Disclaimer: Did any of you actually think I owned Harry Potter….?
Hagrid barged into the hut on the rock and replaced the door. Dudley jumped from the couch with a start.
"W-w-who are you?" he stammered, amazed that he actually looked small compared to this new arrival. It didn't really happen that often…
"Name's Rubeus Hagrid," said Hagrid. "You've grown a bit since I've last seen you 'Arry."
Dudley thought it would be funny to play a trick on this weird man. Maybe he would learn something and could get Harry in trouble later. "Oh..h-have I?"
"Yes, specially there around the middle,"
Strictly speaking Hagrid really wasn't one to talk in this circumstance, but hey.
"Well, I think it's time you finally got your letter," Hagrid said.
Dudley reached for it greedily. Harry had been so eager to read this thing and now he got to read it first. How he delighted in tormenting the boy.
He found the contents most intriguing. "Wait…I'm invited to magic school?" he asked in astonishment.
"I suppose you could call it that, tis Hogwarts School o Witchcraft and Wizardry," the giant announced proudly.
Dudley Dursley knew his parents did not look highly on magic but he knew if he threw a big enough fit he'd eventually get his way. He smiled. He could learn magic and then he could really be the boss and get his way. Always, not just with his parents. And whats more Harry wouldn't get to learn magic. All Dudley had to do was play along. Poor Harry slept on the floor still and Hagrid didn't even notice him.
"I want to go!" he said.
"Course you do," Hagrid said. "An' I'd be deloighted to take ya to Diagon Alley for all yer supplies,"
With a large amount of fussing, yelling, and sneaking behind Harry's back (something he normally didn't do) Dudley somehow pulled off the sneakiest, cleverest plan he'd ever devised. Dudley Dursely, muggle extrordinaire, was going to Hogwarts.
A/N: Hey, I thought it could be interesting. Please read and review. Should I keep going…I have some good ideas. Thanksees darlings.