Naruto no Mizu

This is something I thought of after reading Naruto: Demon's path I personally loved the beginning parts but it waned off after the end. It just didn't seem right for Naruto to go back to Konoha or that's my opinion. I am going to do my take on a swordsman Naruto. This will be also my first attempt as a mastermind Naruto.

What do we describe as home? Is it the place we were born? Is it the place we have friends? Is it the lace we are at peace? Or is it the place we make for ourselves? The place where we take our stake and claim our and. The place where we can always come to. The place where you can take off your weapons, wash away the blood and just live. Now the question is: how do we place our stake?


Naruto ran towards the forest as he ran away from his latest prank. It was actually a big one. He had set off several mini-bombs in some food carts. Nothing big and definitely not large enough to hurt anyone. But it was just enough to send smoke into the storage area of food carts, ruining some of the products. Now you may ask: Why did Naruto do such a thing? Well simple, the food carts wouldn't sell him food. The only problem was, he was there when the explosions happened and he laughed his arse off. While he wasn't the only one that laughed, many blamed it on him. Which was kind of ironic and funny since it was his fault anyways. So, Naruto was now running through the forest as fast as his 5 year old legs could carry him.

For a kid, he was pretty smart. He could write well, read well, and had some pretty good take in the inventive section. But the trade off for being a smart kid was his disillusionment. He knew that the village hated him, not your everyday revelation, but it was a constant reminder. He also knew that he would not gain a good life here. So why stay? Reason: he had no where else to go. This place wasn't a home; this place was more akin to a prison masked by the purpose of a village. Naruto wanted freedom but those around him would not have any of that.

So now we have the pariah running through the forest away from his pursuers. He had lost the shop keepers but Naruto wanted to run away for a bit longer. It would be his birthday soon, and that was a bad thing. Unlike most people, he didn't want to celebrate it. Pretty sad for a kid right? But his birthday was nothing but a special kind of hell. It was worse than having a birthday where you broke your arm. His birthday was the waiting game. He was locked in his apartment and told to stay there while Anbu guards watched him. Nothing ever happened but Naruto didn't know why he couldn't enjoy the festivities. He would watch as the kids laughed below, people eat good food, and look happy. The highlight of his birthday would be the fireworks at the end.

Naruto had finally reached a river and sat down at the shallow shore. The river was quite deep but it had a nice slope or shore that made part of it shallow enough for people to wade in.

Naruto took off his shoes and placed them on a nearby tree. He waded in the shore and relaxed. He liked the water; it was very soothing. Naruto heard a rustle behind him and his eyes widened. He turned around to see one of the shopkeepers.


The shopkeeper smiled menacingly. "Well, now we have the fucking demon here. DIE!"

Naruto heard a throw. And then something entered his body. Naruto looked down and saw red bleeding out of him. It was coming from his chest where a knife was now protruding out of. He fell down into the river, his body was numb. Was he going to die here? Was this it?

Old Hermit

Takeshi Suzaku was a very old man. He would prefer to have a nice settled life and one day die in his bed. Maybe he would write a couple books for people to find. He hoped someone to continue his art. But oh well, nothing was that perfect. Takeshi was at the river nearby his hut, fishing. He was waiting for some good, fat salmon to bite his hook. Of course he usually caught the normal kind, but one day he would catch a fat one. Takeshi looked around and then saw something float down the river.

'What is that?' Takeshi thought. He stood up and let his white, wispy hair flow down his face. In his younger days, Takeshi would slick up his hair to keep it out of his eyes. But that was then, Takeshi continued staring at the blob that was growing closer.

It looked like...

It looked like a boy! Takeshi ran over, as fast as his old bones would allow. He reached the boy in about 2 seconds. Grabbing the boy, Takeshi lifted him up onto the shore. Takeshi allowed years of training and experience take over. He looked at the boy's wound and saw a knife wound. 'Shit! with this kind of wound its amazing he is still breathing... that means it must not have hit his lungs or heart. That's good, this boy is lucky I better wrap the wounds.'

Takeshi took his midnight blue yakuta and ripped it. He wrapped makeshift bandages around the boy's stomach and ran towards his home. The boy in his arms. As Takeshiw as running, he could not help but think in anger, Who would do such a thing? Now to clarify, the knife did stab Naruto in the lung. The only thing keeping him alive was the kyuubi's chakra. But that didn't matter since Takeshi nursed the boy back to health for a week.


Naruto blearily opened his eyes felt a huge pain in his chest. 'Urk' Naruto groaned as he sat up slowly. He looked at his surroundings. Everything looked different. Where was he? Heaven? Or maybe this was some strange dream before he died. He was in a wooden, straw house the room was actually pretty warm, and had 2 doorways.

Naruto looked at the door to his left and saw a sink, and several hanging fruits, vegetables. 'Must be a kitchen or something.' Naruto thought. Looking towards his right, Naruto saw another door, but he couldn't really see what was inside because a cloth hung over the door. Naruto looked away, loosing interest in it. The Jinchuuriki came across a writing table with a scroll in progress on it. Naruto squinted to read what was on it.

'Art of Swallow. Wonder what that means.' Naruto allowed his legs to swing to the side of the bed. The floor had been covered in fur, it felt soft to put his feet on it. Naruto looked away from the writing desk and froze as something attracted him.

On a stand, next to the writing desk, was a beautiful sword. It's scabbard was a simple wooden one but the hilt was something else. The hilt was pure black and looked very smooth. But it had a flying swallow on its design, it looked absolutely beautiful. Naruto stared at it for some time before a voice interrupted him.

"Ah it looks like you are awake."

Naruto turned over to the door way to find a very old man coming in with a bowl of hot soup. Naruto looked at the man carefully. He didn't look dangerous and Naruto, whether he liked it or not, could tell whether people wanted to rip out his gut or not, this man didn't want to do that. Naruto chose his words carefully. "Who the hell are you old man?" Tactfulness was not in Naruto's greeting personality.

The man smiled. "You got spunk kid, but you should give some more appreciating for the person who saved your life."

The boy blinked and then nodded internally. It made sense. Getting stabbed in the chest... there was no way he would have survived on his own .Naruto bowed his head "Thank you..."

The man handed the bowl of soup to Naruto. "The name's Takeshi, Takeshi Suzaku. You?"

Takeshi was very careful to take note of the boy's hesitance. There was a twitch in his right leg, suggesting he wanted to run. That was normal to someone who was paranoid, but why would a kid, no older than 6, be paranoid?

"Naruto." The pariah said quickly. He didn't want to give his last name, just in case this guy knew him.

The man gave an approving nod. "Well do you have any family?" Takeshi felt a sense of worry as Naruto answered with a shake of his head.

"Friends" Takeshi asked. The boy must have some friends, at least someone to rely on.

A shake once more. Takeshi felt his heart twist. This boy, so young, yet so alone. He had known loneliness, he had lost everyone. But this boy didn't even know the joy of having someone.

"Anyone." Takeshi asked, almost desperately hoping that someone was there for Naruto.

"I got you" Naruto said cheekily back. Naruto meant that as a joke but he didn't expect what the man said next.

Takeshi blinked as the boy responded. He was surprised with the boy's answers to the first two and it didn't' really matter for the third answer. But what he said struck him. The boy had him right? Huh... that could work. He was old. He was lonely as well, why not have two lonely people come together. 'I needed someone to bury my corpse anyways.' Takeshi thought sarcastically. "Well then. You'll be living with me then." Takeshi smiled.

Naruto blinked "Eh?"

Much later

Naruto carried the firewood in his arms as he walked towards the hut. He held 6 large pieces of wood, pretty surprising for a seven year old. But Naruto wasn't a normal 7 year old. Takeshi had made Naruto do 'exercises' every day. At first it was a simple 50 jumping jacks and a lap towards the rocks and back. Then the old man started adding on. It soon became 100 jumping jacks, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 leg raises, 100 sprints, 100 laps. But Naruto could barely tell the difference. OK, that was untrue. He could tell that it was getting increasingly harder but the old man didn't pile it on him. The man slowly built it up, always allowing Naruto to get used to the new regiment before moving on and adding more. And so Naruto was far more built than any kid should be. But remember, Naruto Uzumaki is never normal.

He carried the firewood and set it down on the fire. He walked around the bend towards the backyard of the hut to call Takeshi to tell him that the firewood was ready and to ask whether he should start cooking the fish or not

As he walked he thought about Konoha. Did anyone miss him? Probably not. He didn't really care for Konoha anymore .he was content living with takeshi here. He had a great life here. Takeshi never yelled at him, only told him and explained to him. Takeshi never hit him. He would calmly sit Naruto down and talk. When Naruto had questions, Takeshi would answer. He even got presents from Takeshi. The first birthday, Takeshi gave Naruto a pair of shoes, as Naruto's were lost somewhere. The second birthday, Naruto was given a new light blue Yakuta with dark blue stripes on the edges. Naruto liked it a lot but was kinda miffed about Takeshi's apparent love for blue, there was no orange.

He saw Takeshi do his morning ritual of the sword practice. Naruto never saw Takeshi hold the beautiful Katana that laid in the bedroom. Takeshi would always take the shinai stick but it never stopped Naruto's wonder in the man's movments. Naruto watched silently, he never interrupted Takeshi's practice. Takeshi flowed from one stance to the next. Slicing slowly and with precision. He moved with a purpose and was breathing deeply. Takeshi had finished he turned to Naruto and smiled. "Firewood ready?" Naruto nodded. "Good lets make the soup."

They cooked a hearty, cat fish soup. After it had finished cooking, they dragged it to the kitchen. Like the rest of the house, it was made with wood and straw. But Naruto knew that it was very study. Takeshi had built it himself.

As they ate, Naruto reflected on his life. He had learned a lot of stuff from Takeshi. How to fish, to hunt , to forage, to bandage, to cook, to scout, to relax, and to stratagize. Takeshi was a very heavy Go player and would always challenge Naruto to a match. Naruto, personally, loved it. There were so many possibilities with just one stone and the battles and tricks you could use were literally endless.

"Hey Takeshi-ji-ji" Naruto called out.

Takeshi looked up. "Yea Naruto?"

"That swordsmanship. How did you learn it?"

Takeshi smirked. "I was once a nin."

Naruto blinked at this new revelation. Naruto had always expected this man to be in some form of military. It wasn't like an old hermit would now how to cure poisons, bandage wounds, use a sword with practice motion, all on his own. But Naruto didn't expect a ninja. He had 'half' halfheartedly thought the man was a samurai but that was a different story.

"So... Takeshi-ji-ji. Your a nin."

Takeshi nodded while gulping down his soup.

"Then why are you here?"

Takeshi gave a tired smile and wiped his mouth.

"I tried to help a student of a friend but … these old bones aren't strong enough. So I ran here to live the remainder of my life in peace."

Naruto nodded. Strength. He had lacked when he was stabbed by that guy. Takeshi never asked about it, but Naruto had nightmares of almost dying. He was weak, he was still weak. He needed strength. After a pause, Naruto made his decision and spoke once more.

"You think you could teach me?"

At this Takeshi smiled. "I was planning to all along."

Naruto smiled back. "What is the sword style called?"

Takeshi laughed "The Falling Swallow."

Much later

Naruto walked out of the hut. His head down. His body numb. He walked slowly, with the shinai stick in his hand. He had now mastered the style and understood what the true sword was.


"neh Takeshi-ji-ji. Why do you never use the sword in the bedroom." Naruto asked.

Takeshi blinked and then laughed. "that was just to commemorate my graduation. It is not the actual sword of the seven mist. Though the Falling Swallow does use a second sword"

That's right. Takeshi was a member of the second generation of the Seven mist swordsman. He had retired after all his friends died. He was famed as the Blue Swallow, due to his style and emblem on his back. Naruto was pretty surprised at the announcement. And yes, Naruto did know history. Or at least history from the Kiri point of view. Naruto had taken everything Takeshi said to heart. Never once did Naruto disobey his commands.

Naruto scratched his head. "Then where is the sword. You said you took it with you right?"

Takeshi nodded and held up the shinai practice sword. "This is the true blade of the Falling Swallow"


Flashback end

Naruto smiled at the memory. And then remembered what had happened yesterday. Naruto heart fell and he fell to his knees. 'NO! I will not cry anymore. Ji-ji told me to move on and find peace. He told me to help Kiri rebuild.'

Naruto stood up and sighed. He stood up brushing his Yakuta. He now wore Takeshi's robes. It was a midnight blue Yakuta but the edges were lined with a ocean blue color. On his back, in an ocean blue color as well was a swallow in flight. This was the symbol of a Flying Swallow master. And being only 10 years old... Naruto was a prodigy. But Naruto wouldn't say that. He would say it was all because of his now deceased shishou. His deceased grandfather.

Naruto turned back to the home. Shifting his sack of provisions on his shoulder, Naruto clenched his fists. This was his true home, the one he had spent so long in. So much memories, all of them fun, loving,... all of them the happiest moments. He would never trade anything for it. He shifted the two swords at his waist. The shinai sword and the inauguration sword. Naruto would take both. Takeshi would have wanted that. Naruto took a deep breath and yelled "TAKESHI-JI-JI I AM LEAVING I WILL COME BACK!"

With that Naruto turned started to walk away. He would come back to visit the grave in the back much later. The grave was simple. It was a rock with the symbol of a swallow on it. It read:

Takeshi Suzaku

A great friend

An amazing swordsman

A loving man

A year later

Two nins were walking down the road through the forest. They had a job to pick up from an associate. It was to deliver some package. Out of all the things he could have done, Zabuza never really expected to be toting around some guy's precious Sake. But the money was good and Zabuza was willing to take it. Zabuza looked over to his left. Haku, his tool, was holding the bottles steadily. He had found her (yes her) in some village near the border of the snow country.

He didn't want to admit it but even though he called her a tool; she was more like a daughter. Zabuza snorted and that would make him a cold and distant father. Zabuza sighed. He knew he couldn't live this life forever and he knew that he needed to make a decision. Either he go down fighting or find somewhere to settle down. But Zabuza wasn't ready to give up on his dreams of saving Kiri just yet.

Zabuza felt something to his right. He held up a hand and Haku stopped and put down the sake immediately. She pulled out some senbons and prepared herself. Zabuza listened carefully. It seemed like there was a single person and was walking towards them. 'A traveler'

Zabuza relaxed and looked over to his left. If the person was rich than he would … liberate some money but if the person wasn't than he would let the man go. It wasn't really fair but that was ok to Zabuza.

But Zabuza wasn't expecting what came out of the forest. It was a blonde kid that looked the same age as Haku, maybe a little older. But that wasn't what caught his attention. The blonde had swords on him. Zabuza drew his sword and jumped in front of the boy. The boy was surprised and fell backwards on his rump. Zabuza blinked, 'an amateur' Zabuza shifted from his thoughts and pointed his sword infront of the boy. "Who are you and what do you want."


'Now then I heard that the swordsman of the seven mists I am looking for, was taking a job somewhere around-' He was cut off by someone jumping in front of him. Naruto moved back to gain distance but his sandal was caught on a rock and he fell on his butt. 'Ow' Naruto thought and suddenly a huge sword was pointed at him.

'What the hell' Naruto thought as he looked up to see a Nuke-nin. Naruto blinked.

"Who are you and what do you want."

Naruto scratched the back of his head and said "heh, sorry um. My name is Naruto. I am looking for someone. Please don't kill me heh heh."

Zabuza relaxed slightly. Naruto looked over to the girl next to a case of Sake. 'Oh she's cute.' Naruto thought. Zabuza saw Naruto's eyes drift towards Haku and he twitched. "Hey brat get up and scram."

Naruto jolted and nodded. Naruto stood up slowly and then saw the sword. Naruto remembered its description and Naruto whispered out "The Executioners' Blade"

Zabuza felt a chill run through his neck. There were very few people who knew a blade by name. Hell he could count the number of people who knew his blade by just looking at it. This kid was definitely not one of them. Zabuza raised his sword towards Naruto as soon as he heard the name of his sword. "Ok," Zabuza asked his voice now leering at Naruto with Suspicion, "now then, I guess we have to do this again. Who the hell are you? And How do you know the name of my blade?"

Naruto froze as he saw the blade. 'I finally found him.' Naruto stepped back and then bowed his head. "My name is Naruto. It is an honor to meet you, Successor of Hideoshi."

Zabuza froze at the name of his sensei. His arm shook, hell he almost even dropped his blade. How the fuck did this boy know he was the successor of Hideoshi. Barely anyone knew about his sensei, well, most of them were dead.

For the third time Zabuza growled out "Who are you?" At first Zabuza thought he was going to let this kid go. The second time he asked this question, he wanted to kill the kid. Now, he was just damn confused on what he wanted to do.

Naruto stood up. Any humor from his eyes gone. His eyes showed a deadly glint and a sharp gaze. "I am the successor of Takeshi Suzaku."

Zabuza froze. That was a name he hadn't heard for a very long time. It was the name he was told when he was running away from Hunter nins. The name that an old man gave him, when that old man told him to run. Zabuza glared at the boy in front of him and said. "Takeshi Suzaku was a member of the Hidden mists swordsman. Are you saying he passed on his style and blade to you."

Naruto nodded. "He... raised me until he died... recently."

Zabuza sheathed his sword and crossed his arms. "I am going to need a little bit more proof than that."

Naruto nodded and took out the shinai sword. He swung it once and the shinai stick's form gave way and formed a beautiful katana.

Zabuza eyes widened. He had seen Takeshi do the same thing as Takeshi faced 40 Hunter nins. Zabuza breathed deeply, calming himself. "And what would the successor want me for?"

Zabuza wasn't asking for a challenge. It was a question out of respect. This boy's … no swordsman's teacher was his savior and he was obligated as a seven mist swordsman to help him.

Naruto gave him a small smile and said. "I will tell you … but as a swordsman I believe it is traditional to spar before we discuss political matters."

Zabuza froze and laughed. This boy was using an old tradition used by the swordsman. It was the right to request a friendly spar before talking about anything. It was originally used to cool off steam or just have fun before some dreary talk.

Zabuza nodded, "Would you like to do it here or..."

Naruto nodded. "Yes it would be beneficial to do it here. For the both of us. But I believe the girl shall need to move back."

Zabuza nodded towards Haku, And Haku stepped back several feet, erecting an ice mirror to protect herself. Naruto raised an eye brow at the jutsu and said. "Oh... Ice manipulation huh. That is very interesting."

Zabuza nodded and said with pride. "I trained her myself."

Naruto stepped back with his right leg and brought sword into a diagonal position. "You must be proud"

Zabuza nodded. "I am..." Zabuza put his left leg forward and held his sword in a horizontal position.

A sole leaf, as if on que, fell slowly down in between Naruto and Zabuza. It fell slowly and finally... it dropped to the ground

Naruto shot forward, his sword raised toward his shoulder.

Zabuza held his sword back, ready to defend with the flat side. Naruto shot forward and called out "Winter flight." Naruto slashed out with his blade to Zabuza's right side. Zabuza easily blocked it. But Naruto used his sword to push off the blade and spin around. Zabuza quickly brought his blade to the ther side nad blocked the second swing. As Zabuza blocked, Naruto let go of his blade and with the power he put into the blade. The blade started to spin. Naruto guided the sword to flip downward and then he grabbed it. Naruto sliced upwards and suddenly water erupted from the ground as if called upon. Zabuza seeing the strike jumped back.

"So … this is the true nature of the Falling swallow" Zabuza spoke, amazed that the boy had such skill.

Naruto nodded. "the Falling swallow can call upon any water to help it."

Zabuza smirked, this would be good. Zabuza charged with his sword in one arm, his other arm held out in front of him, as if to grab Naruto.

Naruto knew better than that. Naruto faded backwards and the brought his sword up so that the blade pointed downwards. Naruto called out his next technique just as Zabuza unleashed a horizontal slash.

"Whispering Flight."

Naruto's sword was suddenly covered with water as Naruto swept to the left to block the strike. As the sword clashed, Zabuza's built body should have totally overcome the small body of the 11 year old. The water dulled the blow's strength to nothing. Zabuza eyes widened. Naruto used his right leg to pivot. He swung his left outwards so that Zabuza had a brief glimpse of the Swallow on Naruto's back. Naruto unleashed a back fist towards Zabuza. Zabuza's experience saved him. Zabuza jumped backwards avoiding the blow and Naruto shot forwards ready to stab but he paused and settled back into a stance.

Naruto smirked. "Amazing, you stopped the Whispering Flight."

Zabuza scoffed. "What about you for accomplishing those skills"

Naruto shrugged "I am no where near, Takeshi-ji-ji's level"

Zabuza shrugged as well "Once you grow up a bit you'll do fine."

They charged at each other once more. There was no Ninjutsu used. It was pure swordsman's skill vs skill. It lasted for only 10 minutes. A melodious clang erupted in the forest. Slash, cut, stab, punch, and even an occasional kick was used in the fight. No clear victor could be determined until finally, Naruto nodded and then waved his sword once, the sword reverted back to its shinai stick form. Zabuza as well sheathed his sword. Zabuza shook his head. "I still do not understand how you call the water when you strike."

Naruto scratched his head and explained, "I feed my chakra to the sword which allows it to call for water. "

Zabuza nodded. He had heard that some words used chakra for things. His sword though didn't have such a thing. Rather his style was much more on the assassination type, ironic with his huge ass sword.

Zabuza motioned for Haku to come back. Haku came back holding the sake in her hands. She looked at Naruto with new interest. Zabuza wasn't sure he liked that.

Zabuza turned back to Naruto and asked. "Now then what would like from me?"

Naruto smiled. "I would like you to help me... liberate Kiri from the rule of Idiotic clutches of its Kage."

And there we go. Please review and tell me whether you like it or not. Or what should I do. Any advice is helpful I need some inspiration right now.