"Eddy...I don't think this is safe!" Double D shouted as he rode a unicycle down the street, balancing a chainsaw on his head somehow.

The short, loudmothed Eddy followed behind, riding on Ed's back. "Oh, shut the hell up and collect me some quarters! I want a jawbreaker!"

"Buttered toast!" Ed said randomly, not really listening to the conversation.

"I don't think a quarter is enough to buy anything, let alone a jawbreaker, nowadays, Eddy!" Double D said, nearly falling.

Eddy pulled out a whip and gave Double D a lash. "KEEP RIDING, SLAVE!"

"Buttered toast."

"Is that all you can say, you nimrod?" Eddy said as he looked at the back of Ed's head...haha...Ed's head.


Resident weirdo Johnny stumbled over to the freakshow riding down the street and laughed. "What are you guys doing? You look so weird, bunch of weirdos. Aren't they weird, Plank?"

Plank stared...and stared.

"You said it, buddy!"

Just then Iron Man landed inbetween the two groups of...well, people I guess. He blasted Double D away and looked around. "I am Iron Man, and..." He caught glimpse of Plank. "And..." He stared at it for a moment. "STOP STARING AT ME, BITCH!" He blasted the piece of wood to smithereens. "Ahhh...I love me some pointless destruction. LATER!" He flew off into the sky, leaving Johnny to mourn the loss of his best friend.

Ed tossed Eddy off of his back and placed a finger to his chin. "The exceedingly improbable events that have just occurred thusly can most certainly and justly be a supreme case of fictional obliviousness, whereas a mysterious enigma somehow manages to most successfully alter the events of what we perceive to be reality." Everyone then stared at Ed, who had said something that NO ONE understood. "Also...BUTTERED TOAST WITH GRAVY! Yum."