Chapter one. I will be accepting characters and the form is at the end of the story, many of the characters will show up randomly throughout the story but in the story I will be taking four girl characters for main characters. So, read the story and you'll understand what is going on and review.

"You think the job is going to be big?" The short messy brown haired thirteen year old boy asked curiously as he turned his attention to his spikey blond haired friend. The brown haired boy train was average height and pretty skinny for his age he had dark chocolate short messy brown hair, with brown eyes, and a light tan to his skin. He wore dark blue jeans, with white sneakers, he wore a grey t-shirt with a white poke 'ball symbol design in the middle, and wore a skater's white and grey plaid open button up shirt with the sleeves rolled back.

"I think it might be our biggest job, but in the end all we're doing is protecting four rich girls our ages" The blond haired boy snickered as he believed it was easy money, on the count the girl's family was rich. The boy was a bit smaller then his friend, but his hair made up for that inch. He had green eyes, with spikey blond hair, and was skinny like his friend. He wore grey pants, with brown sneakers, a white t-shirt with a red poke 'ball design on the lower corner, and had black fingerless gloves on both hands.

"No job is ever easy for us" The brown haired boy chuckled at he looked back at their old jobs they did as body guards together.

"You kidding me? You're Alex Winters, one of the youngest and best body guards" The blond haired kid as he called his friend by his name and playfully pushed him.

"Of course, you're Tyler Hayes one of the youngest and best body guards" Alex laughed as he playfully pushed Tyler and with this the two kept walking down the dirt road.

As the two walked down the road they enjoyed the fresh air and the grassy fields, with no warning it happened. A small white ball landed a few feet in front of them, the two boys starred at each other curiously as Tyler extended his arm to grab the mysterious ball.

"Maybe its candy" Tyler laughed as he gripped the ball with his right hand and with this a white smoke shot out in his face, jumping back in fear Tyler begun to freak out.

"What is that?" Alex coughed out as he covered his mouth to protect himself from whatever the smoke was.

"It's a smoke bomb!" Tyler laughed as he was a bit amused by the random bomb and with this he stepped back confused.

With this Alex stepped forward and delivered a mighty kick to the smoke bomb, with this the white ball flew high into the air. As Tyler watched in his baffled state he jumped excitedly as the ball landed far behind a grassy hill.

"Um...young men you might want to hide" A voice called out nervously.

"Why?" Tyler called out as he was confused.

"A small gang has been hanging out around this area stealing traveler's money and that's one of their traps" the voice explained as a small elderly man wearing a brown suit popped up from behind a nearby boulder. Realizing he was no harm to the two trainers acting as hirable body guards joined the man behind his hiding sp

"Who are you two youngsters?" the man asked curiously.

"I'm Tyler Hayes and this is my friend Alex Winters, we're hirable body guards" Tyler explained with a grin of proudness.

"You two are body guards?" The man asked.

"What you think we can't handle are selves?" Tyler snapped at him as he was one to have a short fuse.

"No! No!" The man cried out as he wanted to explain himself.

"I'm Richard and I'm the guy who..." Before he could finish his sentence a loud eruption of laughter erupted from down the road, as the three of them peered over the boulder they caught sight of eight bikes gathered in a circle.

"Looks like who ever sprung our trap ran like a bunch of little girls" One of the men laughed loudly as the so called, little girls watched from behind a boulder.

"Those..." Tyler muttered as Alex quickly, covered his mouth but it was too late as the eight thugs turned to their direction.

"Who's back there?" One of them roared out as the veins on his neck popped out like they were ready to pop. As Alex pushed Tyler down to the hard ground making sure he wouldn't give away their cover a sudden blast of fire grazed the top of the boulder.

Tyler, Alex, and the odd man named Richard all froze in fear as they could feel the sudden, heat flash hit them. As the three slowly peaked from the sides of the boulder they saw one of the gang members standing up front with a Charmeleon in battle stance.

"I guess we'll have to..." The gang leader laughed as he cracked his knuckles, but before he could finish a rock smashed into his forehead. Stumbling backwards the gang leader stood with rage in his eyes a large red mark formed on forehead.

"Throwing rocks?" The gang leader laughed as he got ready to order Charmeleon to attack again, but this time another rock hit him in the jaw.

"Ok!" He cried out not angry, but before he could talk more a barrage of rocks shot out and hit the man in his bold raging face.

"Ok, now we have to choices we can ran or face these guys" Tyler explained as Richard was shaking a bit.

"We could proudly take on like five of these guys, but in the end we are outnumbered greatly and we have to remember Richard has no Pokémon" Alex explained as he rubbed his chin in thought and kept a good eye on the gang.

"How did you know I have no Pokémon?" Richard asked baffled by that.

"Well you seem off the edge and scared, so anyone with a Pokémon would proudly had use them to escape on the count you're shaking for being scared" Alex explained as Richard sat there baffled at how the young trainer read him life a child's book.

"He's good at reading people, but you were simple to read" Tyler explained as he pulled out the one poke 'ball on his belt and gulped lowly.

"Richard just stay by us and we'll get you out of this. We'll attack the gang quickly and then make a distraction so we can pull out back to, Sandgem" Alex explained as that two was the closest one to their position.

"Good I actually work as a butler in Sandgem" Richard explained with a grin as he watched the two trainers take out poke 'balls and with this two Pokémon appeared in a flash of white light. Near Alex was his Scyther and near Tyler was his Gible, with the two gave each other a determined look.

"Gible use bite!" Tyler ordered loudly as he the chubby land shark launched into the air and surprising the Charmeleon, with a mighty clamp of the jaws the fire Pokémon flew backwards.

"Scyther use quick attack!" Alex ordered as the mantis Pokémon launched forward with high speed hitting Charmeleon with great force and knocking three of the gang members to their knees in pain.

"Now, Gible use scratch to the ground and fast!" Tyler shouted loudly as he knew their escape plan was now in move and they had to get out fast. With this Gible threw tons of dirt into the air at Scyther's direction.

"Scyther use cut and spin!" Alex explained as Scyther created some sort of a mini twister with his speed and hitting the dirt with his blades and wind, he sent the dirt everywhere making a dust storm.

"I can't see!" Richard cried out as he begun to freak out as two hands grabbed him by his arm, with this he begun to flair his arms like there was no tomorrow.

"Mister, it's us!" Alex cried as he tugged on Richard's arm one last time and with this the three of them raced down the dirt road, as the dust cloud begun to disappear the gang realized what had just happened.

"Find them!" The gang leader roared out as he was not one to be tricked and with this he the eight gang members raced off after the three.

The two trainers and the old man raced through the woods as they finally, reached the open field leading up to Sandgem Town. As the slowly approached the edge of the steep hill they realized the hill was more like a small cliff and if they were to go down it they'd just crash into the ground below.

"Look what I got here two kids and an old man" A voice laughed coldly as Alex and Tyler felt a cold shiver go down their spine. As they turned around their eyes widened in horror as an out of breath and angry gang leader stood before them.

"Looks like I'll have to rip you three piece by piece all by myself" He laughed as his Charmeleon approached the two with an evil grin on his face. With no warning Scyther and Gible leaped forward as they did a full on attack on the much powerful fire Pokémon. As Charmeleon smashed his claw into the two he laughed out his name as the spat fire at Gible. With no warning Scyther leaped in the way and forming a shield with his blades he struggled to block the fire.

"Gi Gible!" Gible roared as launched off Scyther's back and used bit on Charmeleon stopping the powerful fire spin. As a ring of fire formed around the group of trainers and their Pokémon the two boys realized they had to stop the crazy gang leader before he could hurt anyone else.

Tyler released a loud roar as he raced forward and threw his fist forward; with this the gang leader's face was greeted by a quick punch to the face. Not letting the man time to recover Alex did a mighty front kick into his chest and sent him stumbling back into a tree. In the background Richard watched baffled as the two teens took on a grown gang leader and their Pokémon fought hand to hand with a furious Charmeleon.

"Scy!" Scyther cried out as his blades and Charmeleon's claws kept meeting in a sword fight matter as Gible used tackle rapidly on Charmeleon.

"Hope you don't bruise easily!" Tyler laughed as he threw dirt into the man's eyes and with this Alex did a round house kick into his back knee, sending the man to his knees in pain. With this Tyler grabbed a fallen tree branch and with a mighty swing hit the man right in the face with it. Sadly as the man feel back in pain he threw one final punch and just caught Tyler in the side, with rage Alex kicked the man right in the face knocking him out cold.

"You ok?" Alex asked curiously as he struggled to help his tired friend to his feet, as the two were amazed at what they had just done as a team.

"Yeah" Tyler coughed out as he looked up to see Scyther and Gible attack one last time finally, defeating the powerful Charmeleon.

"Good work my boys" Richard laughed as he patted the two on their backs with a big smile on his face.

"Well lest go before..." Alex stated but it was too late the other seven gang members appeared as they heard the fighting and with this the formed a circle around the three.

"Lets kick their asses" One of them said who was obviously all bronze and no brains.

"We just beat your leader you think you can win?" Alex said hoping to scare them, but it was obvious it wouldn't work as a gang member grabbed the two.

"Me men and take a hit" A gang member laughed as he delivered a punch to each of their stomach's as Richard watched in horror. With no warning something amazing happened, a bright flash of white light erupted and with this everything went dark.

Alex woke up in a daze as the sun light shined brightly on him and as he turned to his side he could see Tyler and Richard just waking up. Rolling on his back he could see the cliff side they were just fighting on and to his amazement there was no one on it and they were in the grassy field below.

"What happened?" Tyler moaned lowly as he sat up.

"I have no idea, Richard you plan to shine some knowledge on us?" Alex asked curiously.

"Me?" Richard said confused.

"You are old you must know some ancient knowledge" Alex joked happily as Richard chuckled at this.

"Sadly I do know some ancient facts, it seems one of the lake guardians likes to spend some time in the woods near here and she usually keeps a eye out on troubled travelers" Richard explained as Tyler and Alex were amazed that they were just helped by one of the lake guardians.

"Before you two go crazy over the fact that you were saved, I have to finish what I was saying before" Richard explained as he cleared his throat.

"I'm Richard Peterson and I was sent to find two young body guards who are you to, for your upcoming job" Richard explained.

"You're the guy who's supposed to bring us to our clients?" Tyler asked surprised.

"Yes, you two are being hired to escort the four daughters of four rich families on their journey through, Sinnoh" Richard explained as Alex and Tyler were just happy that they could get this day over with and starts their new job.

"So, are the girls cute?" Alex asked with a grin as he laughed and Tyler slapped Richard playfully on the back.

"Oh, well um...let's just get on our way. I know you two will do great on protecting the girls on the count you two were very brave back there" Richard explained with a smile as he felt proud that he had picked two body guards that were brave and strong.

"But why did you pick two kids for a job this big?" Alex asked the question that everyone was thinking about.

"These girls are very rich and someone might take them for ransom, but traveling with grown body guards people will suspect things. Traveling with boys their age no one will expect anything" Richard explained as it was a very good idea and with this the three made their way towards Sandgem Town, preparing for their job.

Enjoy and review the form is at the bottom...

Name- (A name...I mean it kind of explains it's self)

Age- (From 10 to 13 please but you can make them an old I guess if you want to)

Gender- (Easy male or female)

Home Town- (Region and town)

Appearance- (What they looked like their every day clothes, swimming clothes, dress clothes, and others...)

Personality- (How the act of course and what they like to do or hate)

Family- (About their family and the history of their family)

History- (Gym badges and stuff...if you want your character to be on the four girls the protect then just say it in this section and give a small history)

Class- (Are they a trainer, coordinator, breed, or what)

Pokémon- (Not to many strong Pokémon of course and no legendary Pokémon please)