Again I am so sorry! Here is the chapter you have been waiting for! (If you are still there)
I don't own Avatar or the characters! Still wish I do though...
Chapter 8: Metal Rooms
"Princess, we are almost home." The Fie Nation soldier spoke fast and clear hoping he pleased the princess with the news. With a respectful bow he left the room in a hurry, scared he might be punished.
Home. The princess though. Soon everywhere will be home. She smirked. She sat on a red cloth covered chair in the middle of the metal room. Her golden eyes scanned the room looking at random placed knick knacks on metal shelves. One side of the metal room hung a Fire Nation symbol proudly showing off. It's color can be seen easily. The symbol shows that the Fire Nation went so far to be so great. Ready for any attack and ready for anyone who dares rebels.
On the ground lay pink cushions and upon those cushions a girl dress in pink sat with both of her feet held behind her neck. She was flexible no doubt. With one sift move her feet were removed from their earlier resting place. With a sigh she formed an arc with her body. With a light push of her toes, she was in a handstand.
"Finally. I hate being on a boat. Boats seem so unstable. No wonder it was so easy to defeat those water people." A girl dressed in black sat on a couch looking into the water with a bored expression.
After they took the Avatar and his friends, Azula decided to sail on a boat because there was serious damage due to the fight. To play it safe the princess looked for the closet beach where she knew a Fire Nation ship would be.
"Oh come on Mai! Boats are great. Boats seem to suprise me because they are so heavy but are so light when on water. The water seems to be gently carrying this ship." The acrobat placed her left foot down and did the same with the right. The pink girl was now standing looking out the same window the goth girl is looking out from. Her eyes scanned the blue ocean with a smile on her clear face. "It's like a lover holding up it's other half."
Ty Lee is always so optimistic. Mai thought. That's one of the things I hate about her. The goth girl stayed quiet not wanting to ruin Ty Lee's optimistic dream.
The Fire Nation princess turned her head looking at the pink girl's braid with her eye brows raised. "And when the lover is done using it's mate, the lover with drag it down to the dark depths letting it go. Forever lost."
The acrobat faced the child prodigy. Her smile was gone and her eyes serious. "Forever lost but never forgotten."
Aang and Toph's Room
"Sooo..." The last airbender said aloud. "How is everything?" His eyes looked into the blind eyes of the earthbender.
The once great earthbender now sat wrapped up like some sort of present. "What do you think Twinkles?" She sighed afterwards.
The airbender tilted his head to the side. Even though the blind girl couldn't see he smiled wide. "Well you seem great to me Toph!"
"Oh?" The earthbender challenged. "In what way makes you think I'm feeling great?"
The airbender was still smiling. "Well, you're not hurt. You're not alone either because you are with me and I'm glad about that."
Toph didn't say anything. It was true. She just knew. She didn't even once doubt him. Her mind was rushing and her heart was beating. This doesn't mean anything. We're friends and thats how friends are suppose to act. Nothing special about that. The bounded girl's mind went adrift. Besides he's in love with Katara. That's when her thoughts became bitter.
"You look good too! Even if your all bundled up." The young monks words were replayed in the blind girl's mind. All her earlier thoughts were washed away leaving a warm little feeling.
"Thanks Twinkles."
Zuko and Katara's Room
In the metal room the Firebending teen stood awake never sleeping once the whole night. With a sigh he took a deep breath. His muscles began to strengthen and his heart became to race because he cold feel the sun rising just outside this metal cage. His golden eyes looked around just hoping he could just see the sun just for a second. Instead his eyes wondered to the waterbending girl laying on his lap.
Her brown locks were spread all wild and crazy on the ex-prince's lap. Her blue eyes were closed behind her eyelids. Her mouth gaped open coming out steady and easily. Her brown hands were gripping the fire teen's clothes.
He remembered why she was laying on his lap. During the night the Waterbending girl fell asleep on the rough metal floor. She was thrashing about in her sleep with a uncomfortable look on her face. With a act of kindness the golden eyed boy made his way toward the blue eyed girl wanting her to be okay. Zuko was actually suprise when she instantly stopped her thrashing and went on with her sleep with a peaceful expression on her face.
Zuko's pale hand slowly began to caress Katara's hair. Beneath his hand her hair were so soft but also full of knots. He didn't really care how many knots as long he was touching it. With a quick realization he had stopped immediately bringing back his hand.
A few more minutes pass and soon the girl on his lap started to move. With a groan escaping her mouth her head looked up with her blue eyes looking into the golden ones of Zuko's. Her eyes started to get wide and looked around at where she was sleeping. Getting up quickly, she made her way to the other side of the metal room.
"Good morning," Zuko's groggy voice echoed inside the small space.
Her head turned back, "Good morning too." Her head then cocked to the side. "Did you sleep?"
Zuko's eye brow raised, "No."
The waterbending girl just nodded and looked away. The ex-prince looked away to the metal door just waiting. Not knowing exactly why but he was waiting.
"Thank you." Zuko smiled despite himself. It felt nice being appreciated from time to time, especially from the stubborn blue eyed girl.
Sokka and Haru's room
"... when is the food arriving..." The wolf tail boy paced his metal room. Haru rolled his eyes. Sokka has been murmuring about food after he ranted about Haru and Katara.
"Just wait awhile later. It will soon come" I hope. Sokka then stopped and looked at the eyes of the boy in front of him. His glare was piecing the other boy's head but never showed it.
With a plop the blue eyed boy sat at the corner of the metal room with his arms across his chest looking grumpy.
Please let the food arrive. Even if Sokka was sometimes a pain he was a great leader... sometimes.
Teo and The Duke's Room
Those two were sleeping soundly and peacefully. Nothing so odd. The Duke laid on Teo looking like a wolf-bear. Trust me it was just adorable.
"Princess we are arriving to the port of the Fire Nation." The same guard that arrived earlier that day then scurried back. The princess smiled, she could see the smile on her father's face looking proud. She did what her brother failed to do. Zuko shouldn't even be called Azula's older brother. He was anything but.
The black covered female stood up from where she was. "Finally land."
When the metal boat landed on the port of their homeland Ty Lee cartwheeled out the door.
That was it for now. I am going to UD more often. It's just that school has been in the way. I finished this chapter and now I got to go and finish my HW.
I hope every one is satisfied. I'm going to re upload old chapters to fix some stupid mistakes. Also sorry this is short!
Have a awesomesause day! :D :D :D
For fun who is your top five characters of A:TLA?