Bulma and Chi Chi said that Vegeta and I were the perfect couple. We were both short tempered as well as just short, and sometimes kinda weird. We live together and every time I look at that stupid smirk on his face I want to destroy him utterly and wipe all memory of him from the universe! Did I mention that he's one of my best friends?

It's a long story as to how we came to live together, but I had rented this house on the conditon I shared it. The other party would stay on his side while I stayed on mine. I went through about a month, barely noticing that I lived with someone and never having met them. Untill one day there was an explosion. Naturally I ran over to see what it was only to find some jerk headed dude with no shirt. We more share the house now instead of my half and his half but I still cannot stand that man!

"Woman!" He growled from the laundry room

"I have a name, Vegeta." I spat

"I need you to attend to my laundry!" He yelled

"Attend to your own laundry!" I answered as I sipped my orange juice.

"That's woman's work!" He said as he came into the kitchen, shirtless as usual.

"Then it's perfect for you, isn't it?" I smiled sarcastically.

"Stop with your sas insolent human! I'm running out of clothes and I don't know how to work this god forsaken contraption!" He complained

I rolled my eyes "Figure it out then."

"No, you're going to do it for me!" He demanded slamming his hand on the table. That's right Vegeta, throw a hissy fit.

"No!" I sneered.


I raised my eyebrows daring him to strike me. "You will do my laundry!"

"Why should I?" I pronounced each word seperately

"Because if you don't I'll be reduced to walking around naked." He said simply.

I glared at him "Fine." I growled stalking to the laundry room.

The phone began to ring as I grumpily tossed shirts in the wash. "Answer the phone!" Yelled Vegeta.

"Alright!" I called in a mock obediant tone as I grabbed the bottle of fabric softener. "Just one second!"

I hurried out to the kitchen and dumped the fabric softener over Vegeta's head and grabbed the phone "Hello?"

"Hey Aki!" Krillin's cheerful voice came over the phone.

"Oh hi Krillin." I smiled, I haven't spoken to my older brother in a while.

"Goku and Chi Chi are having a barbecue, I was wondering if you wanted to come." He said in a Krillinish way. There's no way to describe my short brother other than Krillinish.

"Great!" I grinned "I'll definately be there!" anything to get out of the house.

"Okay! I'll see you there."

"Kay, bye."

"See ya."

I hung up the phone just as I heard another source of wringing. Vegeta pulled a cell phone outr of his pocket and answered it. "I thought answering the phone was woman's work!" I protested

"Would you rather do it for me? I just didn't want to answer that one." He smirked

You don't know how much I wanted to murder him, instead I childishly stuck my tongue out. He hung up the phone witrhout speaking "What was it?" I asked

"I'm going to a barbecue tonight." He said simply

"Oh god." I groaned

Vegeta tried being a good boy (it really doesn't suit him) and walked me to the barbecue. "Hey Krillin is that your baby sister over there with Vegeta?" I heard Goku ask in his innocent Goku voice from across the yard.

Krillin was in front of us is a flash "Ah! Uh- How do you two know each other?" He asked, like I said, Krillinish.

"Uhh well y'know how I didn't know who I was living with for that whole house renting thing?" I smiled awkwardly

"Yeah, what about it?" asked my darling brother.

"Well it was him." I said simply.

"So this is the brother you're always talking about." Shrugged Vegeta "I was picturing someone a little more impressive."

"What!" Krillin's voice stopped me from my hurried escape "YOU TWO LIVE TOGETHER!"

"Yes, what of it?" Asked Vegeta in his grumpy, very Vegeta like way.

"Has he hurt you Aki? Did you hurt her? If you hurt my little sister I'll kill you! I'll rip you into a million tiny little pieces and sew you back together so I can wipe that stupid smirk of your face!"

"Ha!" Shouted Vegeta "As if you could so much as touch the almight prince of the Saiyans!"

I took this chance to escape to the bar Goku had set up in the yard and sat down in between Chi Chi and Bulma.

"I'm sure they'll warm up to each other." Said Chi Chi as we watched them argue

"I'm sure." I smirked "If they get really really reaaaallly drunk."

"Easily accomplished!" Announced Bulma who was slightly drunk herself

"She has a point." Said Chi Chi with a devilish grin.

"By the way, Aki you look shhhmexi." Said Bulma, okay she was just plain drunk.

"Uh thanks?" I said in confusion looking at my denim bermuda shorts and blue and red striped tank top.

The bartender dude looked at me asking what I wanted "How about a coke?" I said wondering why he looked so familar. "I don't drink." He obediantly handed me the coke.

"Don't mind Bulma. Her and Yamcha broke up." Said Chi Chi

"Again?" I asked with a shake of my head as I took a gulp of my cold soda.

"Oh what's your excuse Chi Chi?" Slurred Bulma

"I only had one vodka." Said Chi Chi in a tone that said it she was a good little girl.

We contnued talking as best friends do, exspecially when one is drunk. I had like four cokes probably as I started to realize that my perception was going down hill fast.

"Umm hi?" Said Goku as he walked up. I stared at him in shock for almost a minute before bursting into an uncontrollable fit of giggles.

"Aki are you drunk?" Asked Krillin's voice, apparently he and Vegeta had stopped arguing for the moment

Bulma had fallen off her barstool "Krillin when did you get so tall?" She asked in a stunned tone.

"Don't look tall to me" Said Chi Chi who was staring intently at a bug in her hand "In fact I think he got smaller."

Yeah, like I said we're weird as hell when we're drunk. "That's not Krillin." I giggled at Chi Chi who was talking to the bug "It's Vegeta!"

"That's to sexy to be Krillin!" Laughed Bulma, when she's drunk everything's sex.

"Crap!" I mumbled

"What?" Asked Chi Chi

"I thought dealing with one Krillin was hard now there's three!" I groaned

"Ha ha!" Bulma broke into high pitched laughter "Sucks for youuuu!"

"Why do they always bash me when they're drunk?" Asked the Krillins

"OH MY GOD!" Bulma leaned so she was two inches away from the middle Krillin's face.

"What?" He asked defensively, backing away from her

"When did you get HAIR!" She screamed falling over once again.

For a moment I realised the craziness of it all. Chi Chi was yelling at a tree branch and Bulma was chasing Krillin I slumped over in my chair. "Ugh." I said trying to shake myself of the groginess. Goku caught me me before I fell completely over completely. He handed me to Vegeta who gave me a worried but irritated look before I passed out.

**Normal POV**About ten minutes later**

"Where's Aki?" Asked Krillin after Bulma had passed out and stopped chasing him

"Vegeta took her home." Said Goku innocently

"WHAT!" Screamed Krillin "You let Vegeta be alone with my drunk sister!

A/N As always, reviews are appreciated if you review I shalll love you forever and hig your neck and make you my new pet rabit and I shall call you Willferd