Besides the fact that I am a Sanctuary addict, I am also a little obsessed with Egyptian Mythology. So, I came up with this fic idea...It won't be too much Teslen in the first two chapters, because I need some space to develop my ideas. Because of the Egyptian Mythology thing, this fic may also have a bit of a Stargate feeling, but I hope that won't bother you too much...
It was almost midnight and Helen was in her office, reading a book about Egyptian Mythology. Will came in, looking worried. He knew by now that Helen wasn't the type to sleep too much, but in the previous two months, she had found it harder and harder to fall asleep.
"You called me. What happened?" he asked.
"I just got a call from the Egyptian Sanctuary. Someone has tried to break into the Secret Cave of Khebet."
"Khebet? I thought that city was just a myth."
"Will, exactly where have you been working in the last two years?"
"Good point. So, what is in that cave?"
"How much do you know about the Myth of Isis and Osiris?"
"Show some mercy for a poor mortal."
"Osiris was once the King of Egypt. His brother Seth, who was envious of him, tricked Osiris. He built a coffin and challenged every one at a party to try it. However, the coffin didn't fit anyone."
"Except Osiris."
"Precisely. As soon as Osiris lay back in it, the coffin slammed shut and Seth sealed it with lead and threw it into the Nile. Osiris's sister, Isis, went to search the coffin, because she feared that without the proper ceremonies, her brother won't be able to enter the place of the dead. She learned that the coffin had floated down the Nile and had got embedded in the trunk of a cedar tree. Fearing that she would find a way to revive his brother, Seth took Osiris's body out and dismembered him into 14 parts, scattering them across all Egypt. Once again, Isis went to search her brother's body parts, but only found 13 of them, with the help of Nephthys, Seth's sister. Isis managed to resurrect Osiris and had a child with him, Horus, which eventually won the battle with Seth."
"And this is relevant because…"
"Well, this is the official version. The unofficial one is that Osiris and Isis were rulers of Egypt. Seth indeed killed Osiris by dismembering his body, but Isis wasn't able to revive him. She had already been pregnant with her son Horus when Osiris was killed. The only thing that was left of Osiris was his blood, which Isis kept hidden in Khebet, fearing that Seth will eventually find it and use it."
"So Osiris's blood was valuable?"
"Osiris was one of the first vampires."
"So his blood had miraculous properties. And I'm guessing that's why Seth dismembered his body, right? Because…"
"It's the only way you can kill a vampire. Yes."
"And now somebody tried to steal it."
"Yes. Fortunately, they didn't succeed, because the blood is protected by a series of traps and labyrinths, but this doesn't mean they won't try again."
"Any idea who tried to steal the blood?"
"No. But we need to find out. And, most important, we need to take the blood ourselves and destroy it. If that blood falls into the wrong hands…"
"Someone could use it to create vampires?"
"I honestly don't know. You see, Osiris was one of the first vampires, so his genetic pattern is different from the one of younger vampires. His blood could be a lot more dangerous than the Source blood itself."
"Is this the only reason you want to get that blood?"
"Of course."
"I'm sorry, Magnus, but I don't believe you."
"Well, I won't deny that I like the idea of running some tests on it, but destroying it is a lot more important. Using the Source Blood was a mistake, Will, and I am not going to repeat it."
"So I am guessing this doesn't have absolutely anything to do that you have feelings for someone that was a vampire and you want to give him his powers back?"
Helen's heart stopped for a second when she heard Will. Osiris's blood could have helped Nikola, she had thought at that, but it was just too dangerous. However, Will was right about one thing. She wanted Nikola to be the same again. Because, as much as she hated to admit, the thought of him not being around for as long as she lived made her tremble.
"I don't think the blood will work on Nikola, Will. And I assure you that Nikola and I are just friends. Nothing more."
Will couldn't stop himself from analyzing her body language. He hated himself for doing this, he but he was a psychoanalyst before everything else. She had lowered her gaze, avoiding his and she was nervously playing with a pen. Everything indicated the fact that she was lying.
"I don't understand why you keep hiding your feelings, Magnus. I mean, to be completely honest with you, I don't like him very much, because he is arrogant and stubborn, but you love him and you know that."
"I don't. I am just worried for him. He is not the type to watch his back too much, and now he is mortal and vulnerable…"
"I remember I asked you why you were trying so hard to make him a vampire again. You said it was because of nostalgia, because you are the last of The Five now. I now realize that you lied to me. Your feelings for him are much deeper than that. You tried to revamp him because you realized that you can't live without him."
"Dr. Zimmerman." She said coldly and in that moment Will knew that he had gone too far. "My feelings are none of your business. Please tell the others that tomorrow we are leaving for Cairo."
With a sigh, Will left, leaving her alone with her feelings. She wouldn't have dared to try Osiris's blood on Nikola, because she didn't know anything about it. She didn't know if a serum could have been synthesized from it, and injecting the blood in its pure form would have been pure madness. Osiris's blood had to be destroyed. Period.
Helen tried to get some sleep, but she kept thinking about what Will had told her. She was angry at him because he had dared to ask her about her personal life. Not to mention that he was wrong. She didn't love Nikola, they were just friends. Then why did she desperately want to see him? Why was he able to make her mind go to the craziest places possible with a single smirk? And, most important, why was she worried for him? She tried to tell herself that she would have been equally worried for any one of The Five, but she knew it was a lie. The truth was that over the years, Nikola had always been there for her. In some very strange ways, admittedly, but she knew that she could count on him. This had made her want him around. If not besides her, at least somewhere out there. She wanted him to be safe. No. She desperately needed him to be safe…