A/N: A perfect ending! :D


When I woke I was in the Sackville-Bagg family crypt. My head felt heavy and cold, then I was aware that I was being watched. I tried to sit up, but pale hands pushed me back down. I looked up and saw Gregory, looking relieved.
"Gregory? What happened?" My voice was scratchy, like I havent talked in a long time.
"The stone was shattered, Rookery is gone." He looked like we was anxious about something. Then I remembered.
"You bit me.."
"I had to.. There was no other choice. I couldn't stand being a part from you." His hands caressed my face, a small smile on his lips.
"I feel like I've been hit by a bus." I tried to laugh, but he found no humor in it.
"You've been out for a month. I though I had killed you. It was difficult to explain to your aunt and uncle, though…" He trailed off.
"So they know about…everything?" I flinched.
"Yes, everything." He helped me sit up, and shoved a bucket into my hands. "Drink, you'll need to keep your strenth." I looked into the bucket and saw it was filled with blood. Sniffing, it didn't smell human, I took a sip. It was cold, but good. Quickly I tipped the bucket back and drained it, feeling stronger.
"I still have some explaining to do…My partents."
"Already taken care of. You uncle handed it." Gregory smiled. I didn't have anything to say… I just kissed him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Gregory called from behind me as I glided along, the night are feeling wonderful. It had been months since my transformation and I was learning quickly.
"You'll see…" I laughed mischievously. I was going to pay some people a visit. I landed on the balcony of a hospital room. I picked up a scent, and I had a hunch that I picked the right room. I could hear two people whispering to each other and peaked through the curtain of the open window. Inside, I would see Julia and Eric trying to suck each others faces off. I grinned and slipped inside, banking that they were too preoccupied to notice. Then a stood in the midde of the room and cleared my throat. They bolted up, looking at me with wide eyes. I grinned widely letting my fanges glistening in the low light, then I growled low, crouching as if ready to pounce. Julia was the first to scream, Eric looked like he had already wet his pants. I sprang at them, turing into a bat at the last second and flying out the window. I turned back underneath the balcony beside Gregory.
"You couldn't resisted scaring them, could you?" He laughed, giving me a quick peck on the cheek.
"You know me so well." I smirked, taking his hand, gliding off into the night.