Four Months Later…

[Ron and Hermione's Wedding]

Hermione looked at herself in the mirror once more. She smoothed down her beautiful white dress. "Oh, Ron won't care how I look…" Hermione said putting on more lipstick. Ginny smirked, "Ron wouldn't care if you walked down the aisle with ragged clothes and a broom stick."

Ginny walked over in her purple bride's maid dress, to fix Hermione's hair. Hermione laughed, "Ron is so typical." Ginny put little flowers around her loose bun in her hair. "You look more beautiful than the night of the Yule Ball." Ginny said putting on eyeliner.

Hermione smirked, "You think? We have two hours until the wedding starts, what are we going to do until then?" Ginny put her make up down, "Let's go get Harry!" She smiled brightly thinking of her perfect crush. Hermione smiled, "No! Men can't see the bride!"

"I thought it was just the groom.""Well, Harry will tell Ron how beautiful I look."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"Course not, I just want my looks to be a surprise."

Ginny rolled her eyes and stood up. "I'll go see what the boys are doing." Hermione started to laugh harder, "Another Excuse For Harry?" Ginny rolled her eyes and began to walk to where Ron and Harry were. Ron was staring straight ahead of him, looking pale as a ghost.

"Ron?" Ginny hissed hitting his head. Ginny looked at Harry, "What's wrong with him?" Harry smiled at Ginny and stood up, "You look beautiful." Ginny blushed, and looked back at Ron. He was in the same position.

Ginny knelt down beside Ron. "Ron?" She said comforting. One of his eyebrows raised up. "It's my wedding day…" Ginny laughed and helped Ron up. "Yes Ron, it is." She said talking to him like he was a toddler. "Your getting married to Hermione Granger…remember?"

Ron glared at Ginny, "Course I remember, just leave, Ginny." Ginny smirked and walked all the way back to Hermione. Ron looked at Harry, "Will this be okay?" Harry never saw him this shook up before. "Of course, Ron, it's only a two hour wedding."

Ron was getting back his color and smiled nervously. "Yeah. Is Hermione ready to be Mrs. Weasley?" Harry patted Ron hardly on the back. "Bet she is, lets get you in the church." Ron nodded and followed Harry upstairs to get in his position.

Ron's best man was Harry. And the brides maids were, Lena Lovegood, Fleur Delacure, and her sister Rosemary. Her maid of honor was Ron's beautiful sister, Ginny Weasley. Ron stood there shaking. But, he was excited too. But what he didn't know was, it was only one hour until he officially had a gorgeous, beautiful, and amazing wife.

[One Hour Later]

Everyone was in their seats. Not a single one of them were empty. Ron looked down the aisle. The little flower girl was throwing flowers happily. It was Fleur's daughter. And Ron and Hermione loved her. So Ron smiled at Fleur's daughter, Emily. Then, Fleur was walking down the aisle smiling at Emily waving. She waved back shyly.

Behind Fleur was the one and only Miss Lena Love Good. She actually looked, quite normal. Even to up close. She walked proudly, smiling. Behind Lena, was Hermione's little sister Rosemary. She just turned thirteen. And was really close to Ron and Harry.

Ron couldn't believe how much she'd grown. Her curly blonde hair sparkled of the sunlight reflecting through the windows. She was like his little sister. He couldn't believe how time moved so quickly. It seems like just yesterday he met Hermione Granger on the train. And before he knew it, he's at their own wedding.

And then behind the grown up Rosemary, was his one and only sister, Ginny Weasley. Her dress was the most beautiful out of all the dresses. It seemed to have more fabric to it. But she smiled at Harry. Ron looked back at Harry, who seemed a bit wooed by the beautiful sister.

When the aisle was clear, Ron felt like there was a huge lump in his throat. The piano player, started to play the wedding song. Everyone stood up, and Ron stood a little straighter. And before his eyes, Hermione stepped into the doorway. His eyes widened in love. She looked absolutely beautiful.

Hermione's dad was on her side, and walking one step at a time. Hermione's dress was almost as beautiful as her. It looked like it was made of silk. Ron didn't know, and he really didn't care. He just wanted Hermione to hurry up the aisle.

Hermione finally reached Ron. And there, Ron took both of her hands into his. She smiled, "This is so embarrassing." She whispered smiling brightly. "If it's so embarrassing then why are you smiling?" Ron whispered back laughing.

But before she could answer, the preacher motioned for everyone to sit down. "We come together with this Man, Ronald Weasley. And This Woman, Hermione Granger. In this matrimony. This marriage is an event in the lifetime of a love. Neither I, nor all society, can join these two lovers today. Only they can do what they have chosen. They are joining themselves, each to the other. As they find union with one another, they proclaim that union today and pledge its future. We, by our participation in this celebration, do but recognize and honor their intention to dwell together as husband and wife." The preacher said looking at Ron and Hermione.

Ron smiled and looked at Hermione, "I promise you, Hermione Jean Granger, that I will be a loyal and loving husband. I will share with you all of life's joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, until death do us part."

Hermione blushed and looked down. The preacher looked at Hermione, "Miss. Granger?" Ron's ears turned red, and then Hermione looked up and smiled. "I promise you, Ronald Weasley, that I will be your loving and loyal wife. I will share you life's joy till death do us part."

Ron smiled and Hermione smiled back. "These two have written their own vowels. Mr. Weasley said he would like to go first." The preacher said nodding at Ron smiling.

"Hermione, I love you."

"I always had loved you."

"When you ran away from me, I didn't know what to do."

"If I was ever a jerk to you, I'm sorry."

"I hate to see my true love hurt."

"But I remember the time when I figured out I fell in love with you."

"It was when that giant troll picked you up, and I literally thought it was going to eat, kill, or hurt you."

"So, I hit it with a stick."

The wedding guests laughed, and so did Hermione and Ron.

"We've known each other ever since we were kids."

"And I cant wait until we have our kids."

"You talked about having kids…and I agree."

"I want some too."

"But, Hermione Granger, I'm In love with you."

"Please Say I Do."

Hermione laughed and kissed Ron's cheek softly, but quickly.

Hermione took a deep breath and started talking,

"Ron, when I met you I literally thought you were the scum of the earth."

"But, I remember all my life having a crush on you."

"You were always there for me, always helped me, and always loved me."

"When I was being tortured by Bellatrix, I could hear you."

"You were screaming my name, I could tell you were crying."

"Ron, if you and Harry wouldn't have saved me…I could be dead right now."

"I love how you say you love me more than you ever could've imagined."

"It makes me feel…loved."

"So, Ronald Weasley…I'm in love with you."

"And yes…"

"I'm pretty sure I'll say I do."

Ron chuckled and gripped Hermione's hand tighter. "Exchange Rings." The preacher said, and Hermione and Ron both put the rings on their fingers. The preacher smiled, "Ronald Weasley, Do you take Hermione Granger to be you loftily wedded wife?" Ron smiled brightly.

"I do."

"And Hermione Granger, Do you, take Ronald Weasley to be your loftily wedded husband?"

"I do."

"You May Now Kiss The Bride."

Ron kissed Hermione softly, and they were laughing through the kiss. Hermione pulled away, "Well, that was fun." Ron laughed and held out his arm, "Shall we Mrs. Weasley?" Hermione smiled, "We Shall." And with that, they were walking down the aisle to outside. And with Hermione's shock, there was Ron's Old Flying Car.

"Were going to take it?" Hermione asked excitedly. Ron nodded, "Yep." Hermione squealed and kissed Ron. She hopped into the car and waved goodbye to everyone. And off it went into the sky. Ron turned on the radio, and started singing along to the song. Hermione turned it off and smiled, "I don't think so."

Ron shrugged it off, and kept on driving. "So What Are We Going To Do When We Get There?" He asked, and Hermione just chuckled.