A cry of the lone wolf prt1
by SailorEevee

Authors Note: This story is one part alternate ending(What if the digidestined hadn't found Matt when they tried to defeat Piedmon?) and the events years after. The ages are as follows: Tai-24, Sora-24, Matt-24, Izzy-23, Mimi-23, Joe-25, T.K-15, Kari-15.

"Tai....are you sure we shouldn't at least try to find him?" Sora asked Tai as they were waiting to go home. "No way! He doen't want to be found! I mean, we almost lost against Piedmon! If we hadn't found our crest abilities..." Tai shuddered at the thought. If they hadn't defeated him.... it would of been awful . But Sora couldn't help but think about Matt, out alone in the endless forests of the digiworld. "C'mon Sora! Let's go!" Sora turned quickly and headed into the streetcar Gennai had gotten for them. "Sorry Yama....."

Several years later....

"Damn!!!!" Izzy shouted, startling all his employees from their various jobs. "Stupid idiots....sending me e-mail while I'm working...what kind of fool would do this...damn idiots.." Izzy grumbled as he accessed his e-mail. "Grrrr, well I might as well read it, I need somthing to do while the site loads. Who designed this modem anyway?"
"Uhh, you did sir." One of the secretaries mumbled, picking up and sorting out her spilled papers.
"Oh yeah, heheh..uh, lets read this e-mail... probably some stupid a...."Izzy gasped, his breath catching in his throat as he read the e-mail. "Could it be? After all these years?!" Izzy gasped and quickly grabbed his phone.
RRRING..RRRRING..RRRRING...RRRRING. A hand reached out from under a extremely cluttered blanket. "Uhh...hello, this is Taichi Kamiya speaking."
"Taichi? Taichi, this is Izzy. I really have to talk to you, and the others."
"Iz...Izzy? What the..."
"Just come to the Izumi building at noon."
"Uh, Okay.."
"Call the others, I have to get back to work."
"Sure,uh Izzy.."
"Just do it!"
Tai stopped as he heard the other phone hang up. Izzy wasn't usually like this. Of course he hadn't talked to Izzy in a long time, so how was he to know why Izzy was like that. But he had said to call the others, so Taichi picked up the phone again and dialed a farmiliar phone number.
RING...RING.... The noise was coming from the workroom in the back of the flowershop. "Sora? Could you answer that? I would, but It's mobbed up here." Mrs. Takenouchi called behind the cashier's desk. "Sure mom!" A tall brown haired young woman called back. Sora rushed to the back room, and picked up the phone. "Hello, Takenouchi flowershop, Sora speaking."
"Sora, it's Taichi" A sleepy voice mumbled from the other phone."
"Tai? What's up?"
"Izzy just called me, he said he needed to talk to us."
"Izzy? But I haven't seen him in ages.."
"Look, he said to go to the Izumi building at noon."
"Should I call anyone?"
"No, I will. See you there."
Sora hung up the phone, worried. It seemed really urgent, especially if Izzy told Tai to call everyone. "I wonder what it's about?" She quickly told her mother she was going out, and headed to the Izumi building.
RING,RING,RING. "What do you want?"
"Takeru, It's Taichi."
"Taichi? Why.."
"I need you to come down to the Izumi building at noon"
"What for?"
"I don't know, Izzy called me about it at said he would explain."
"Is it about my brother?"
"Takeru, you know we couldn't find him.."
"It's okay, I just miss him still, that's all."
"I know Takeru." Taichi said goodbye and hung up the phone. He still felt guilty about not finding Matt. But Tai had a feeling that Matt wasn't dead, that he was just waiting, waiting for them to come. Besides, he had survived alone before, after he left to find his own purpose. Anyway, he still had to tell his sister, and Mimi and Joe, who were now a happy couple."The only married couple in the digidestined" Taichi thought to himself as he dialed Mimi's phone number.
Izumi building, 12 noon.

"Izzy? What's all this about?" Sora asked as the remaining seven digidestined stood around Izzy and his laptop computer. "I got an e-mail from Gennai." Izzy simply said, opening his laptop and showing them the e-mail.
"Greetings digidestined! I know you're all surprised to here from me, but this is very important. The digiworld is in danger once again! The balance between good and evil is falling apart. Diablomon is starting to spread his evil through the digiworld and is upsetting the balance. Only your powers as chosen children can save us. Unfourtunetly, you must do this without the help of your digimon. Only then will the balance be restored. But the place you must do this at, the stone circle, is in the northern reaches, and I can not transport you directly there. It is ruled by another entity who has aggreed not to leave the northern reaches as long as I stay down here. Good luck."
"Wait, Gennai!! What do you mean?" Sora cried out as the seven were transported into the computer.