Note: I do not own Glee or these characters. Dammit.

Finn Hudson woke up with only two things on his mind: Rachel Berry and the song he planned on singing to her in glee club this afternoon. He always has a hard time expressing his feelings unless through song so over the past week, he'd been searching for the perfect song to sing and landed upon 'Eight Days A Week' by The Beatles.

Quinn Fabray also woke up with two things on her mind: Finn Hudson and his disgusting love for Rachel Berry. It sickened her the way he always looked at Rachel, the way he talked to Rachel and especially the way he touched Rachel. Whenever Quinn saw the two together, she felt rage spread through her small body. Nobody was allowed to touch Rachel like that, except for her.

When Rachel Berry arrived at school, wearing yet another argyle sweater, she was immediately doused with a cherry slushie. She stood there with mouth wide open as if she were surprised by this daily routine, looking as though she were going to cry. It enraged Quinn. She wanted to protect Rachel, yell at the guy who threw the frozen drink at her and prevent it from ever happening again, but she didn't. She felt that she couldn't. Quinn didn't need the entire school knowing she was sweet on Rachel Berry: Glee club's geekiest star. She walked right past Rachel and headed to the girl's bathroom where they always met after the slushie incidents.

Rachel entered with a few tears in her eyes. She looked right at Quinn before quickly placing her eyes upon the ground. She walked over to the sink, turned on a brave face before grabbing a fresh, folded towel from her bag.

"I'm sorry," Quinn said quietly, her voice slightly shaking.

Rachel ignored her. She dipped a towel in the warm water and began wiping her face while avoiding eye contact with Quinn.

"Rachel please," she begged.

She put the towel down in the sink, covering the drain and let the water fill. Quinn's eyes started filling with tears. Still covered in red slush, Rachel dipped her entire head into the water, running her fingers through her hair as best as she could. She slowly pulled her head out and let the water drip into the sink that was now full of a clearish red water.

"Please believe me," Quinn started again.

Rachel turned around, her hair sending water everywhere, including Quinn's face. Quinn didn't move.

"I believed you when you said you'd protect me from all of this," Rachel said, motioning to her stained sweater. "I believed you when you said it would all be different, that you wouldn't care what people thought about us anymore," she said without missing a beat.

"I meant it!"

"Well you have a funny way of showing it," Rachel said quietly while turning back around to the sink. She grabbed the towel from the bottom, wrung it out and began to wipe her sweater. At this point, she was completely crying. As was Quinn. But they both remained silent.

Rachel took off her stained sweater, putting it and the towel inside of a plastic bag she kept in a pocket of a schoolbag for this exact reason. She grabbed another sweater within her bag and put it on quickly. It didn't match the rest of her outfit, and Quinn noticed this, but somehow she thought Rachel made it work. This stopped her tears.

"You just don't understand..."

"You're right. I don't. And I don't know if I ever will! I just want it to stop. I want to be with you, Quinn. Fully. No more hiding."

Rachel began crying even harder. Quinn immediately took her crying girlfriend into her arms. She felt incredibly guilty and almost started crying again.

"I'm so sorry," she began. "This is all my fault. But I know things will change," she said gripping Rachel even tighter.

"How do you know?" she asked, her head resting on Quinn's chest.

"It has to," Quinn said to both Rachel and herself.

More is on the way, I promise! Reviews are love.