Darkvizardking: Hello my fellow rockers, miss me? Think I stopped writing this masterpiece? HELL NO! This time, we have Naruto returning to the village, and of course, another concert. (They just love the music.) so sit back, relax, and enjoy the badassness that is to come.

Chapter 8: Return, romance, execution, and concert.

Naruto felt his eyes open, and felt a body snuggling close to him. He looked and saw Mikoto in her midnight blue bra and panties. Her ANBU tattoo was proudly showing on her shoulder, her hair messy but not overly so. Naruto, thinking of an idea, kissed her on the lips, her eyes fluttering as she slowly woke up. She noticed what he was doing, and her face turned red. Her blush grew as she felt Naruto pull her into his lap, and the kiss grew more heated. Their tongues swirled in each others mouth, their saliva mixing, spinning, and Mikoto unconsciously pressed her body closer. She felt Naruto's arms wrap around her waist, her face making a tomato seem pale. The two soon needed to break for air, Mikoto quickly saying, "Wow, if that's how you kiss,"

Naruto lifted her chin, and said, "My, having naughty thoughts about little old me?" Seeing her blush grow, he said, "Well, that will have to wait till we get home, after all, I don't think all of Kiri will want to know what we're doing, am I right?" Mikoto blushed, as she let slip to Anko that she might be a screamer, as Kin and Tayuya got her, Anko, and even Haku to play some 'truth or dare' to pass some time. They didn't know Naruto listened in on them.

Naruto stroked her hair, and said, "We need to return to Konoha soon, the war is finished, our mission is done here." Mikoto nuzzled his neck, and said, "I know, I wish we didn't have to, but it seems we have no choice. I was really starting to enjoy being like this." Naruto pulled her closer, and said, "I know. But still, we need to go." Naruto slid out from under her, and his clothes reformed, this time taking the form of a black suit, and a black trench coat over top of it. (Think Jackie Estacado from Darkness.) He left the tent to give Mikoto her privacy, and he saw a few headbangers fixing up one of the headsplitters, and one look at the crossbow gave Naruto an idea, 'What we strapped exploding tags to those? That would be devastating.' He saw Mei overlooking the area, Lita talking to her.

Naruto walked over, and said, "Good morning ladies. Nice day huh?" Lita nodded, and said, "It is, we've been talking, and until Kiri's ninja force is up to proper expectations, myself and a majority of Ironheade will stay here, though you can use a small force." Naruto nodded, and said, "Sounds fair, me and Mikoto will be leaving soon, as we need to hurry back to Konoha, as a bit of cleaning house will be in order." Mei nodded, a scowl showing itself across her face. She remembered what was discussed in Tsunade's office, and said, "Alright, but don't be a stranger, you're welcome in Kiri at anytime." Naruto nodded, and to his surprise, Mei gave him a kiss on the cheek, and whispered, "Next time, leave a privacy seal, I could hear you two as I passed by."

Naruto's face turned red, and he quickly moved to hide it, the girls giggling at his expense. Naruto saw Mikoto leave their tent, wearing a cloak similar to her Akatsuki cloak, but was black with red foxes on it. He raised an eyebrow at it, and she said, "I liked the old cloak, but keeping it would have been a bad idea, so I got this instead." Naruto smiled, and said, "It looks good." The duo saw the Doom salute them, along with Ironheade, and while the Doom dispersed, returning to the Sea, Ironheade followed the Kiri-nin back to the village, Naruto and Mikoto going for the next boat home.

(Konoha gates)

Tsunade received a message that Naruto was on his way back, and her along with Haku were waiting. What they were unaware of, was Sakura walking up behind them, angry as she remembered when she asked to be Tsunade's apprentice.


Sakura stood in Tsunade's office, said woman practically glaring at her, but she paid it no mind. Sakura cleared her throat, and said, "Tsunade-sama, I ask that you make me your apprentice." Tsunade scowled, and asked, "And why exactly are asking for this? Give me a reason that won't cause me to throw you straight out of this office, and into the streets below."

Sakura scowled, and said, "I need to get stronger, that dobe is getting farther then me." Tsunade's scowl deepened, and she said, "Is that it? You want me to teach you, just because Naruto is stronger then you? Had this been a few months ago, I would of expected this from Sasuke, but you?" Sakura started to release a small amount of KI, which Tsunade returned in force. Sakura then said, "That dobe poisoned Sasuke-kun's mind, and because of that, Sasuke-kun won't even look at me."

Tsunade was fed up, and said, "Oh grow up you little wuss. Do you wanna know why Sasuke won't look at you? It's because he's DISGUSTED with you, he was even here asking for a restraining order on you, seems you stray way too close to his home. Thanks to Naruto giving me evidence on that, I granted it. And last I checked, you have no right to demand ANYTHING of me, a KAGE, you little GENIN." Sakura was shaking, and Tsunade said the one thing that ended it, "It's about time this village started to change. It's pathetic little fangirls like you that make real kunoichi like myself, Anko-san, and Kurenai-san look bad. Now get out of my office, you can no longer get within fifty feet of the Uchiha compound, and if I even hear one word of you violating that, I. Will. Break. You. GOT IT?" Sakura nodded, and quickly ran out of the room.

Tsunade sighed, and noticed a Kiri messenger bird tapping on her window.

(Flashback end)

Tsunade saw Naruto and Mikoto walking down the path, Sakura glaring at Naruto as he came up. Tsunade then said, "I heard about what you did to end the war, you feeling alright?" Naruto nodded, and said, "Yeah, but is there a reason that Haruno is glaring at me?" He let a smirk spread across his face, as Sakura started to slowly back away. Naruto, get a twisted idea, had the water form on his back in the shape of two snake like creatures, it hissed and snapped at the girl, making her shirk back, Naruto grinned, and in a low tone, said, "You better get the fuck out of here girly, cuz if I see you again dipshit, I'm gonna do a little magic trick. I'm gonna take my arm, shove it down your throat, and yank a rabbit out your fucking ass."(1) The snakes snapped again, and Sakura ran for it, a trail of yellow liquid flowing down her legs.

Tsunade, Haku, and Mikoto started laughing, and Tsunade said, "It's about time, I wondered when that girl was going to leave. She actually had the balls to come into my office, and try to get me to teach her." Naruto smirked, and said, "And let me guess, you kindly said no, and told her to leave, or did you say no in the rudest possible manner, and then throw her ass out?" Tsunade laughed, and said, "The second, though she tried to give some bullshit reason, but then I threw her out." Naruto laughed, and said, "So, what's going to happen to Danzo?"

Tsunade smirked, and said, "He's already under arrest, now all that's left is his execution. Which, if I recall, you were in charge of." Naruto had the devil's grin, and said, "All right, but I'm gonna need a gallows minus the hanging rope, a ten foot wooden pike filled with splinters, and the right to use a seal that amplifies pain."(2) Tsunade and Haku just looked at him, Mikoto giggling as she realized what was going on. Tsunade only said, "Sure."

(Later that day)

The entire village spilled into the town square, and to the shock of the civilians, they saw Naruto holding a giant pike. They were wondering what was going on, until they saw Tsunade walk up on stage. She looked out into the crowd, and said, "Today, we are gathered for one reason, for the execution of a traitor in this village. ANBU, bring forth the accused." A cat and dog masked ANBU brought forth the prisoner, the civilians shocked to see Danzo Shimura. The shinobi weren't, as many of them were the ones that pulled the raid to catch him. He was led to the stage in handcuffs covered in seal tags, preventing his use of chakra. Tsunade continued, "You continued the use of a disbanded ANBU unit, stole the Sharingan eyes of deceased Uchiha clan members, ordered their demise, and worst of all, sold village secrets to an S-rank criminal, and dabbled in forbidden experiments alongside said criminal. Do you have anything to say in your own defense?"

Danzo spat at her feet, and said, "I worked for the good of this village. You, Sarutobi, all of you, you've grown soft, I did everything to strengthen the village. If you fools just let me train the kyuubi brat. He can't be trusted, he'll kill us all!" Tsunade gave him a swift back hand, and said, "You decrepit old fool, you nearly caused a war between us and Kiri, and for that, you will be executed, and Naruto himself will deliver it. Naruto, if you would, describe what is about to happen."

Naruto smirked, and said, "Of course, you see, I will start by shoving the large pike up the victim's anal cavity, ANBU, if you would please hold him down, I can demonstrate." The ANBU did as asked, pinning Danzo down to the horror of the civilians. His legs and arms were spread, as Naruto placed the pike down, alining it to the correct way. "As you can see, once I ram this pike in, (He pushes it forward, pressing into the anal cavity) his entire body will start to be in severe pain. And once it's in far enough." Naruto gave it a kick, pushing it in more. "Now then, once it's in enough, we lift the pike so it's upright. ANBU, could you help me with this?" The two nodded, and hefted the pike upward, and Naruto continued, "Once upright, the victim's own body weight will slowly cause them to slide down, the pike's tip pushing through the body. Bones are moved, organs are crushed, until," The crowd watched in horror, as Danzo's body was being torn apart in front of their eyes, the cuffs adding weight, until they saw the tip of the pike come out of his mouth. "And now, he's dead, I believe this covers the execution, right Tsunade?" Said woman was looking on in fear, as a doctor, she saw what was to be called the most gruesome death she ever witnessed. She slowly nodded her head, and said, "Yes, that will do it." Naruto grinned, and vanished from the stage. Unknown to anyone, a certain plant-like Akatsuki member slipped into the village, the other members watching through his eyes.

(later that night)

The shinobi clamored throughout the streets, asking Naruto to do another concert, and soon, they got their wish. The civilians were avoiding him out of pure fear. Naruto appeared on stage in a swirl of water, and said, "YOU PEOPLE WANNA HEAR SOME HEAVY METAL?" The crowd cheered, and he said, "Alright, tonight, I have a treat for you all. Music from the most brutal band ever created, lost to the sands of time. They were considered so brutal, that people died whenever their music played. But that time is over, so now, this is the music of DETHKLOK! AND HERE, IS THE BLACK FIRE UPON US!" The clones started their instruments, and he started to sing:

Tonight we ride on clouds of fire
We're damned by gods our Deths conspired
We fear no mortals in these worlds
The gift we give you is your soul

Fly with us tonight

The sky
Will break
Black fire
Will wake

Fly on through the night
We built an alliance
Our numbers are strong

We gather
But we don't pray to gods
What fools, what lunatics
They must think of us

On this night we will journey
Far beyond this world
And you must know that we will never
Come back home again

But now we must fly
Beasts in the night
Tragic in the sky
Battlefield in sight

Storm gathers strong
Cold blackened flame
Tell us our future
Stories of the slain

Fire grows strong
Freezing our skin
Vision is clouded
The rain will begin

Dangerous creatures
Those that oppose us
Raped all their power
Bartered with warlocks
Cheated the demons
For ancient spells
The blackened fire
Waits to consume us

So now we'll say goodbye
Because tonight we die
So we say goodbye
So we'll say goodbye
We die

Tonight we ride on clouds of fire
We're damned by gods, our Deths
We fear no mortals in these worlds
The gift we give you is your soul

The crowd cheered, and Naruto grinned, and he said, "You like that?" He heard them cheer, and he said, "Alright, this next one comes from two friends, rivals, who tried to best each other at every chance, so here we GO!" The clones started up again, as he sang:

You Investigate the murder
At The Gates Of Gods

I Tamper With The Evidence
At Odin's Murder Site

I Can Swim Through Time
I Can't Be Killed
I have No Way To Die

You Will Hunt Through Life
The Physics Of This World
Can't Stop My Crime

Draw Your Sword
I'll Meet You At The Battle Rock

Space Will See Me Through
I Can't Be Killed
I Have No Way To Die

Spheres Within This Range
Will Be My Path Energy Ignites

Ultra-Violent Porthole
Fasten Straps
Helmet Frigid Wormhole

Déjà Vu
Mammoth View
Time Will Twist Your Soul

You Spin
Your Blood Goes Thin
Your Marrow Burns
Your Veins Begin To Burst

The Speed It Hurts And Hurts
And Strains Your Brain
As You Spin Forth Through Time

You Meet Yourself One Brief Moment
In An Eclipse And Watch You Die

Your Guts Explode As You Erode
You Broke The Code The Riddles Solved
You Made The Trip
You Have Evolved
You're The Eclipse
You Are A God

The crowd cheered, nearly whipped into a frenzy. Zetsu nearly joined in, but restrained himself for fear of being exposed. Naruto saw him out the corner of his eye, and nearly smirked. He looked out to the audience and said, "LET"S KEEP IT GOING!" Hearing the roars, he said "IT'S TIME TO PARTY! THIS IS THE WATER GOD!" A deep sound, like fish rang through the area, and Naruto started to sing:

May the gods watch over you,
And then consider what you've done,
But now you've hidden away,
To gain your strength,
Deep in the cave your power is regained,
And your legacy is spread to the demons of the sea,
The one that brought the vengeance, that fights for his belief
He can swim through matter, he has poison teeth,
His tentacles have murdered, his scream can kill the weak
Explosives CHECK!
Corrosives CHECK!
A master of the art of murder, mermaids with the blacked tears,
So you swim to the sunken ship, invited by a soul who bleeds from the lips,
This prophet who beckons you, wades in the dark,
Speaks an ancient language, this language is of sharks
He says you're the one that I decree, the one who can save us and set us free
You've gained the power of a deity, you have the strength to wake us from the sleep and swim on!
Swim on!
And so you swim on!
Swim on!
Keep swimming now!
[short solo]
And the prophet gives to you this warning
If this path is chosen you'll be met with strife
For you'll be seen as an enemy of the sacred and the gods with curse you for the rest of your life
And you say I get by just fine... CHECK!
I've known much worst life... CHECK!
I've conquered dark times... CHECK!
They should fear my mind... CHECK!

Pein and the other Akatsuki members were astounded, Konan having a red tint to her cheeks, and Madara, hiding as Tobi, thought, 'Holy shit, the way you look at it, it can refer to either that Naruto brat, or Nagato.' Pein was thinking, 'It reminds me, of when Madara-sama spoke to me of the plans, by god.'

So now you go and go and swim on to the cold
And harness the strength because one day you may be called
To meet the mighty gods deep within the ocean,
And if you're not prepared, your soul will not be spared!
Your eyes have gone black,
You'll never look back,
You'll never stop swimming, you'll always be tracked
Your life has transformed, your power has grown
Your minions stretch for leagues for a bloody coral thrown
A crown of murdered foes will sit above your head
Those that wish to challenge you will wish that they were dead
The beast of the sea will collect and submit pray for your forgiveness and live if your permit it
You say I am the water god!
I am the water god!
You will bow to the water god!
You will bow to the water god!
You will live for the water god!
You will live for the water god!
You will die for the water god!
And you will Die for the water god!
Die for the water god!
Die for the water god!
Water god!
Water god!
Water god!
Live for the water god!
Die for the water god!
Die for the water god!
Die for the water god!
[guitar solo]

And the deities loom nearer,
They will find you!
They will find you!

Naruto looked out to the audience, seeing Zetsu vanish, and said, "You enjoying yourselves?" Hearing a loud roar as a response, he said, "Good, because this one is to all the shinobi, you know who you are, SO LET'S SEE A MOSH PIT! THIS IS THE GEARS!" The clones began to shred on the guitars, as Naruto began to sing:

You're here because,
You're one of us,
We are the strength,
We are soldiers,
You've journeyed far,
You've battled hard,
And now you will receive the permanent reward.
You've conquered pain,
You've conquered fear,
Stand proud and salute your bloody flag, here.
You pledge your death,
And your last breath,
You are the gears!
You are the (Deth)
We fear not (Klok) our Mortality (Deth)
We serve to the (Klok) best of our ability (Deth)
We give our (Klok) blood to our masters (Deth)
We vow to slay (Klok) all enemies

You've mastered death
You've mastered fear
You are transformed
You are stronger
Now that you're here
A branded gear
Burned in your flesh
Seal the deal
You've conquered fire
You've conquered ice
You've tasted blood
You've taken life
You're here because
You're one of us
Become a gear
Become a (Deth)
We fear not (Klok) our Mortality (Deth)
We serve to the (Klok) best of our ability (Deth)
We give our (Klok) lives to our masters (Deth)
We vow to slay (Klok) all enemies

We blessed your skin
We bless you with our mark
Become a part of the Klok
Become a gear

You've conquered pain
We've conquered pain
You've conquered fear
We've conquered fear
You fear not your mortality
Become a GEAR
(We are the GEARS)

You've conquered pain
We've conquered pain
You've conquered fear
We've conquered fear
You fear not your mortality
You are a GEAR
(We are the GEARS)

We bless your skin
We bless you with our mark
Become a part of the KLOK
Become a GEAR

We bless your skin
We bless you with our mark
Become a part of the KLOK
Become a GEAR

(We fear not our mortality)

As the song ended, the crowd became a pure frenzy, the mosh pits became wilder, and the crowds cheered his name. Naruto was in complete bliss.

A/N: And, DONE! Man this was overdue. Naruto is back in the village, and crazy shit has started already. If you noticed a lack of lemons in this fic, there is a reason. I simply haven't picked the right time. So, i'm leaving it to the readers to decide on who, and where, the lemon will happen. Limit is three people, (Naruto and two of his girls) so, now that that is out of the way, REVIEW, OR I SICK THE GIANT KRAKEN ON YOU!