This is chapter 35 of her new life. I hope you guys like it! Sorry for the long wait, please understand. A lot has been going on. And I really want you guys to just please not be upset with me. /3 sorry.

Here you go!

Sierras POV

I didn't want mommy and daddy to be mad at me. My nurse told me that mommy and daddy were coming today, and they had somethings to talk to me about, somethings to ask me. I wonder why they put me in here. Are they done with me? Do they want to get rid of me like other daddy did? He just wanted me gone. Is that what they want?

I climbed up on my desk and looked out my window.

"Mommy..I miss you a lot. A lot of things have been changing. A lot of things have been breaking. I wish you were here mommy. I wish that you could come see me and hold me. I miss people hugging me. I miss the people I love. Mommy please promise me when everyone else leaves me... you wont." When I finished there was a knock at the door. I jumped up and got down. Was she standing there for that whole time, listening to me?

"Hey your parents are here!" She smiled at me, took my hand, and led me to the guest sitting room. Mommy sat there next to daddy holding his hand. I pulled my sleeves over my hands so I could bite on the end of the sleeves when they started yelling at me. I came into the room. They both quickly got up and hugged me.

"Hi mommy. Hi daddy." I said. They both hugged me tighter and tighter. Mommy was crying.

"Sweetie... we really need to talk to you." I didn't want to cry. But I knew that I was going to. I wanted to be strong for mommy. I wanted to be strong for daddy. But crying shows that I am weak.. that I have been defeated... again.

"Okay mommy." They went back to there seats and I climbed up to mine.

"We got a call last night.. from here." Daddy said. But he didn't make eye contact with me. I looked down at my hands.

"They told us that you have been hurting yourself.. is that true?" Mommy asked me. She was trying so hard not to cry. I can't lie to them. I have to tell them the truth.

"Yes mommy." She cried. Daddy cried. I cried.

"But why, sweetie?" Daddy choked in between his sobs.

"I am sorry." I said. Not wanting to answer his question.

"Please sweetie.. just tell us." I kept my eyes locked on my squirming fingers.

"Because, I wanted to make sure that he wasn't the only one that was able to cause me pain. That he wasn't the only one that is hurting me. Its a lot better when there is more then one person hurting you... and its a lot easier when daddy hurts me when I don't like myself anymore." I didn't know what else to say to them. They were most likely so mad at me that they want to get up and hit me. They want to hurt me.

"I am so sorry mommy. I am so sorry daddy. Please don't.. be mad. Please." I cried. I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried into them. I heard someone get up from there chair and walk closer, and closer to me. They picked me up. Mommy. She walked back over to her chair, with me in her arms. While crying. She sat down and sat me in her lap. I pressed my face in her shoulder.

"I promise I wont do it anymore. I promise. I really do. I want to go home. Please take me home. Please let me come home." I begged her.

Sonnys POV

I looked at Chad with my red, watery eyes. I want her home. And I believe her when she says that she wont do it anymore. I have been there. I have cut before. But she... she is so young. I don't even understand where she would have got the idea to do this to herself. Or why she wouldn't have come to me. Or why we never noticed. We are always with her! How... how did we not see this?

I am not mad at her.

I am not upset at her.

I just don't want her to be hurt.

And its even worse when she is doing this to herself and she says she doesn't even like herself anymore.

"Sweetie. You want to know something?" I asked her. She nodded her head.

"I believe you. I believe you are going to stop. I want you to get better. I believe IN you Sierra. I just want you to be okay. I want you to be home too, you know that? We both, we miss you so much. We want you to come home and to be with us. But we don't want you to hurt anymore... so I don't know if coming home is such a great idea yet sweetie." I felt her body tense up. I felt tears hit my arm. Hers and my own. I looked over at Chad. He wanted to bring her home. We all wanted her to come home. Today. But me and Chad are both unsure if this is the right choice. If this would be the right thing to do. Because we don't, we don't want to admit it, but we don't want to worry about her doing this when she is alone, she would be with us at all times, and I know that doesn't make any difference from tonight or in 1-2 weeks, but it does. The help that she could be getting from these people.

"Please... please mommy... please daddy." Chad looked at me.

"Let me and daddy go talk.. okay?" I stood up, her in my arms, and sat her down in the chair we were just sitting in... alone. "We will be right back.. I promise."

We walked out into the hall.

"Sonny.. I think we should bring her home." He said to me as soon as the door was closed.

"Really? I want her home to-"

"No, I want her home, but I think she NEEDS to come home. She doesn't feel safe here. You can tell.

Before I could answer him nurses from the back room were rushing into the room we were just in.

Sierra. We hurried into the room. Nurses rushed to Sierra, who was flat on the ground. You didn't see her make a single movement. Chad and I rushed over to her.

"Sierra! Sweetie! What is going on?" Chad yelled to the nurses.

"We aren't sure." They all were on the ground checking her pulse.

"We were just watching the cameras, and we saw her get up then collapse.

Then another nurse pitch in. "I think she is having a heart attack. Call 911 and get her to a emergency room! NOW!"

Thank you for reading this chapter. Is it stupid? I hope not :( I love you guys! Thank you for all the support at this time in my life. I know that some of you have been messaging me making sure I am okay. I am okay. Just kinda overwhelmed with all of the pain. R&R?

Thanks again guys
