Will was comfortably lying in his very soft bed, thinking of how his life changed in just a few short months. After Robin and Marian married, the woodmen were not outlaws anymore, Locksley Castle was restored, and Will was asked to come live with them, being Robin's brother and all. So there he was, lying in his own room in Locksley Castle, with his older brother and sister-in-law in another room somewhere in the castle.

He buried himself further into the covers and let out a content sigh. A sudden weight settling on his bed made him aware of an intruder in his room. Probably Robin. Again.

The intruder started stroking his cheek softly. He frowned. It could be Marian, but she would never barge into his room without knocking. He turned to look at the intruder. Robin. He should have known.

"Brother?" His voice came out more drowsy than he liked. Very childlike. But Robin smiled at the endearment. Even after all this time, he still liked it when Will called him brother. Even though there were other more appropriate names for him. Eternally-chipper. Bloody annoying. Too-much-energy-for-anyone's-good.

"What's up?"

"Just wanted to check up on my sweet, little, baby brother." Robin quipped cheerfully.

Will groaned and buried his head underneath the pillow. "Go away! I'm trying to sleep." Will's muffled voice sounded.

Robin laughed at him.

"Aww, come on, Will." He prodded his side. Will stirred, but didn't get his head out from beneath the pillow. Robin sighed, as though a heavy task was laid upon his shoulders. He rubbed his hands a few seconds, before they descended upon Will's sides and started tickling him mercilessly. Will sputtered with laughter and tried to disengage from Robin's hands.

"That's a good boy." Robin cooed. "A little more, please."

"Ro-Rob-bin, st-stop!" Will managed between his laughter.


Will tried to throw Robin off him, but in the process threw them both off the bed onto the floor. They lay there, on their backs next to each other, trying to catch their breath.

Robin chuckled a bit. "That was fun."

Will turned his head and glared at his brother. With a war cry he launched his own tickling attack. Now that the roles were reversed and Robin was howling with laughter, did Will laugh.

"Beg for mercy, rich boy! HEY!"

Robin had rolled them around and resumed his previous attack on his younger brother.

"Do you yield?"

"Never!" Wow, a coherent word even through the laughing fit.

The attack continued and Will couldn't shield himself properly against it.

"Do you yield?"


"What was that?"

"Yes, damnit!"


With that, Robin stopped his insistent tickling, opting for pulling Will into a hug.

"I love you," he whispered into Will's hair, placing a soft kiss on his head. "My little brother."

Will squirmed uncomfortably. He, unlike Robin, still wasn't much used to the brotherly affection.

"Was there any reason you came here, except for being a pain in the ass, as usual." Those last two words he muttered to himself, but Robin still heard.

"Hey, you. Watch it," he said with a poke to his side, to which Will twitched. "But yeah, I came to remind you Marian and I are leaving tomorrow morning."

Will's spirits sank at that. For days now he'd been anguished by that news. Marian had to check on her own people, so the two of them would go back to her land to look after her people... leaving Will behind.

Robin sensed his brother's sudden shift in moods.

"Hey, don't be so gloomy. We'll be back soon."

"I know." Will said, still in a dip.

"Would a cookie cheer you up?"

Will looked back at Robin in disbelief and distaste. "A cookie? Seriously?"

"Yeah," Robin nodded. "We have those chocolate chip cookies you love so much in the kitchens."

Will bit his lip, his mouth watering. He did love those cookies.

"I'll tell you what, you wait here, while I nip some from the kitchens." He'd picked Will up, had dumped him on the bed, and was out the door before Will had the chance to utter a decent curse.

Will huffed and lay down on his bed, eyes trained on the door, waiting somewhat patiently until his brother returned with his chocolate chip cookies. His lower legs served as a cat's tail as he spied the door, bending and unbending while he waited.

The door opened again, and Will perched up, grinning as he saw his brother entering, in his hand a bag most likely filled with the delicious cookies. There was also dangling one from his mouth, and from the way he hurriedly closed the door and leaned against it, he was being chased by the kitchen staff.

Will stood up and took the bag of cookies form Robin. He plopped back on the bed and started on his first cookie. He savored the flavor as it slid down his tongue; he nearly moaned at the sensational taste that filled him.

He heard quiet laughter and opened an eye to look at Robin.

"Whut?" He asked with his mouth full.

"Should I give you and the cookie some private time alone?"

Ergo, his held in moan of delight for the cookie wasn't so held in. His cheeks flushed slightly even as he sought something to throw at Robin's head.

Robin noticed and took his leave, but not without teasing his little brother some more. "Have a nice night, brother dearest."

Will, cheeks still red, chewed on his cookie, ended his search for something heavy to throw. Eventually, he fell asleep, a half-eaten cookie in his hand.