AN: Sorry for tricking you into thinking that this was another chapter, but I have some exciting news!

This OS has been added onto the jasperbellaff(dot)blogspot(dot)com blog! Check it out and all of the other amazing Jasper/Bella stories recommended on there.

**Also I am thinking about doing another Jasper/Bella story! Sort of Sound of Music, but with Twilight characters.

Basic Summary:

Bella has just been hired to be the nanny to the widower Major Jasper Whitlock's seven children. The Major is known for being strict and unemotional since the loss of his wife; and the children act out as a result of it. With Bella's caring and motherly infunece she begins to win over the children and help the grieve for the mother that they lost at such a young age. When Jasper returns from a business trip with Mary Alice Brandon in tow Bella can see the attraction between the two and believes that Jasper has found a woman to take over as the children;s new mother. However, as time progresses the Major and Bella begin to develope secret feelings towards each other that Mary Alice detests and convinces Bella that the Major would never stoop so beneath his status to be with her and Bella should leave before she destroys this family. With a heavy heart she leaves and returns home. The Major is heartbroken over Bella's leaving and thinking that his children need a mother figure right away asks for Mary Alice's hand in marraige. Can the children bring Bella back before it is too late and their father is married to a woman they hate; or are they doomed to have an evil step-mother?

Does this sound like something you would be interesting in reading? Let me know because I think that is would be a great story!
