A.N.:Hello there, I have always wondered how each training lesson went with between Rose and Dimitri. So these are the trainings that aren't written in the book,Vampire Academy, written by me. The whole entire series is by Richelle Mead and I don't own any of it (tear drop). So read some of it, if you like it than maybe you should review. Even if you hate it just tell me your opinion.

This will all be in Rose's POV unless you guys want me to do some of the trainings in Dimitri's POV. Your choice..I'm still unsure how I am going to do this, I don't know If I should explain what has happened right before one of the practices or what…but we'll just see how this goes. This starts off the second day Rose has arrived at the academy. Her second practice with Dimitri.

Day 2,Morning Practice

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

That's it. Someone is going to get stabbed in the face. Why would Lissa have her alarm clock set to wake up at 5 in the morning?, I thought to myself as I glanced at the evil red numbers on the clock and then swiped it off the nightstand. It stopped making that horrible sound.

I looked up at the ceiling and remembered everything that happened yesterday. Getting caught. Being forced to come back here. That Belikov guy…yeah yeah I should be happy for him speaking up for me and saving my butt, but did he really have to start our morning practices at 6?

I attempted to sit up, emphasis on the attempted part. Every muscle in my body screamed as I brought my torso up and slid my legs over the side of the bed. Dimitri was right about one thing, I feel ten times worse then how I felt yesterday. Oh just fantastic I have another practice with him, at least it's not with Stan or Alberta.

A really hot shower sounded like heaven right now. I walked into the small bathroom and turned on the hot water. When I saw the steam rise I went in and the water seemed to sooth all the sore muscles. I hope Lissa is okay, I wish I could get into her head right now which is weird considering I usually hate it when I do get caught in her mind. She's probably sleeping soundly and not sore at all, what a lucky duck.


It's time for me to get out. As I step out of the shower my legs protest to move. "And let the fabulous life of Rose Hathaway begin", I muttered to myself. I then go to look at the alarm clock, but of course its not there because I just had to break it. I have no clue what time it is but I assume it's around . I have a feeling that Dimitri doesn't approve of being late. He is so going to hate me.

I run over to my suitcase that I still haven't unpacked and I put on a grey t-shirt and black yoga pants. I grabbed a hair tie and ran out the door. Of course I had to be put on the third floor of the dorms. Running down three flights of stairs was something my body did not want to do right now. I'm going to have to just suck it up, because one-day Lissa's life will depend on it. They come first.

I opened the door at the bottom of the staircase and walk out. The beautiful sun is setting. Why did it have to end? I saw a clock on one of the walls I was walking by. It was 6. Damn. I sprinted towards the gym (which had to be on the opposite side of my dorm) and basically flew through the door and hit something. It was 6:15. I always am late.

"You're late," said the thing I ran into.

I looked up and saw two disappointed brown eyes staring at me.

"Yeah so? You are lucky I even made it down the stairs. Oh and good morning to you too Dimitri. Thanks for asking," I replied with my usual Rose Hathaway attitude.

"I'm assuming you aren't big on being on time. If this does become a habit that means more laps for you to run," he said, ignoring my other comments. This is going to be a long year of practices with him…

Dimitri stepped back. He was wearing dark jeans and a grey t-shirt. His hair was loose around his face which meant that I would be doing what I did yesterday. Stupid weight lifting.

"Way to copy my style," I said while looking at him up and down.

"Actually, I have been pulling this style off a lot longer than you have," Dimitri responded back. He looked like he was going to smile, but instead he just turned around and walked towards the weight room and I followed. I wonder if he ever has any kind of fun. Hah. Yeah right, fun isn't in Dimitri's vocabulary.

"Hah. How much longer? Four years? Five years?"I joked behind him. He swiftly turned around to answer me. No emotion in his eyes whatsoever.

"Seven." Oh...so that puts him at 24 years old.

Once again I did the reps and weight lifting Dimitri told me to do. Half way through my arms were about to fall off and I just laid there on my back. I glanced towards the corner of the room and Dimitri was there. He had a western book in his hands. So that was his "fun" time. A supposedly "Russian god" reading a western novel.

I decided to do my sit ups now and give my arms a rest. I remembered when I went to the book store with Lissa a year ago in October. . .

"Here's your chai tea," I said to Lissa while handing her the cup. She was reading a magazine.

"Thank you so much Rose! Did you know Hilary Duff is going goth?" she said as she pointed to a picture of Hilary with dark hair and black eye liner. One thing that didn't change outside of the academy. Gossip. No matter who you are or how popular you are, people are always saying crap about everyone else. In the real world it just gets printed on paper and handed out to everyone.

"Oh wow. Someone changes their hair color and make up and the whole world goes crashing down to pieces," I replied sarcastically. Lissa laughed. I joined in to. I noticed there was a black book next to her with an apple on it held by two extremely pale arms. I slid it towards me so I could see the title Twilight.

"What's this about?"I questionion Lissa.

"Oh I don't really know, I read the first chapter and fell asleep. Jessica said it was amazing and full of love and drama. I'm not sure if I am going to continue reading," she said with a small smile.

"What's the main point of it though?"

"Some girl falls in love with a vampire."

"Haha! That is so like this world," I responded.

"I wonder if they would make it into a movie…"Lissa trailed off into her thoughts.

"Oh I am sure it would make millions,"I replied again with sarcasm. I looked out the window and saw the street,full of people walking and enjoying life. They have no clue what danger lies out there…and even more danger for Lissa and myself.

Lissa's voice pulled me out of my thoughts,"If they do make it into movies we are so going and dressing up!"

"Hmm…you would be perfect for it. Little miss vampire,"I said back. She then smiled widely and two little fangs showed. We started laughing.

I chuckled at that memory…everything back then was just so easy and fun. I knew we would risk our lives each day, but having that freedom was just so amazing. I didn't know I was laughing out loud until a voice caught my attention.

"And what exactly is so funny?" Dimitri asked,voice low and gentle. Which was weird because I thought he would probably yell at me for leaughing. "No fun" was his motto I assumed.

"Oh nothing, just re-living an old memory Comrade," I replied as I sat up and started to do these ridiculous lunges that made my thighs burn. When I looked back over to Dimitri, he had put his book down and was staring off into space. I'm pretty sure he was re-living a memory too. His face wasn't stoic and blank as how it usually was. Instead it kind of looked peaceful.

I wonder what could make him peaceful. "Are you imagining a big plate of muffins too?"I jokingly asked. He blinked his eyes a couple times coming back from wherever he was. He turned his head towards me and one of the corner of his lips turned up. Dimitri's deep chocolate brown eyes bore into me not with hardness but they looked kind. One point for Rose making the big bad wolf smile….well barely smile.

"No, I was just thinking about my home town in Russia," he replied,his voice sounded longing.

"Hmm…I would rather day dream about the muffins," I said with a little laugh. I am starving and it feels like practice should be over now. As if Dimitri just read my mind he stands up and walks over to the door, "Well, practice is almost over and you can finally eat a muffin after you do your cool down stretches,"he told me,his mentor mask back on.

Once again, Dimitri showed me other cool down stretches and then he sat down leaning his head against the wall.

"You were right,"I told him.

"About?"he asked.

"I hurt ten times worse than I did yesterday," I replied as I winced when I stretched my arm across my chest. It felt like someone stabbed a dagger in my right shoulder.

Dimitri must have seen me wince and was already behind me. Wow, so much for me being attentive to my surroundings.

"Over time your muscles and body will get use to all of this exercise,"Dimitri spoke. He was close enough for me to feel his presense behind me. I rolled my eyes.

"I just wish it was 'over time' already because then this dagger in my shoulder would be gone,"I said while pointing to where it hurt exactly.

I glanced at the clock and it said 7. Finally this practice is over! Remembering Dimitri behind me I turned around. He was further back now hands crossed tightly over his chest.

"Lift your right arm up,"he commanded. So I did. Pain shot through my whole arm this time. I closed my eyes trying to not show any pain. This was nothing compared to what I will have to be facing. It's just that I haven't done this much work in a long time.

"Here, if you don't mind I could work that knot in your shoulder," he told me voice in mentor mode,but I could see he wasn't as tense as usual. I didn't want to appear weak in front of him. If it was any other guy I probably would have taken the offer, but for some reason I didn't want to come off frail.

"It's fine, I guess I will just have to tough it out,"I said, trying to act like it doesn't hurt. Dimitri didn't fall for it. Does he have some kind of lie detector or something that I don't know about?

"Rose," Dimitri warned, eyes not approving.

"Okay, okay. Geez am I that bad of a liar?" I asked innocently. I turned around and pushed down on the right side of my shirt, exposing my shoulder. "I am guessing this is going to hurt worse than it already is,"I retorted.

Dimitri walked up behind me, hesitantly moving his hands toward my shoulder. Once his hands were on my shoulder I thought I would just melt away. Despite my shoulder completely screaming as he dug in his thumbs into the huge knot, I have forgotten how good a massage felt. His hands were strong and warm…whoa whoa whoa. This is my mentor. I'm the student. Lets just keep it that way Rose, I chastised myself. His presence was warm behind me and his hands were still on my shoulder. Then his hands left my shoulder and went back to his sides. I pulled up my shirt so that it covered my shoulder again. The skin still burning,in a good way,where he touched it. I turned around and we were so close. His eyes were softer.A few seconds passed by and his eyes hardened,his lips went into a straight line. He took a souple steps was back to his usual self.

"There, it will probably be sore tonight but it should feel better a lot sooner," his Russian accent laced each word. I picked up my bag and walked towards the door before I could say something that I would regret.

"Thank you, Dimitri," I sincerely said while a small smile built on my lips. I walked out of the gym.

And now back to my subsequent classes. Lets hope I don't pass out or faint.