The drive home (home!) is filled with, mostly Rachel's, mindless chatter. She's talking a mile a minute about absolutely nothing of consequence and Quinn only nods and hums in the short seconds of silence Rachel offers for her to do so. Nothing has changed in this regard and Quinn is practically glowing with the knowledge. It gives her hope that no matter how much has changed, some things have not and it's a comfort to her. They need hope. Lots of it. Because Quinn is wise enough to know that their reunion is not foolproof. Insecurities can make people do and say a lot of stupid things, as they have witnessed the past two years, and all three of them still carry around a lot of insecurities.

Quinn doesn't want to jinx it or think of the proverbial glass of half full, but she's too jaded to skip over the bad parts that will surely find their way to them in the nearby future. She knows Rachel is trying her hardest to forgive Beth, but Quinn also knows her wife isn't there yet. It will take time. And they need to talk. Those talks will be hard to have, for all three of them, but Quinn knows that, if they keep their eye on the same goals, they will get through it. They have to, because life without Rachel is not an option. Never again.

The closer they get to the house, the quieter Rachel gets. Her eyes are staring straight ahead, but Quinn can tell she's not watching the familiar scenery leading up to their home. Whatever's going on in Rachel's mind, Quinn can only take a guess at, but if she knows her wife, it's not all sunshine and rainbows up in that big brain of hers. Taking her own train of thought into consideration, Quinn is convinced Rachel's on the same track, reaching the same destination and to let her know that they're in this together, Quinn takes her hand of the steering wheel and lets it rest on Rachel's knee, palm up. Without hesitation, Rachel slides her own hand in Quinn's and holds on for dear life, thankful for the anchor Quinn is offering her. Without it, Rachel's certain she'd drift away on a tsunami of bad memories and confusing emotions.

When the house comes into view, Quinn looks over at Rachel, not sure how her wife is going to react to seeing the once cherished structure of stone and glass which holds such good memories but such bad ones now, as well. Unsurprisingly, Rachel's already sniffling as a single tear makes its way down her left cheek but Quinn doesn't know if it's a happy tear or a sad one. Not wanting to let go of Rachel's hand, but needing her own to steer the car onto the driveway and park it, she pulls back her hand from Rachel's death grip, earning a slight whimper of protest but not much else.

Turning off the car, they just sit there, staring at the house. Rachel is trying to control her breathing while she silently cries while Quinn is nervously twirling her car keys between her fingers, hoping with everything inside of her that Rachel will not change her mind about coming back to Ohio. Coming back to her.

The movement of the front door slowly opening, startles both of them out of whatever thoughts they're having, reminding them that there is someone inside the house who's been waiting anxiously for this moment to arrive for a month now. Beth's familiar form appears in the doorway, her face pale and her eyes red. Quinn's heart constricts at the thought that Beth has probably been crying nonstop ever since she left the house to pick up Rachel.

Rachel's breath catches and stops for long seconds when she spots the girl she's only seen in pictures for the longest time now. She's grown so much, yet she seems so small standing there so helplessly, arms folded around her torso as if protecting herself. From what, Rachel isn't sure, but the look in Beth's eyes lets her know that her daughter's heart is just as broken as her own and that her willingness to right her terrible wrong is real and overwhelmingly so.

Feeling slightly guilty for wanting this for her daughter, Rachel knows that this is what she needed to see but was afraid she wouldn't. Her worst nightmares contained of images of having to leave all over again. Having to find out it wouldn't work out after all and relive the hell she's been through. She finds a semblance of peace in the earnest look in Beth's eyes and the tears flowing from them freely.

As if Beth senses her Momma's thoughts, as if it steels her, she steps outside and carefully makes her way across the lawn to the driveway. Rachel opens the passenger side door and steps out of the car, making her way around the front to meet Beth there. They're both skittish, tentative. Rachel's unsure of how to act and what to say.

While Beth is having trouble with the former, as well, the latter is not such a tough one for her. Beth knows there is only one thing she can say. The circumstances surrounding the use of it are some of the hardest she'll ever encounter, she knows, but in this moment, to this woman, who deserves so much more and so much better than Beth gave her?

'Sorry', seems to be the easiest word.

AN: This story has taken me a looooong time to finish. The ending may seem rushed, like a cop out, but I forgot I already posted most of it as chapter 12 (That's what happens when you leave things too long) I may someday write an epilogue, I may not. I promise nothing, because it could take anywhere between fourteen days and fourteen years ;)

I hope you've enjoyed reading this story as I have enjoyed writing it. A lot of life happened between the start of writing it and the end of writing it and it reflects in this story. Therefore, it will always be special to me, as will the Faberry fandom. Thank you for sticking it out and reading what I wrote and an even bigger thank you to those of you who left reviews.