Brought to you by Citizenship from United Users, Citizens of the world Unite!

I always add my OCs to my stories just to give it a kick to get things going, you may noticed that the plot revolves around them half the time so it's not really a problem. You'll find my stories on the search engine by typing my pen name into the box and search, not many people use the word citizenship on their story titles and summaries. To avoid confusion on picturing what my characters look like, go to my author or profile page as you call it and scroll down to read the profiles of my characters.

You are reading Citizenship's version of FanFiction South Park!

Disclaimer: I do not own any South Park Characters

Claimer: I only own anyone or anything with the name Reznov in it.

South Park, Colorado

Tuesday, 12:00AM

Mephesto was busy mixing RNA from viruses together, he hadn't had much sleep in the past few weeks and is always getting tired. Kevin watches nearby as Mephesto sat his test tube of "A Glowing Green Virus" on the rack after mixing several strains of Ebola, HIV, Rabies, and Influenza from Birds, Pigs, and Humans. Since Mephesto and Kevin are in Hazmat suits, they are perfectly safe from the virus.

Suddenly, the test tube rack breaks and spills the green virus into a sink where the test tube empties it's deadly contents down the drain. When Mephesto wakes up from glass shattering, he noticed the test tube is gone and Kevin staring up at him with a confused look on his face. "Wow, I need some sleep." he yawned, "Come on Kevin, let's go to bed now."

Meanwhile, the virus is making it's way through the sewage system and found it's way into a Water Treatment Plant. With the virus deluded in the water, there is no green glow and since the Water Treatment Plant is 40 years old it is unable to eradicate the virus. It travels through a clean water supply to a water tower where it is then dumped into the reservoir tanks inside the South Park Elementary School.

The virus makes it's way out of the tank where it spills onto the floor, a Norway Rat happens to be unfortunate enough to be nearby when this happened. The rat takes a drink of the contaminated water and scampers off into a hole in a wall, where the rat had a seizure a half an hour later and died. The virus suddenly took control of the rat's nervous system and the rat opened it's eyes, glowing green.

South Park Elementary School, South Park


The kids were gathered for an assembly after arriving to school, when everyone was seated Dr. Gouache address everyone about disease in the request of the Reznov Juvenile Army leader Jonathon Dimitri Reznov, also known as Dimitri. "You see, the flu... is bad." said the doctor. Apparently the doctor sucked at his speeches and only bored everyone half to death, Kenny happened to get permission to go to the bathroom in a need to relieve himself.

Inside the now Unisex bathroom, Kenny was taking a dump where the rat infected with Mephesto's virus sneaked beside Kenny and bit him on the back of his left leg. The parka wearing kid screamed and yanked the rat off before throwing it against the wall. Thinking it was dead, Kenny looked back down on his leg and noticed it was bleeding. He flushed the toilet and wrapped his leg wound with toilet paper before running off to the Nurse's office.

The rat suddenly regains consciousness and reopened it's green eyes, he got behind a toilet where he sat and wait for another victim.

After the assembly, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman came out of the gym along with the other students to find Kenny walking out of the nurse's office with his hand on his leg. "Damn Kenny, what happened?" asked Stan.

"Stupid rat bit me, that's what happened." said Kenny angrily as he shakes the pain off his bandaged leg, "I'm alright though."

"I hope so," said Kyle.


During lunch, the cameo wearing tomboy Ardy Reznov decided to set off the Fire Alarm just for fun, which explains why she isn't sitting in the boy's table like she always do. When she set that alarm off, she jammed the alarm to the on position so it won't turn off. It pissed off pretty much all the faculty members in the school but it gave all the kids inside to laugh about.

After everyone stepped outside the school thinking it was a Fire Drill, Mr. Macky got out a bull horn and begins to address everyone. "Children, it's seems that someone jammed the Alarm system to the on position M'kay, so we would have no school for three days until the alarm is fixed. We've called the bus company to take most of you home, all extracurricular activities are canceled so I suggests some of you to contact your parents. M'kay."

Everyone cheered in pride, and Ardy was leaving on her skateboard feeling pleased to herself.

Cartman Household, South Park


When the boys arrived at Cartman's house, there was no sign of Liane anywhere. When they sat down on the couch, Kenny began to feel sick. Without saying a word, he got off the couch and ran to the bathroom where he vomited into the toilet. The rest of the South Park boys didn't noticed his problem as they turn on the TV to watch Terrance and Phillip.

They only noticed his problem when he stumbled back into the room and collapsed onto the floor, "Kenny, are you alright?" asked Stan.

"No, I feel numb and I've got a splitting headache." mumbled Kenny, "I'm going home you guys, I'll see you tomorrow." With that, Kenny got back to his feet and opened the front door. After loosing his balance, he got back up and closed the door behind him and head's back home.

"That's odd, Kenny was feeling fine a moment ago." said Kyle.

"Yeah, he must have the flu again." said Cartman, not caring at all.

Of course, what they don't know what's going to happen the next day as the virus make's it way to several buildings near the Elementary school. Within the next day, there's going to be chaos afoot.


The Colorado National Guard has discovered Mephesto's virus spreading around South Park, they decided to quarantine the town by putting up electric fences literally overnight, not to mention some Czech hedgehogs and landmines on both sides of the barrier. The fences were heavily barbed wired with razor sharped blades on some of the wiring. All this approved by the U.S. Government.

The U.S. Army was also sent in to might sure this was kept secret, anyone who get's near the Quarantine Zone on either side will be shot on sight. Now they sit and wait for the virus to take a foot hold on the town, which already infected ΒΌ of it's residents.