Half-breed Revolution

Part 1

The Alpha

"Grab him! They must not be allowed to escape!" Voices yelled. A tall man with black hair and eyes ran through the narrow hallways. He was gasping for air and the pain in his leg made him remember how much danger he was in. The tiny bundle in his arms shifted slightly and he looked down to see his daughter's tiny face.

She was a marvel to the man, a Saiya-Jin who had been exiled with his parents and hidden among the very people he was taught to hate. He could have dammed himself for falling in love with one of them, but he didn't think it would have ever happened. His mate, who had ordered his death upon finding out his heritage wanted the little girl to run TESTS on! He would not let that happen.

He wasn't sure what he would do when he go to the landing platform, but he knew it might ultimately be his death. He wouldn't allow that fate befall his daughter. He refused.

His lungs burned for air. The man may have been a Saiya-Jin but he'd also been running the entire day without rest. Blood soaked his pants and fell to the floor. The only way they had been tracking him. With a shout he charged into the hanger holding the space pods. He jumped into one, cradling his daughter to his chest and desperately started the launch sequence.

The door snapped shut and the pod launched itself just as his attackers entered the room. He hadn't realized how close they were. Now all he had to do was go to the only safe planet he knew of. Tor-Amisa.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

"You let him get AWAY?!" A woman's angry shrieks echoed through the building. "That brat was my way to glory! How could you let him get away?!" Her blonde hair glittered in the light as her silver eyes flashed.

"We're sorry, mistress, but there was nothing we could do that wouldn't kill them." One of the thugs tried to explain. Her foot lashed out and the kicked him.

"You fools." She snarled. "You total fools."

The woman growled. ~ How dare they! ~ She raved to herself ~ how dare they disobey me! I will find you, brat, if it's the last thing I do. ~ She vowed. ~ And when I find you, you will make me rich! ~

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

"You'll be all right, my little one." The man whispered. "I won't let her take you. I won't let you live the life I did. I swear." Tears fell form his eyes. The man, Leecha, looked at the baby in his arms once more.

"It's a pity your mother named you, but you're middle name will give you away to what you truly are. Ananda Latina J'Tir Leecha. And you will one day be great."

The babe in his arms opened her eyes, just as he said this and gave a tiny giggle, nodding as though she understood and agreed. Suddenly she gave a soft whimper and began to cry. The infant, barely a day old, was hungry.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Tor-Amisa was a bleak planet that no one knew much about. It was advised heavily that no one land there unless it was a dire emergency and, there for, not a likely place the infant's mother would look.

Most of the planet was covered in houses and cities and slums. It was dirty. Not something people would consider a place to grow up. Before he even landed, Leecha had to disguise the both of them to blend in. Not an easy task considering the fact that the planet was behind in their technology and there was little information on it. He finally decided that some nondescript black cloths would be best. He carefully wrapped his tail about his waist and made sure the girl's was covered. He hid the pod and carefully walked towards the nearest town.

He watched the people walking around and acted as they did. He noticed, with some confusion, that no one besides people with blonde hair and blue eyes spoke to anyone else with blonde hair and blue eyes. He didn't either.

He chose to follow a woman with mousy brown hair to her home and ask what was going on. It rather confused him. All the people with different hair and eye color lived in the slums. Leecha frowned. Carefully he knocked on the door of one apartment. It was cracked open and immediately slammed in his face. His daughter sniffled. Quietly he whispered soothing words to the child and knocked on another door. There was a repeat performance.

Five apartments later, someone let him in. She was older than the others, around fifty perhaps with white hair and soft brown eyes. "Who are you?" She asked him after she let him in. Leecha sighed. "It's a long story."

"It's a long story." He sighed. "How do I begin?"

"At the beginning, my dear."

Leecha bit his lip. The beginning? Right. He could do that. "Well, I'm not originally from this place, or this planet now that I mention it. My daughter and I crashed here about two hours ago. I'm originally from a planet called Vegita-sei but I was exiled from it with my parents when I was young. We left the planet and went to the planet Dorin-sei. The people of Dorin-sei look almost exactly like the people of my planet, but they are more peaceful. At least until they are angry.

"While I was on Dorin-sei, I fell in love with a Paiya-Jin. And unforgivable sin by my people…"

"Paiya-Jin?" The Woman interrupted. "What is that?"

"A Paiya-Jin is like a Saiya-Jin, which is what I am…"

"My dear, I don't know what that is either."

"A Saiya-Jin is my race. They love to fight, for the joy of it. They are rather blood thirsty, as I've heard them described. A Paiya-Jin, while similar in looks, is the complete opposite. They are peaceful unless provoked, and rather than the physical powers a Saiya-Jin posses, they have renowned mental powers. The few ways to tell them apart, bloodlust aside, is that Saiya-Jins have spiky black hair and black eyes. Paiya-Jins have other hair colors and their hair is usually limper. Their eyes are also different colors. Their tails also match their hair color, but will occasionally have streaks in them. Saiya-Jins almost always have dark brown tails. They appear almost black which is why I was able to fool them into thinking I was Paiya-Jin.

"But, as I was saying, after my parents and I were banished from Vegita-Sei I fell in love with a Paiya-Jin and we had a daughter. After my Daughter was born, my mate gave her the name Ananda and I told her the child's middle name was Latina. When she asked why, I told her what I was. She sent everyone under the sun after the two of us. They wanted to kill me, but they would have turned my Daughter into a lab rat. I couldn't let that happen.

"I left the planet and here I am. Lost, alone and with no idea of what's going on." Leecha drew a deep breath.

"I almost don't believe it." The woman gaped.

"I don't blame you. What made you believe me?" He finally asked.

"You're daughter has a tail."

"As do I. So?"

"The people on this planet do not have tails. So, you must not be from around here." The woman explained. "Well, it's not where I would have a child grow up, but you must be desperate. You are welcome here. I will teach you what you need to know. You must do one thing for me, though."


"I am growing old. I eventually will not be able to work for the government. You must take care of me. We'll be a bit of a family." She smiled. "I always wanted a family."

"I agree to this. What's your name, by chance?" He smiled.

"I am Elvira, but you may call me what ever you wish." She smiled.

"Okay. Now, what do I need to know?"

"A man called Hitler rules this planet. He has for many years. I can't properly recall how many, over forty, I think. He created the Aryan race. They all have blonde hair and blue eyes. They are superior than everyone else. Beside himself. Hitler is not an Aryan. Nor is his son. They are the worst scum on the planet. Do not cross him for he will kill you. Do whatever the Aryans say and do not argue. Arguing is a good way to get yourself killed…"

~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

"You said you we'd train today, Papa!" A little girl, who was about four, whined. "You promised!"

"I know, I know. We'll do it tonight when I get home, okay? I swear!" Leecha gave his daughter a hug.


"Promise. I'll be home before you know it." He promised. Ananda nodded. She was less than satisfied but her father always knew best. She could almost never train and the few times she could were a special treat.

~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

It was early on Ananda's sixth birthday when she woke up. "Papa! Papa!" She called happily. Her metallic gold hair, falling to her waist, swished behind her as she dashed to her father's bed.

"Go back to sleep, Ananda." Leecha mumbled.

"I can't. There's someone at the door. They're just to scared to knock." The tiny girl giggled.

"And you know this how?" He grumbled, burying his face in his pillow.

"The same way I know everything else." She giggled. "Now c'mon! Their gonna walk away soon."

"You go answer the door. I want to sleep."

"Grandma told me never to do that." Ananda protested. Leecha groaned. It was apparent he wasn't getting anymore sleep that day.

Slowly the tired Saiya-Jin rolled out of bed and walked to the door of the apartment. Two people stood outside the door. "If you're selling something I don't want it. If you're looking for a place to sleep, come on in and bunk on the couch until we can get you a bed. I'm going back to sleep. Good day."

The duo at the door gaped in surprise and walked inside. "Thank you." The woman stuttered.

"Thank my daughter. She's the one who insisted I get up at six o'clock in the morning to greet you instead of opening the door herself." He mumbled in a half-daze. "I'm going soft." He muttered to himself. "Stupid planet."

"So, what are you names?" Ananda looked at the people that had been standing on their doorstep. There was a woman and a boy. The woman had brown hair and brown eyes while the boy had hazel eyes and light brown hair.

"I'm Casey!" The boy grinned. "And this is my mom."

"Linda." The woman sighed.

"I'm Leecha and this is my daughter, Ananda." Leecha smiled at the guests. "So, why are you here?"

"They wanted to turn our old neighborhood into more houses for the Aryans. Guess who got the boot." Linda replied as Ananda and Casey played together on the other side of the room.

"Really? Hmm. Well, you're welcome to stay here. We don't have a lot of room, but we'll survive." Leecha said thoughtfully.

"Thank you." Linda nodded. "I would have gone somewhere else but…"

"There is no where else." Leecha finished. "I've been on the short end of THAT stick."

"Ah." Linda nodded. "I see."

~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

Several years passed and the two children grew. Casey didn't know that Ananda and Leecha weren't human and she wasn't about to tell. Beyond that, however, the two were as close as siblings. There was a new difficulty when they turned eleven. More houses were being built for the Aryans and more people were getting kicked out of their houses.

There was another knock on the door of their house, later this time, closer to noon. A rather harassed looking man and woman stood outside, the woman holding the hand of an eleven year old girl. Leecha groaned but didn't have the heart to shut the door in their faces.

"You need somewhere to stay, correct? Come on in." He sighed. The trio thanked him profusely. Leecha resisted the urge to bang his head on the wall. The woman was called Laura, the man was Mike, and the little girl was named Diane.

~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

It was only six months later the next time someone appeared on their door step. Once again there were only two. A woman and her daughter. The ten year old was called Indigo. The woman, her mother, was Cheryl. Once more, Leecha hadn't the heart to turn them down. He groaned.

The small apartment, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a common room and a kitchen was getting rather crowded. It was decided that Leecha, Ananda, Linda, and Casey would stay in one room while the rest would stay in the other, larger bedroom. An extremely frustrated Leecha was banging his head lightly on the wall (so he didn't give away his strength) and grumbling one morning only a week later.

"Papa? What's wrong? Why are you banging your head on the wall? Bad day?" Ananda touched his arm.

"Something like that. I have to get to work, baby. Be good, okay? And stay out of trouble." He smiled at the little girl.

"I will, Papa. I will." She hugged him and gave him a peck on the check. "Love you."

"I too, baby. See you tonight." He smiled at her and left. The other adults followed soon after.

"So, what are we doing today?" Casey plopped down next to Ananda.

"I vote we go hunting. Maybe we can get some fish for supper." Indigo grinned. "That would be nice. We haven't had meat in awhile."

"I'm with Indigo. We ought to get some fish for supper." Diane commented from the doorway.

"All right. Papa told me to stay out of trouble, though." Ananda pointed out.

"They told us we could keep what we caught, remember?" Diane whined. "Let's just go! We have work tomorrow, remember?"

"I know!" Ananda made a face, then mimicked the commander of the squad around their sector. "Every other day starting when you're eleven and ending when you're fifteen. The you wok six days a week like every body else."

"Hey, that's pretty good!" Casey applauded. "Just don't do it to his face!"

"Duh, Casey." Ananda rolled her eyes at her "brother". "I'm not stupid."

"Fooled me." Indigo said. Diane began to giggle.

"It's not funny!" Ananda protested.

"Actually, yes, it is." Casey pointed out through his laughter. Ananda only pouted.

~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

(A/N) New story! New everything! Yay! I actually like this one and it actually makes sense! Yay! I'm so proud of myself! Aren't ya proud? I'm not going to redo this again! I'm going to FINISH this version! (Reviewers gasp.) Yup! I'm going to finish my story! Course if I'd done it this way BEFORE, it might be done by now. ^_^; Oh well.

~*~ Lady Foeseeker ~*~