
I wish I owned the rights to the twilight saga but twilight and all its fantastic characters are owned by a miss stephenie Meyers XD

Chapter 1

Going home

Well I'm going home,
back to the place where I belong,
and where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old,
So I'm going home

Daughtry, home

7 years. 7 years ago my mother moved us away from the little coastal reservation of La push. Away from my friends, from my school and my father. 7 years we moved around, not staying in one town more than a few months, not allowing anyone to get close. 7 years of my mothers crazed rants and paranoia. And now here I was 7 year later returning to the only place I called home.

I sat silently as we drove from Seattle to La push, my social worker trying repeatedly to make conversation. I just wasn't interested in talking. Here I was finally going back and I was terribly scared. I didn't think I'd ever being going back and I probably wouldn't be if my mother hadn't stuffed up.

We had only being living in Manhattan for a few weeks; mum was running low on cash again. In the beginning she would usually either borrow money from the neighbors or ask grandma to send us some money secretly, but as it kept going on and we kept moving she began to be riskier with her moves. She started stealing money from her short live jobs and even robbed a convenience store once. This time however she decided she would sell a car. Of course we needed our car so she thought it would be smart to steal one to sell. Long story short she ended up in a high speed cop chase that had her lose control and roll the car she was in. she was ok but she was arrested on theft charges, reckless driving and the kidnapping of me. I wouldn't have called it kidnapping, I went willingly but in the eyes of the judge and my father's lawyer, my mother had no right to remove me from his life and without his knowledge and they believed she was not fit to care for me, thus the charges stood.

Due to my mother's mental state, she wasn't sent to prison, but she was admitted to a psychiatric facility. Turns out her paranoia was cause by her newly diagnosed schizophrenia. They let me see her before I left. I wish I hadn't. she wasn't the same person I called mum, she was so heavily medicated at the time I don't think she even new who I was. My mother may have been a little crazy, but she was still my mother and I loved her.

I starred at my reflection in the passenger's side mirror. I did look a lot like my mother. I had mum's wavy dark brown hair that sat just below my shoulders. I had mum's lips, mum's hour glass figure. The only thing I didn't have was my mum's eyes. I had my father's eyes, his bright green eyes. I liked them, I always had. They made me feel a little different from the other girls my age, they made me feel unique. It wasn't very often I got to feel that way.

Nervous was a good word for how I felt now. After all it had been a very long time since I had seen my dad or my friends. I had missed them so much, but things had changed and they may have too. It wasn't as if mum had treated me horribly, it was the opposite, she always made sure I was ok and I could talk to her about things so easily. I couldn't help but think, how was my dad going to handle the issues that a teenage girl can only talk to her mother about?

The closer we got to La push the more nervous and afraid I got. So by the time we pulled up in front of my old house I just wanted to cry. I sat silently as the social worker got her things together and got out of the car. I didn't move an inch. She smiled kindly and let me be. She walked up to the front door and I watched as a boy who looked I little older than me answered the door. He turned around and called into the house. The boy had dark russet colored skin and was really tall. His black hair was cropped just above his ears. He seemed very familiar to me, but I just couldn't think why.

This was it. I slowly unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car, but I could not make my legs budge. So I stayed where I was. I watched as a lady appeared at the door next to the boy. She wrapped her arms around him so lovingly, she was definitely his mother. They were not who I was waiting for. Then he appeared, rushing to the door to greet the social worker. I looked up to meet his almost black eyes. My dad. He was exactly how I remembered him, only a little greyer around the sides of his hair and his beard, but he was my dad. His eyes lit up the moment they landed on me. I couldn't help but smile as big as he did. He ran down the path to me and I ran to meet him half way. I hugged him so tightly no longer holding back the tears that I had been fighting all the way here.

I'm not sure how long we were standing there and hugging, but I didn't care. I was home at last. when We finally pulled away from each other, all I could do was stare up at my father, I was afraid he wasn't real.

"Hi dad" was all I managed to get out.

"Hi Trin" dad smiled down at me.

Dad took me by the hand and led me back up to the house where the others remained waiting. I had forgotten about the woman and her son that had appeared at the door when we had arrived. I was curious to find out who they were.

"Trin this is Mary call" dad pointed to the lady.

She was very beautiful, her black hair was straight that sat in the middle of her back. She smiled and walked over to give me a hug.

"It's nice to finally meet you Katrina, or would you prefer Trin?"

"Trin is fine, and it's nice to meet you too" I smiled back at her.

She turned and pulled her son over to meet me as well. He was taller than I originally thought. Not to mention his muscles. I had never seen a boy like him. He smiled down at me.

"Hey I'm embry" he said shaking my hand.

"Hi I'm Trin" I smiled back.

My dad and Mary went back over to talk to the social worker leaving me to talk with embry. I finally realized where I recognized embry from. He and I had been in the same class before my mother pulled me from the La push elementary school. Back then I was taller than him though.

"I remember you embry, we both had Mrs. Stewart in the 3rd grade" I told him.

He looked down at me curiously. I could see he was trying to remember back that far. It was obvious that he was remembering me correctly when he chuckled to himself.

"I remember now, my friend Jake picked on you a lot"

"Yup that's me" it was true

"Your hair was shorter back then" he noted.

Jacob Black was also in my 3rd grade class and he was one thing I didn't really miss from La push. He picked on me constantly and I never did find out why. I don't think I ever gave him a reason too. I tried not to think about it.

My dad and Mary returned after thanking the social worker for bringing me and saying goodbye. I noticed the way they moved with each other, clearly my father had moved on from my mother. Its not that I wasn't happy for my dad, I just hadn't expected it. He seemed happy and I guess that's all that mattered.

"So Trin embry is going to help you take your things in and show you your room" dad said as he hugged me again.

"Its ok I can carry my own bags" I replied

It was too late though, Embry already had them tucked under his arms and was carrying them in like it was nothing. I knew that they were heavy but clearly he didn't notice. I followed him as he walked through the house. He walked down to the end of the hallway where there were two doors. He opened the one on the right and walked in. He put my bags down next to the double bed in the centre of the room.

"This is your room and mine is the door across" he smiled before leaving me to unpack.

He had just walked out the door when I remembered one important piece of information that embry forgot to mention. I ran to the door and collided with something very warm and very solid. Embry helped me up off the ground and back to my feet.

"Wow that was like hitting a wall" I muttered.

Embry laughed at my statement. He shook his head like he got that a lot.

"I almost forgot to tell you, the bathroom is the first door on the left, anyways see you at dinner" he continued to chuckle as he left the room.

This place was definitely going to take some getting used to. I tried to unpack and not think about mum. I knew if I did I'd just make myself upset again and I really didn't like crying. I studied the room as I unpacked. It was my old room, with some slight changes. The bed was new, as well as the new bed setting, I assumed that was Mary's doing. I couldn't see my dad going shopping for bedding. Other than that everything else was as I remembered. The bookshelf was still stuffed with my books and comics; the dresser was still next to the door and still held all my favorite pictures of me and my family. Me, mum and dad when things were normal, but things change.

I started thinking about back just before we left. I sat down on the bed and starred out towards the woods. I could remember sitting and starring like this for hours when I was little. It was like the forest was the only thing that could calm me at times.

My thinking was interrupted by a knock at the door. I turned around as Mary poked her head through the door. I gave her a small smile so she knew thing were ok.

"Hey sweetie, your dad had to run to work so I ordered pizza for you me and embry, I hope that's ok" she asked.

"Sure Mary pizza is cool" I replied.

She smiled and nodded before leaving the room again. Mary was nice, I could definitely see us getting along, but she was not my mother and I was glad she wasn't trying to be. I could tell she was a caring person and I think that's why I was happy with dad finding her.

I finally emerged from my room when I heard the door bell ringing. I hoped it was the pizza guy because I was staring to really get hungry. I didn't eat breakfast because I was too nervous. I thought I would puke if I tried. By the time I made it to the kitchen embry had already devoured half a box of pizza by himself like it was nothing.

"Gee embry hungry much?" I giggled as I sat down.

"Well I am a growing boy" he managed between chews.

I took a seat next to Mary and grabbed a slice of pizza before embry finished he lot. The was he was going I was sure that he could. She shook her head at her son, I was sure this was the usual thing. I was starting to think I could get used to this. It was nice to be apart of a normal family again. Once embry had finished off a box and a half of pizza he stood and looked over at him mum.

"I gotta go meet Sam for a little while, I wont be late" he kissed her on the cheek and ran out the back door.

Once again she shook her head. I could see that this happened a lot. She had proud mother written all over her face, but hidden under her slight age lines I could see a hint of worry and fear. I wanted to ask what was wrong, but I had just met her so I really didn't want to put my nose where is didn't belong.

I helped Mary clean up the kitchen, washing the dishes and throwing the pizza rubbish in the trash. I put the left over pizza in the oven so it would be warm for when dad got home, then I grabbed some clean pj's and made my way to the bathroom. I really needed a nice hot shower to relax; it had really been a long and busy day.

I'm not sure what time my dad or embry came home. After my shower I said good night to Mary and laid down on my bed. I am almost certain I was asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. Being scared and nervous really wears you out.

I had my first dream in a long time that night. It felt so real; it was almost like I was really there. I was standing in a clearing watching the sun set. The tree's seemed to stand still as if there was not a breeze anywhere. The flowers were in bloom, the last glimmers of sunlight seemed to make them sparkle. The person next to me held my hand securely afraid that I would leave. I felt so safe with them, yet I had no idea who it was. I never saw their face, I didn't need to. Whoever it was I loved them, they were all I needed. I had no fear with them. I was at peace, at least for a little while. I watched as the sun finally set, symbolizing the end. Of what I wasn't clear on. Then something went wrong and that safe feeling was pulled away from me. Taken before I ever had a chance to savor the feeling. I tried to find it, I tried to find that person, but they were gone. I searched, but it as useless and I knew it.

I was alone.

I woke up drenched in sweat. I had never had a dream like this before. Sure the occasional nightmare just like everyone else, but never one that had created a fear in my like this one. I rolled over and looked at my clock. It was only 2:30 am. That was just what I needed especially when I had my first day of school later that morning. That was my idea, the social worker suggested I give it a few days to settle and of course dad agreed, but I just wanted to keep my mind off my mum and of course get the first day dramas over and done with as soon as I possibly could, so it was school for me.

Moving around with mum all the time meant I didn't see too much of school, but this was my junior year and I didn't want to miss too much school when graduation was only two years away. I really wanted to go to college, it was something I'd always dreamed of and with some studying it was looking more possible than ever before.

I laid in bed for a little while thinking over the dream, but the more I thought about it the more the details became sketchy and faded away into my memory. Before I realized I was finally falling back to sleep. The rest of the night my sleep was dreamless, calm and undisturbed.

Hope you like my first chapter, please read and review! XD

Thanks guys

3 Kim