I'm back to writing stories! My last one was bad, but this will be better, I promise! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: iCarly belongs to me in no way.

Chapter 1: Normal POV

"Tonight on iCarly we have a new segment that we like to call… 'Dude, That's CRAAAZY!' You guys can send us a video of you and your friends doing something wacky and crazy, and if we think its good enough, we'll use it in this segment!"

Sam popped in front of Carly and yelled, "But, this time, we let Carly's brother Spencer chose the video, so we'll be just as surprised as you! Now, play it, Fredbag!" Freddie rolled his eyes and hit some buttons on his laptop, making the TV swing out.

"Hey Carly, Sam and Freddie! My name is Connor, and I'm here at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey. I'm in line for the tallest, fastest roller coaster in the WORLD, Kingda Ka! I'll be filming it from the front seat once I get on!"

Freddie turned the camera toward Sam, who said, "Whoa! Look at that thing! It's gotta be at least 400 feet!"

Now the kid in the video was in his seat, waiting for the ride to take off. "Are you ready iCarly? This will be epic!" The camera swiveled to the front, where you could see the gigantic roller coaster looming before him.

"That kid is crazy!" exclaimed Carly.

The ride started, and you could hear screaming and cheers coming from all over the ride. The camera was shaking so violently that you could hardly see going up and down the giant hump on the ride. About 20 seconds later, it was over. The kid filming the video turned the camera toward him, his hair was sticking off to the sides from the fast speed he had just been going at. "Well, that was Kingda Ka iCarly!"

The monitor swung back into place and Freddie filmed Carly and Sam again. "Well, that was sucky quality! You couldn't even what was going on! Why did Spencer pick that video?" Sam fumed.

"C'mon Sam, I heard that thing goes 128 miles-per-hour! It'd be hard to film it!"

Sam still wasn't impressed. "Yeah, whatever…"

"Well, that's all the time we have for this iCarly! Stay and school, and always brush your teeth and wash your hands!" Sam and Carly waved at the camera until Freddie said, "We are CLEAR! Great show guys!"

"Man that Kingda Ka looked crazy! I HAVE to go on it!" Sam was bouncing around the room out of excitement.

"Sam, that's all the way in New Jersey! There's no way you could go there." Freddie stated.

"Whatever, Fredamama. No one needs your opinion. Now, Momma need's her some ham!"

They all walked downstairs to find Spencer on the phone yelling, "REALLY! NO WAY! YEAH, I HAVE TO! IT'S MY DESTINY! THAT'D BE AWESOME. Okay, later Socks!" Spencer slammed the phone down and turned to face the trio. "You'll never believe what just happened!"

"What? Did Socko make you another cool pair of socks?" Carly joked.

"NO. He said he was visiting his cousin in New Jersey, and the guys a seamstress, his name is Taylor. So they were hiking out in the woods looking for some rare animal fur or something, AND THEY SAW A BEAVECON!" Spencer squealed and did a strange dance that included flailing your arms in a pattern of spasms.

"Spencer, the beavecon is NOT REAL!" Carly exclaimed.

"Yes it is too! Socko and Taylor saw it with their own eyes! And Carly, you know how we have nowhere to go for vacation this summer?"


"Well, Socko said he could send us some plane tickets so that I can go hunting for the beavecon, and he said there's an amusement park down there that you could go to. It'd be a vacay for both of us!"

Sam perked up and said, "Wait, did he say the amusement park was Six Flags?"

"Yes! That was the name!"

"Spence, could I come with you guys! Kingda Ka is at that Six Flags, and I HAVE to go on it!" Sam begged.

"Could I come too? I have nothing to do this summer except knit with me mom, and I'd rather go to an amusement park even though I'm not a big fan of rides. Anything is better if it's not with my mom! Please!" Freddie made puppy dog eyes and stuck out his lower lip.

"Sure-" Spencer was cut off by Sam screaming "NO! Don't let that nub some with us! He'll ruin the whole trip!"

"C'mon Sam, let him come! Maybe we can film some iCarly stuff while we're there." Carly said.

Sam sat on the couch in defeat. "Fine… but just for iCarly."

"Then it's official! We leave for New Jersey on Friday! Let me call Socko and tell him to send 2 more tickets." Spencer declared.

"Wait," Carly said, "How can he afford to send us those tickets?"

"His brother in-law is a trader in the Stalk Market, and he tells Socko all of the best stalks to invest in, so he makes tons and tons of money."

"What's his name?"

"Nickel-Nick for short."

"Of course it is."

A/N: See the references to Socko's weird relatives? Haha, sorry if they were dumb! And I made up the Stalk Market. ; )

I went on Kingda Ka last week, that's where I got the idea for this fic :)

I don't normally have it in normal POV, but it made more sense for this.

Oh, and there WILL be Seddie coming soon, I promise!

Reviews make my day!