I got invited. Jas and I won't be there all summer just about 5 weeks. I am really sorry for such short notice but it starts on Thursday." Emmett finally spoke up.
Thursday? It was now Sunday. I couldn't breathe. Now I know I was most likely overreacting but this was supposed to be my summer. Even more importantly this was supposed to be our summer. I just left the room and went up to Alice's room to collect myself; as soon as I got in I started crying. I was not a girl that cried very often. I was hurt that they didn't tell me sooner and even disappointed that I couldn't go myself.
A few minutes later I hear a soft knock followed by the door opening. I turned my head to see who it was and saw Alice and Esme. For whatever reason seeing them made me start to cry harder. I felt their arms wrap around me and they just held me. After a while I asked them why the guys wouldn't have told me sooner. Did they just not care about me enough to tell me?
Both Alice and Esme looked at me like I had grown five heads, "Sweetheart, they care too much about you to tell you that they would be gone all summer. They didn't want to hurt your feelings. They all decided they needed to go to this camp since Forks Highs School isn't very high up in the College recruiter's mind." Esme said softly while brushing my hair.
"Edward was pretty adamant about him being the one to tell you and as far as everyone was concerned he told you before you four came here." Alice tried to explain.
"So that is what he was doing upstairs before we left." I said more to myself and they both nodded.
"Well look at it this way! We have all summer to make you even more irresistible to my idiotic twin!" Alice squealed.
"ALICE!" I exclaimed and nudged my head towards Esme.
"Oh please Bella dear, I have been hoping you two would get together soon. Hell I am the one who suggested to Ali that she help you get him." Esme told me in a secretive voice. With that said Esme and Alice started planning ways to torture me this summer with shopping trips and mani-pedi's.
Let me know what you guys think! I really do mean it, if it sucks let me know how I can make it better!