I have too get back to her, I have too. Ash was driving in his car to get back to his beloved soul it was another 2 weeks since it had been a year that Ash left Mary-Lynette with his three little sisters he had to get back to warn them. If anything happened to them I don't know what i would do. He thought to him self.

I need a plan, yes, a plan. The vampires he will send are going to be ruthless and smart, they would attack when they at least expect it and they would hit hard. But how? How could four vampires and two defentless humans go up against at least 30 other well trained and strong vampires? its just not possible. First things first he told himself, I need to get there before they do and I need to stop and feed soon otherwise I will never be able to help them.

"What a wonderful night. Tonight is the perfect night to be out star watching." I said to my brother in a very excited voice. "You say that every three or four nights mare." Mark was always saying that every three or four nights too. I just rolled my eyes at him and carried on walking up the hill until finally we spotted the girls already up there and sat down and all ready to go.

"Hey you guys! Hurry up you're gonna miss it!" Jade shouted from the top of the hill.

"C'mon Mark!" i said and started running up the rest of the hill.

"Hey Jade, hey Rowan..." I looked around to see where Kestrel was but she wasn't here.

"Where's Kestrel?" I asked Rowan. She looked at me and she calmly and simply said,

"She'll be here soon; she's just gone on a little hunting trip. You the way she's been acting lately, she just wants to make sure she has it completely under control." she gave me a smile and went back to looking up at the sky.

Kestrel has been acting kinder funny lately, just last week she went for Jade's cat. I don't think Jade had forgiven her yet. And three weeks ago Mark had gotten a paper cut and got a little drop of blood on the table all of a sudden Kestrel ran out of the house with her hand over her nose as if she didn't like the smell

"Look! Here they come!" Jade shouted.

"Jade... humans don't have that much of a good eye sight." I reminded her.

"Oh yeah... well they should be her in exactly 3 minutes." she concluded with a smile. I rolled my eyes at her and saw Mark kiss her on the cheek. They seem so happy together. I sighed and smiled to my self.

"What's up with you?" Mark asked in a soft voice.

"Nothing, just enjoying myself that's all."

I kept my gaze on the sky hoping Mark wouldn't see right though me and finds out excatly what's wrong with me.

"And she's missing Ash!" Kestrel's voice came from no where in the darkness.

"And since when are you the "love doctor"?" I teased as she came and sat down.

"Since it's written all over you face that's when." she smirked at me.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked shyly.

"Honey you might as well stick a giant sign on your forehead saying "I miss my soul-mate!"

"Okay, Okay so I miss him a little. It's just that… I don't know… it just doesn't feel right with out him around here annoying the life out of me." I laughed to myself.

"It's called love sweetie." Jade giggled.

"Hey look! Here they come!" Rowan shouted and pointed to the sky.

There was an astral shower tonight and it went right over above us! It was so close us it felt like you could almost touch them.