A/N: I've been wanting to write a story for this series for quite a while, and even though this story idea isn't even developed yet, I'm kinda hoping that the story will just flow out as I write-or type, if you want to get technical. :D

Okay, I haven't read the fourth book (Chimera's Curse) yet, but I've read so many spoilers that I kind of basically know the main plot (though I would be super happy and grateful if a kind soul decided to send me an overview of the book :D), but I'm gonna try not to refer to it too much, since I haven't read it.

And another thing- I borrowed all the books from the library (though I seriously wanna buy them) so some of the stuff here might be wrong. Okay, I'm going to finish this (very long) author's note now. :) Enjoy!~


It was over.

Or at least, it was supposed to be.

But was it really ov-


Connie immediately snapped out of her reverie and sat up on her bed.

Evelyn was leaning against her door frame.

"You okay?" she asked, her face full of concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Connie replied.

"Well, if you're sure," Evelyn raised an eyebrow. "But anyway, someone's waiting for you downstairs." As she said this, Evelyn started to smile, her eyes twinkling.

Connie's eyes widened as she got up, then started to make her way down.

Today was the day- the day that she'd be going on her first date with Col. She was dressed casually, in a pair of jeans and a simple white top. She'd given up on trying to pull her hair into a ponytail and just opted for letting it down in all its messy glory like she usually did.

"Hey," Col grinned at her, his mismatched eyes twinkling.

"Hey," she laughed, her equally mismatched eyes brightening. "Where are we going today?"

"It's a surprise," he smirked. "Come on- I brought Skylark today."

A/N: Okay, that was one of the shortest chapters I've ever written. :P Hope you liked it!

I won't be updating until Friday, since I can't come on during the weekdays, but I'll probably 'generate' some ideas during that time :)

Please review- I'll give you a virtual cookie and hug :D Constructive Criticism accepted.