Title: Sitting Still

Author: Mental Toast Goddess

Summary: Naruto was never any good at sitting still.

Warnings: Nothing besides almost sort of attempted cannibalism

Rating: G

Despite popular belief, Naruto could be still for more than three and half seconds. In fact he could be still for almost half an hour, but only during special occasions. Or when Shikamaru asked him to. Take now for instance, Naruto had been quiet and still for almost forty minutes. He was lying against Shikamaru's chest while the lazy Nin rested. Shikamaru said nothing and his eyes were closed; he merely laid there with Naruto on his chest rubbing lazy circles into the blond's shirtless back.

Although now Naruto was getting a bit restless and he wanted to get up and do something. It seemed that all of his restless energy was catching up on him and it made him squirm. Naruto squirmed and fidgeted and wriggled against Shikamaru as his need to get up and do something, anything grew. Shikamaru however was less than amused by this. Although he hid it well, the only evidence that he was annoyed was a slight twitch of his eyebrow, and a small tug of his lips downward.

"Stop moving" he commands softly, eyes still closed. And Naruto does stop moving for all of one second.

"Ne Shikamaru can we get ramen" Naruto asked for the sake of asking something because the deafening silence that has consumed the room, is not exactly comforting.

"Later" Shikamaru says, and his hand is no longer rubbing lazy circles in Naruto's back, instead it is clamped down tight around Naruto's waist, in an attempt to get Naruto to stop moving.

Naruto is considerably brightened at the almost promise for ramen and he begins prattling on about the different flavors of ramen he is going to order. "Can we get miso, or pork, or beef, or chicken, or oriental? Well maybe not beef, cause the last time I ordered beef it tasted kind of fu-" Naruto is unable to finish his explanation of why he doesn't want to eat beef because there is a finger pressed against his lips.

"Shh" Shikamaru commands a little harsher than before and now even one of his eyes are open. Naruto sighs against the finger that is pressed to his lips but doesn't say anything, instead he just stares at Shikamaru's reclosed eyes, and lets the need to do something fester and grow. Until Naruto feels that if he doesn't do something soon. His head might literally explode. So Naruto does what he always does in these kinds of situations, the first thing that comes to his mind.

He takes Shikamaru's finger into his mouth, and chews lightly on it. Shikamaru opens one eye and gives Naruto a slightly annoyed slightly bemused look. "You're troublesome" he says and Naruto pouts like a petulant five year old at the predictable statement "But you're worth it" Shikamaru ads after a long moment.