Hey everyone, welcome back to my new chapter. I'm really happy that you all like reading this story, if not, this would have stayed a one-shot, yet it didn't and I'm proud.

Anyways, thank you for all who had read and or reviewed my last chapter on Ace. Now this chapter is on Growland or Mary Growland.

Well here we go, hope that you all will like it


After spending the night with Ace in a tent, the night had passed by and it was now morning time. Since it was the morning, Alice was now able to tell where she was and she had found out that she wasn't too far from the clock tower, and then she thought she was.

After waking up and eating a quick breakfast that Ace was somehow able to make, or fine for that matter, the two packed everything up and continued on towards the direction of the tower. Ace was going towards there anyways, but being Ace, he got lost like always.

Only after a matter of minutes, the pair both found themselves walking inside the clock tower together. Ace like always, had a smile on his face and was acting like he didn't have a care in the world, which he actually might not really. As for Alice, she was still a bit tired from last night and was thinking about the three stories that she had heard the other day. How Dee, Dum, Blood and Ace all got their names. It was really interesting if you think about it, but it was mainly really weird as well.

Still lost in her thoughts, Alice didn't realize that she was walking towards Julius office, with Ace. Before she knew it, the knight had opened the door and went inside. Alice blinked a bit and then stopped.

Julius was drinking tea, when the two had come in. Ace grinned like he always does and ad walked over to the long haired man. Next thing the two did, they began discussing about a few things.

Alice, being one who didn't want to interrupt, decided to leave the office and began walking back down the hall. She was still in thought that she didn't even realize that she had bumped into someone.

She blinked and looked at who she had run into, seeing that it was Growland that she had ran into. Alice blinked at a bit, as the man had grinned at her.

"Alice, my girl! Just the person I came to see" he said grinning at her.

Alice was still not in reality that much, so she blinked a few more times and then smiled at him. "What is it that you came to see me for?" she asked him, staring at the man. Most of the time, she would come and visit him and the others at the amusement park. But only sometimes Growland would come to visit her or Julius because of something that he had found interesting or what not.

The said man grinned once again. "Well I had made a new ride in the amusement park, that I was wondering if you would like to ride" he said staring at the girl.

Alice stared at him and then thought of what might be his new ride. The last time he made a new ride, her and Boris were stuck inside a tea cup and were going down a roller costar. Next thing she knew, she had fainted and woken up in the infirmary.

She sighs and looked at him once again. "I don't know" she said

"Oh come on, it would be fun" he said and then remembered something else. "I promise that this time it would be way more fun than the last one I made" he said afterword's.

Alice sighs and shook her head. It probably was best that it was Growland that had come, instead of Boris, because knowing him; he would have already dragged her off by now. Then she thought of something else. Yes it has something to do with what she had been thinking about lately, and looked at Growland. The man didn't like being called by his first name, but she wondered why he was named that if he hated it. From what she had heard of before, the other's got their name because of some experience they had been through, which caused them to get their name. If Growland didn't like his name, shouldn't he have chosen another? Then again, their parent can chose a girl name if they wanted to.

After noticing that Alice had been quite for some time now, Growland stared at her. "Something on your mind Alice?" he asked her and Alice realized that she was stuck in her thoughts for a while.

The girl blinked and then looked back at the man. "Well, I was wondering about something, but seeing how you don't really like having anyone mentioning it, I don't know if I should ask" she said.

Growland stared at her and then grinned. "What is it? Whatever it is, I can answer it" he said still grinning at her.

Alice sighs "Well I was wondering, why were you named Mary Growland anyways" she asked him, hopping that the amusement park owner, won't get angry for her mentioning his first name.

The man stopped grinning and just stared. "I see" he said looking a bit annoyed. But it wasn't Alice that he was annoyed at; he was just annoyed with the fact that if Boris never told her his first name, she might have not asked him that. But since she did, he might as well tell her how, no matter how embarrassing it might be.

Growland sighs. "Well I guess I can tell you" he said looking back at Alice and then began to think. "Let's see…."



A faceless man and a faceless woman both walked around an empty amusement park. Ever since they got together they both wanted to buy an amusement park. After all, that's where they met and fell in love in.

They continued to walk and the faceless woman smiled softly. They had just bought this amusement park and now them both exploring it. Most of the rides are working, but they also have to fix some of them as well. They also have to hire some people to help them work in the amusement park, but for now they want to explore the park with each other and their still unborn baby.

That's right, the faceless woman was pregnant. You can tell by looking at her stomach. She was about all nine month pregnant so soon she will be getting birth to their new born child.

The woman smiled once again. Just like most woman who was about to have her first child, she hopped that she will get a daughter. Sure by now she could have gone to the doctors to see what sex her child would be, but her and her husband wanted to wait and see when she gives birth. But she was positive that they will have a daughter. They even bought lots of girl clothing and toys so that when their daughter gets older, she will already have some of her things set.

The couple continued to walk around, looking through the amusement park. Since they were the only one's there, there was no one there to interrupt their strolling or anything.

As they walked, the woman spotted a ride that she always loved going on, ever since she was a little girl. It was the Marry go-round. She smiled once again. Every time when she was a little girl and her parents would take her to an amusement park, she would always want to go on this ride at least 3 times in a day. She just loved it that much.

The faceless woman turned towards her husband and smiled softly at her. "Hun, can we go on that ride over there" she said pointing towards the direction of the marry go-round.

She hasn't been on one in years, and would like to go on one now. Plus it doesn't go so fast and it can sooth her, mainly since she was pregnant.

The faceless man smiled at his wife. "Sure" he said and the couple began walking towards the marry go-round.

Once they were towards it, the man helped his wife on it and then went towards the control panel. As he did that, the faceless woman found a small carriage to sit on, since sitting on top of a horse will just make her feel uncomfortable.

Once relaxed on the seat, the faceless woman waited for her husband to start the ride and come sit down with her. Once he did so, the man want towards the carriage that his wife was on and sat on the opposite side from her. Next thing that happened, the ride began to start.

The woman relaxed on the carriage and smiled softly. She looked as if she had then closed her eyes. She really did love going on the marry go-round., It was fun and relaxing, that is depending on the speed it was on, but at the moment the speed wasn't going as fast as it usually does. Not that she minded that because if it did go fast, then she might have vomited because of the baby.

The man stared at his wife and smiled softly himself. He knew how much his wife liked going on marry go-rounds, it was one of the reason's they both decided to buy a amusement park. Another was because it was just so much fun to be in, plus he always wondered what it would be like to be an amusement park owner. He will soon find out.


As the couple continued to relax to the motion of the ride, and to the silence that had filled the air. They both continued to relax in the spot that they were in, when suddenly…

The faceless woman jerked up, while holding onto her stomach. "Ah!" she exclaimed, feeling pain go through her body. Then suddenly water began dripping down her legs.

Her husband jerked up as well and looked at his wife. "What's wrong?" he asked her. He didn't notice that her water had just broken.

The woman looked at her husband."I water just broke" she said and then continued to hold onto her stomach.

The man looked concern and wondered what to do. They were the only one in the amusement park and they still have yet to employee some people, so they didn't have a staff for the infirmary yet. Plus the nearest hospital is about two hours away and he didn't think that his wife can wait that long.

He looked around. The ride won't stop Intel after a few more minutes, and he couldn't go towards the control panel, unless he jumps off. He continued to look around, as if he continues to do so, he will find an answer on what he should do.

As the faceless man continued to do so, his wife continued to cry in pain. They really have to find something to do, because if not it will just continue to hurt more. The baby was about to come, and yet there was no doctors around.

The woman looked at her husband, as if she had an angry and in pain look on her face. "The Baby is coming!" she exclaimed once again.

The man heard what his wife had said and then decided to lay her down on the floor of the carriage they were in. It was big enough for her to lay fully on it. After that, he crouched down and began to wonder what to do. Since they were no one around and it was too late to go to the hospital, it was now up to him to help his wife deliver their baby. But the worst thing was that he didn't know how to do so.

The man gulped and then just decided to do what he knows what most doctors did. "Ok dear we are going to have to do this here and now, so I want you to begin pushing as hard as you can" he said looking at his wife, who he saw nod her head.

The wife took a deep breath and did what her husband told her what to do. She began pushing as hard as she could. It was a lot of pain, but she continued to do so.

The husband watched to see and saw a bit of a head was coming out. He smiled. "Ok, just keep pushing" he said and his wife did so.


After about an hour or so of pushing, the faceless woman finally gave birth and was now sitting back on the chair of the carriage. She was smiling softly at her new born child; her husband was sitting right next to her, also looking at their child. She smiled softly once again. She was very beautiful.

If you are wondering why, the woman thought the child was a girl, was because once she had finally gave birth to the child, her husband covered it up with his jacket and so the wife still hasn't yet to checked the sex of the baby.

The woman then looked at her husband. "I think we should call her Mary Growland" she said. It would be perfect because she gave birth to her in a marry go-round, but instead calling her exactly what the ride they are on is called, they can call her something along the line of it.

The man smiled at his wife. "That would be prefect" he said and then realized that she had called their new born child a 'she', when it was actually a 'he'. The man chuckled a bit, as his wife stared at him, wondering why he was laughing.

"What is it?" she asked him, before looking at their newborn 'daughter'.

The man smiled and shook his head. "Nothing, it's just, I forgot to tell you" he started looking at their son. "But our child isn't a 'she', but a he" he said chuckling once again.

The wife looked back at her husband for a bit, and then back at their sleeping newborn. She removed the jacket and there enough, was a something that a female does not have.

The woman 'blinked' a bit and just stared. "EH!"



Once Growland finished his story, he sighs and looked back at Alice. The brunette just stared at her and then couldn't help but try to hold back laughter. So his parents named him Mary Growland, because his mother thought that he was a female at first.

Growland stared at Alice and shook his head. "It's not funny" he said. " Because my mother wanted a daughter so much, I spend about 5 years of my life, dressing up in girl clothing and what not because they have already bought them and they didn't want them to go to waste" he said annoyed.

After hearing that part, Alice began laughing a bit. Now that was funny, no wonder Growland hated being called by his first name. It most likely remained him of his past.

Alice then shook her head and looks back at the amusement park owner. "I'm sorry, it's just funny, but understandable now" she said still shaking her head.

Growland crossed his arms and looked away. "yea yea, just don't go telling that to that gay hatter, because if he heard about why I was named that, then he would be torturing me even more then he does" he said and Alice nodded her head.

After a few, Growland then smiled, remembering what he came here for. "Now Alice, how about we go and try that new ride of mine" he said taking her hand and began dragging her out of the tower.

Alice blinked and then sighs, knowing that he might not let her go Intel they get to the amusement park.



That's it for this chapter. I hope that you all liked it, because this one was also a bit rushed as well. But yea, I hope it was ok.

The next chapter is going to be on one of my favorite characters, Pierce. Also, this story is about to end so. About two or three more chapters left and then I'm done.

Well other then that, I will begin writing my next chapter; hopefully it will be posted soon, since I'm going somewhere for a few days then school will start after that.

I don't mind getting any suggestions for Pierce's chapter, I would be grateful actually.