And So We Meet Again

It had been a few weeks since the 'incident'. Shaun had been avoiding his classmates like the plaque, not wanting to indulge in their amazement and awe of him still being alive. He also didn't want to answer any of their questions, not really knowing how to answer them.

His father, Sherriff Brody, had been worried sick and was ever the more protective of his sons. His mother only just thanked the Lord that he was alive. His brother, Mike, was grateful his own little brother wasn't shark food.

Currently, Shaun had been told not to go back into the ocean, his father's paranoia getting the best of him. Of course, the last two times, Sherriff Brody had been right and the mayor listened this time, without argument. At this time, Shaun complied for the first week or so but the curiosity of the events that occurred between him and the…shark didn't leave his mind. He snuck out to the beach, walking far away from the eyes of other people. He didn't want them to talk and have his father hear of him being here.

So far, no such luck. He couldn't find the shark anywhere. It was at some point he was about to give up, walking over to the spot he awoke and he and the shark last conversed.

Striding over to the edge, Shaun peered over and saw the rocks and waves crashing over them again. No sign of the shark boy whatsoever.

"Well this was stupid…" Shaun muttered, sitting down and dangled his feet over the edge.

"You shouldn't sit so close. You might fall."

Shaun gasped, startled at the sound of the voice. Nearly falling over to the watery depths before a arm struck out and grabbed a hold him, pulling him back to safety.

Looking up, Shaun saw the handsome face of the one he ad been searching for these past several weeks, dark eyes holding amusement in them.

"See? Told you."

Jaws let go of Shaun, allowing him to turn around and face him. Shaun gave a sheepish smile, showing gratitude for the shark boy rescuing him, again.

"You've been looking for me?" Jaws spoke in amusement, studying the human's face. Shaun stuttered, trying to find his voice and finally was able to speak.

"Y-yes! I…wanted to…ugh…get my answers from you." Jaws rose an eyebrow, confused for a second.


Shaun frowned, not happy.

"Yeah, you didn't answer any of my questions last time."

Jaws made a 'Oh' sound and smiled in a sarcastic way. This kind of struck a nerve in Shaun and irritated him.

Jaws, stretching his arms above him closed his eyes and spoke. "Those questions you mean? Like how I became to be like this? And why I spared you?" Hearing a satisfying crack, the elder boy rolled his shoulders a few times, hearing some more cracks. Somehow, for some reason, the sight of his rather muscular chest, though not grossly muscular like those guys who work out in the gym, just nice enough for a teenaged boy to have, Shaun found himself blushing. Adverting his eyes the other way, he failed to see the smirk on Jaw's face at the sight of his pink cheeks. How cute.

"Well, for starters, I'm not like normal sharks. In fact, I'm one of the only last few of my kind left in this modern world." Jaws said, leaning his body sideways, eyes idled. Shaun blinked, his brown eyes not leaving those predatory orbs. "And, as for the reason why I let you live instead of eating you." at this, the boy moved closer to Shaun, leaning forward until his face was merely inches away from the other's, holding the younger's shoulder gently yet firmly.

"It' because I have a little crush on you."

Shaun's eyes widen, his breathe hitching. Jaws smirked placing a hand on the boy's waist. Snapping out of his stupor, Shaun pushed the shark boy away, backing away, making sure not be so close to the edge.

Jaws frowned, kicking himself in his mind for being so bold. He studied Shaun's expression, wondering if the boy would be disgusted as most humans would to this sort of relationship. Though, it confused the shark as to why humans found this repulsive. Humans were so strange.

Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, Shaun showed no disgust or sign of repulsiveness. He just was surprised. That was all. Just very surprised.

Hey, it wasn't everyday you meet a shark that can change into a good looking human boy and have said shark boy admit to having a crush on you.

Although, to most of society, many would find this rather disturbing and such, but Shaun had grown up in a family who were very open minded and didn't mind such things. Well, two of the same gender relationships that is.

Biting his lip, Shaun looked back up at Jaw's face and felt very awkward.

"Well, uh…that's…interesting to know."

Jaws sat down, legs crossed, and had a lazy sort of demeanor to him.

"Yeah, well, you're the first to ever be spared by me."

Shaun replied dryly, "I'm flattered."

Jaws let out a broad smile, looking to be like your average everyday seventeen-year-old boy rather than a terrifying shark.

Shaun, deciding to sit down beside him, bit his lip. Glancing to the side, he saw Jaws stare at him curiously, wondering what he was about to ask next. Heaving a sigh, Shaun began to speak.

"I know it's been a few years but…" Jaws narrowed his eyes, a serious expression on. "I would like to know…why exactly…did you…?" Jaws stopped him by lifting his hand up, shaking his head. Shaun stared, seeing Jaws cast his eyes down to the ground, his face unreadable.

"I suggest you don't ask that question. Not yet."

"And why not!" Shaun shouted, standing up, glaring down at the shark who merely lifted his head and had a emotionless expression on. "Why shouldn't I ask? I have a right to know why you attack me and my friends! Why you ate Marge…and why you tried to kill me!" Tears formed in Shaun's eyes, spilling down his cheeks as his voice cracked. How could he forget, the traumatic experience he had of seeing Marge get eaten right in front of him when he was so young. And here was the shark who did it. The very shark who he cursed and feared his whole entire life after the frightening experience.

Jaws watched the boy shed tears in front of him, feeling a pang of guilt in his chest but didn't show it. He had really messed this boy up. Standing up, Jaws reached out only to have his hand slapped away, Shaun angrily yelling for him to place his hand on him. Ignoring this, Jaws pulled the boy to him and embraced his form, catching Shaun off guard.

Shaun struggled, hitting the shark's chest but soon fell limp, too much anguish in him to really put up a fight. So he let Jaws do what he wanted, no longer caring what happens next.

Feeling him fall limp, Jaws at first was alarmed and wondered if he had crushed him but soon relaxed when finding that he was, in fact, not crushing the boy to death. Jaws sometimes forgets his own strength, the reason why he was so worried. Hearing some sobs, Jaws placed a hand on Shaun's head and softly said.

"I'm sorry…"

Shaun just remained there, silent. He didn't know what to do. He just…wanted this pain in his heart to end.