So, as it continues from last time, when the three of them all ran in, they saw Dawn tied to a chair with a piece of tape stuck to her mouth. The three gasped.

"Mmmmf! Mmmmmmmfff!" she went trying to scream out for help.

Ash rushed over and tried to untie her.

"Dawn, what happened to you! Who did this to you!" Ash said worriedly.

"Please tell me Misty didn't do this!" May yelled.

Ash carefully took the tape off Dawn's mouth without hurting her. Of course, most people would probably just rip it right off. May helped untie her. It was one heck of a knot to get out also.

"A-Ash..." she cried and threw herself in Ash's arms.

"It's okay Dawn, everything's okay now. You're okay right?" he asked.

"Yes...But it was so frightening!" Dawn cried.

"Let me guess, did Misty to this to you?" asked May.

"Yes, she did..."

"I can't believe this. Misty's jealousy hasn't gotten her nowhere. But does she have to take it out on you!" Ash yelled.

"This is terrible. I would've never believed that Misty would do such a thing. What kind of best friend is that?" Tracey asked.

"If you ask me, I sort of think our friendship is over." said May.

"But you, Dawn and Misty have been best friends for a long time." Tracey commented.

"I know that. And sure, I'll keep being Dawn's best friend, but I can no longer be friends with a girl like this."

"How could things turn out this way!" Dawn cried and Ash held her closer to him.

"Well, I see I have some company..." a very familiar voice said coming from nowhere.

"Huh?" everyone went. Misty came into view.

"I'm guessing you get the picture now." she said.

"Misty it's you! Why Misty! Why would you do such a terrible and evil thing!" Ash yelled out.


"Because why!"

"Because you were supposed to be mine Ash Ketchum! I've been wanting you back but it's like you didn't want me. I know what you're thinking. I should've never broken up with you. So I just kidnapped this girl so the real girl of your dreams can come back to you." said Misty.

"Yeah well...well..." Ash said. Everyone turned to him.

"I don't need you back."

Everybody in the room was not surprised, except for Misty who just gasped.

"I'm sorry Misty. But if you cannot see, this is the girl of my dreams."

"Wha?" Misty studdered.

"May and Tracey told me everything. And you know, you could've just came and talked to me about it and maybe we would've worked things out. But instead, you had to do something so mean, and so evil to a such a sweet girl, unlike you right now."

"Wow, Ash is really telling Misty off." May whispered. Tracey stayed quiet.

"W-w-well guess what! I don't even care what you think! Because when you weren't even there, I still had someone who warmed my heart everytime I was with him! And that was Tracey..."

Tracey blushed.

"Listen Misty, I understand how you feel. I was just helpin' out is all." Tracey said, trying not to be apart of this situation.

"No Tracey. You've done everything you could just to help me when I had a broken heart. I appreciate it, very much. And in fact, I-I have to tell you something. I still have feelings for him, but I love you..."

"Wait a minute. I thought you loved Ash, Misty."

"I might. But I realize you're the one who I love now. I should've seen this from the beginning."

Suddenly, Misty threw herself on her knees.

"Marry me Tracey! Together, we can be the world's greatest couple!" she shouted. Tracey wasn't too sure about it. How could her heart suddenly just go from Ash to Tracey?

"I don't know Misty. I-" he was cut off.

"Ash, I'm so sorry about all of this! Terribly sincerly sorry! Even I can't believe what kind of sick twisted girl I've become. And if you hate me, I wouldn't blame you! And if you can see just as much as I can that there should be nothing more between us now, I totally understand. I am sorry."

"Are you just sorry now, because you got what you wanted?" May thought.

Everyone was shocked to see how quick that apology came. They thought it would take atleast all day for the words 'I'm sorry' to actually come out her mouth. Ash was going to say that she should be ashamed of herself and that she should be arrested, but he decided to leave it alone.

"Actually, I don't think I should be the one you should be apologizing to, Misty. Even if all of you did hide this from me. This isn't just my wedding day. he cocked his head at Dawn."

Misty almost couldn't look Dawn in the eye. She took a deep breath.

"Dawn, I hope you forgive me. I've been such a terrible person to you. Can you please forgive me?"

" may take me some time to think this all over, but I guess for now I accept." she said.

"I completely understand!" said Misty who was a little satisfied.

"Gosh, this has been one heck of a wedding day for you two," said May who broke the silence that lasted about 5 seconds.

"Oh no! I totally forgot! We have to get back to the church! We get married in 7 minutes!" Ash yelled.

"We've kept everybody waiting!" May yelled.

"Well we shouldn't just be standing here, let's go!" said Tracey.

Everyone immediately evacuated the old apartment, found their way to all squeeze into May's car, and hurried back to the church.

All the people were waiting for them to come back.

"Do you see them yet Max?" Brock asked.

"No, nothing." he replied looking both ways from the parking lot.

"I sure hope nothing bad happpened..."

"Oh I sure hope my Dawn's alright. It's so unlike her to do something this, but on her own wedding day?" said Johanna.

"Do you think she was just nervous?" asked Delia.

"Could've been. But I won't get a smile on my face until I see her come back." she said worriedly.

"I'm sure it won't be a problem. Not as long as my Ash and his friends go looking for her."

"I wonder why D.D. disappeared all of a sudden." commented Kenny.

"Kenny, please. You still call her that?" Leona asked.

"Why not? It's like a good old childhood name we call her."

"Whatever..." she sighed.

"Hey, here they come!" everyone heard Max yell as he spotted May's car pulling up.

When everyone saw Dawn, they were totally relieved. Johanna rushed over to hug her daughter.

"Oh Dawn, sweetheart, are you alright?" her mother asked making sure she was.

"I'm fine mom," Dawn replied, her worries gone.

"Dawn, what happened anyway?" Brock asked.

"It-It's a long story..." Dawn said rolling her eyes.

Tracey looked at Misty.

"Are you okay?" he asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm surprised you're not mad at me." she said in a low voice. Tracey didn't know what to say.

"I know you hate me..."

"No Misty, I do not hate you. I was really surprised though...your lucky Ash even forgave you. You realize that you could've been arrested for what you did, right?"

"Yes..." she said, her voice still low.

"And you know Misty, I think we've both been hiding some feelings, lately." said Tracey.

"Huh? What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, when I heard you say you loved me, it kinda made it easier for me to tell you back. All the time we've actually spent together while you were sad, it made us both feel happy. So let me tell you this. I cannot marry you."

Misty sighed sadly.

"But...I will be your boyfriend. For a very long time. Then maybe one day, Ash and Dawn would come see our wedding." he stated.

This made Misty very happy.

"Tracey thank you!" she said as she hugged him.

"Just please promise me that you'll never let jealousy get the best of you ever again, nor do anything like this again. It was all so uncalled for."

"I promise. I won't."

"Alright everyone!" the two heard Ash yell. "I do realize that our little errand did take some time. But now that the bride's back, we can have a real wedding!"

Everyone was happy, and was totally ready.

"It's about time this day got here!" Johanna yelled excitedly.

Everybody took their seats, as Ash and Brock stood up the front. The music began, and everyone waited for the best part to happen.

A/N: I tried to make it as long as possible! So I just used some details to fit into it. Also, I proudly/sadly announce that since this is currently chapter 11, chapter 12 will be the last chapter, finally. So get ready! Also, I must say, if you are a pokeshipper, you just have to check out my newest story, 'Find Your Love And Listen.' Okay, see ya for now! Oh! Silly me...and don't forget to review!

A/N: Alright, all I can say now is uh-oh!