I was irritated, very Irritated, as I sat at a small table with my feet resting crossed on the scratched clean face of the white plastic table. It was very apparent that the table had been used more then once. But it wouldn't surprise me, they did after all have these bike expos all the time in the city, they most likely used the same tables every year, and here I sat watching people study the six bikes I had entered this year.

Well I didn't enter them, Nana filled out and application and forced me to show up. She was all ways like that; she didn't like any of her grand babies holding back. She wanted me to share my talent with the world, even if I tried to convince her, my 'talent' was only a hobby.

"Maybe you will get noticed, and get a job, you want!" She said smiling to me the day I found out she had forged my signature on the grossly white paper with coffee stains in the left corner. It was common knowledge my family knew I hated my job. Working at a pet shop, was hardly a career.

I pushed my feet off the table studying the torn shoes on my feet and snapping the vibrant blue gum in my mouth. The flavor was long gone by now but I still enjoyed chewing it. Gum was only really useless when it goes soggy, and breaks apart in your mouth. That's when you spit it out.

"Hey Lady, I like your bikes." A little boy piped, his head barely poking over the table. I studied him as he rubbed his messy blond hair, chocolate remnants splattered around his mouth.

"Thanks," I said, leaning my chair back, placing my hands behind my head in a lazy manner. The child studied me, probably waiting for me to say something else. The truth was, I never really knew what to say to kids. Parents got anal when their children talked to strangers, like I would want to take their spoiled little brats.

"I like that one," He said pointing to a red and gold bike, a sudden spark of joy etched in his face. He waited for a few seconds before responding "It's just like Iron Man!" He contemplated.

He was talking about the colors.

The bike had nothing to do with the famous Iron Man. They were my dad's favorite colors, the only reason why I considered painting the bike gold, and red. It was also the only bike I hadn't air brushed any design on. It was simply just red, gold and silver if you counted the engine.

"I assure you, that it has nothing to do with him." I said, snapping my gum once more; I was now suddenly annoyed by this blonde child. Why was he talking to me? Where were his parents?

"I like Iron Man. He's really cool; maybe you should paint him on one of your bikes!" The child chirped, as he stood on his toes to peer at me. Now I was really annoyed, why the hell would I want to paint some super ass hole on the side of one of my bikes?

"Kid, where are your parents?" I asked, swiftly removing my mattered shoes from the plastic table and placing them on the green grass. He stirred for a moment, "I don't know, I lost them by the Harleys."

I sighed rubbing my forehead, children were useless.

"Come on, let's go find them." I murmured, pushing my stiff body up off the plastic blue chair. I held out my hand for the child to take, as we both ventured out into the abyss of human bodies.

"I heard Tony Stark was here today!" He chimed, watching his feet as we walked.

"Is that so?" I asked, walking towards the display of Harleys. I didn't know how many they had on display, they had a lot more bikes then me, but my bikes were far better. Mass production didn't all ways mean better.

"Yeah, you know Tony Stark is super smart right? He is the coolest super hero EVER!" The kid shouted into the crowed. People were staring, this wasn't my kid, holy crap was I embarrassed.

"Do you see your parents?" I asked, pulling him out of his chatter of the awesome Iron Man, best super hero ever.

"Nope!" He tugged on my hand as he happily bounced around.

"Are you sure they didn't leave you?" I asked as he looked up at me with curious eyes.

"Why would they do that?" He asked, his messy blond hair swirling around his head.

"It was a joke." I explained, as he studied me in awe.

"I don't get it." He gasped.

"So what do your parents look like?" I studied the crowed, being only 5'5" it was hard to see over the vast amount of tall men.

"My Daddy, looks like he's having a baby, or that's what Mommy says." He chimed, his mouth running miles a minute. Did this child ever stop talking?

"Charlie? Charlie, where are you?" A loud, fat balding man with a pony tail yelled running threw the crowed. A lanky women following behind him, she looked equally as panicked. The child on the other hand continued to talk about all the awesome things his Mother said about his Daddy when he wasn't around.

"Over here!" I yelled, rising my free hand in the air. The couple stopped studying me for a second. I was standing in a pair of torn jeans, a white tank top, and 20's style hair and make up, holding a very chatty child by the hand. I brushed a strand of dark black hair out of my face,

"Charlie!" The women screamed running towards the two of us. Her voice was a mix between relief and terror. I guessed, I would be upset to if I saw my child in the hands of a stranger. She quickly wrapped her arms around her child pulling him close to her chest as if she would never let go.

"Mom, this lady has a bike that looks like Iron Man!" He smiled, releasing his hand from mine to push his crying mother away.

"Thank you so much!" She cried, as she looked up at me gobs of tears spilling from her eyes. Her dirty blond hair was mattered as she swatted it away from her wide red puffy eyes.

"You should see her bike mom, it's really cool!" Charlie continued as his mother grabbed his small hand tugging him towards his father who was rubbing his balding head in relief.

"If you're going to see anything, it will be the four walls in your room young man. You have no idea how worried we were about you!" Charlie's father ranted as he grabbed his son's hand gently, as a family they all made their way threw the crowed of people.

Great now I'm bored again. I sighed tucking the stray strand of black hair back into its proper place and making my way back to my booth which sat on the out skirts of the expo. Hopefully this weekend would go by fast so I could get back to building a new bike.

What felt like days later, I sat in the same stupid chair, talking to very few people!

I grew even more irritated by the commotion my bike had caused in the matter of 4 hours. What started off as a small trickle of people coming to see my work ended up being a large group of people!

"That bike looks like Iron Man."

"Oh look honey, that bike looks like Iron Man."

Iron Man this, Iron Man that. My bike does NOT look like Iron Man. It only had the same colors. I was no honestly considering destroying the bike. I spat my gum in the air and attempted to catch it with my mouth. The bright blue piece of gum descended quickly hitting me on the nose before falling to the ground.

"So much for that idea!" I said out loud, I placed my hands in my pockets and rolled my head on the back of the chair as I studied the canapé above me. It was blue, and had large stains on them. They were probably grease stains, or something more interesting. My mind was blank from ideas.

"Tony what are we doing here?" Pepper asked, as they pushed through a crowd of people. Most people stopped and stared, because he was after all famous, and it was very rare for him to appear in such a public place. Females all cooed at him, hoping that he would come over and talk to them. It was typical, and would be abnormal if women didn't swoon over him.

"Looking for a bike!" Tony replied simply browsing threw the massive amounts of bikes.

"No, you're avoiding that meeting we have this afternoon!" Pepper snapped, typing something into her phone. A small smile spread across his face.

"And why would I do that?" He asked stopping at a green Harley and studying it simply before moving on to the next one. The engine was nothing compared to his re-built cars. Besides, these bikes could never top the speed of his suit. He really didn't have a need for one. But this wasn't going to stop him from buying another bike, to add to his small collection.

"Because, you're Tony Stark." Pepper said, simply as she once again started typing something into her phone. Tony smiled, passing through a group of cooing girls. They were all a lot older then him, and he had no interest. At least not in these types of women. Biker chicks were one of the scarcest looking women on earth. Most of them were tattooed all to shit, smoked, and were more then likely ugly.

"Hey! Did you see the bike modeled after Iron Man?" A teen asked his friend, as they passed Tony. Both boys looked as if they were under the influence of something. They were both hunched over, and talked in a low monotone voice, dragging out each of their words slowly.

"Yeah, can you say sick? The dude has some nice bikes!" The other one said in a wispy voice, shifting his dark hair out of his eyes, with a long lanky arm.

They had caught Tony's interest.

"Pepper, can you get me a drink?" Tony asked, softly as he continued studying the bikes around him, the plan to ditch her forming in quickly in his brain. He really, really didn't want to go to that meeting.

"Yes, Mr. Stark!" She said before walking towards the nearest vendor with great difficulty. Her heals were sinking into the ground, and it made it quite difficult for her to walk. He would have teased her about this, if he wasn't so distracted.

"Can I help you Mr. Stark?" A large bald man asked, wiping his hands on a greasy yellow towel. Pepper was too far away by now to hear anything, so Tony swerved on the heels of his shoes.

"Which way to the Iron Man bike?" Tony asked, with a large smile on his face. The giant man pointed towards his destination and he quickly made his way towards the bike he wanted to see. He didn't want to see it that badly, he just wanted to get away from Pots, and his company meetings.

I hated this place, and I still had the rest of the expo to go! I was sick about hearing about my bike, which was now happily labeled as the 'Iron Man' bike.

This pissed me off, it wasn't an Iron Man bike, and in fact I disliked Iron Man with a passion! The guy was over rated. But I did have to admit that the bike was starting to look similar to the famous Iron Man; it was my stupid idea to paint it hot rod red, and gold.

People were happily swarming my bikes like the mindless zombies they were, taking pictures, and asking questions, as I unhappily snapped my gum.

Snap, Snap. Pop, pop.

Snap, Snap. Pop, pop.

Snap, Snap. Pop, pop.

The air was suddenly filled with silence, then squeals of sixteen year old girls. I ignored the loud rumbles of humans by my bikes and continued snapping my gum.

Snap, Snap. Pop, pop.

Snap, Snap. Pop, pop.

Snap, Snap. Pop, pop.

"It's Tony Stark." One of the blond teens squealed as she leaned forward, to get a better look at the celebrity I couldn't see. Loud mummers of sixteen year old girls filled the air. I simply tired to ignore it, if Tony Stark was there, then what ever. I didn't care. Hopefully he would go away soon.

"What is he doing?" The blond spoke jumping up and down, trying to peer over the small crowed of people. Her blond locks bounced with her.

"I don't know, looks like he's studying that bike." The brunette mumbled loudly, as she too attempted to peer at what ever was going around my stupid bike. It was official; I was going to tear it apart!

"Excuse me, Darling?" An unfamiliar voice asked, I rolled my eyes glancing at the man who was standing in front of me. He was dressed in the most expensive clothing money could buy, and he was wearing light orange tinted sunglasses on his face. If anything the man looked like an idiot.

"Can I talk to the man who built these bikes." He said simply; as I continued to some what ignore him. I felt my body stiffen, the man had only been there for twenty seconds and he was already irritating.

"The man?" I asked, as he flipped open his black cell phone looking at the small screen.

"Yes, is that too hard for you or should I come back?" He asked, sending me a glance that clearly showed he thought I was stupid. I angrily removed my feet from the table. Slamming them on the ground, with such force that I could have broken something.

"Yeah, just a minute!" I snapped, standing up and removing my self from the tent.

Tony Stark is an asshole.

When I was out of view I pulled out my wallet, checking to see how much money I had on me. The notes inside were wrinkled, and the wallet its self was made from pink duct tape. A friend had made if for me a few years back, and I had just been too lazy to go out and buy a real wallet.

"Hey kid." I snapped, waving him over to me. The boy looked at me confused before stalking over to me swinging his large arms. He was about 18 years old, and covered in grease and sweat.

"Wanna' make fifty bucks?" I asked, he simply nodded, his brown hair falling into his dark brown eyes. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder, and he tensed at my touch. It wasn't everyday a stranger wraps their arm around you.

"See that man over there?" I said pointing to Tony who was now back to studying 'Iron Bike', a large group of girls hovering over him, whispering god knows what in each others ears.

"You mean Tony Stark?" He asked, wiping his hands on his pants. The smell of motor oils lay heavily on his dark skin. He was now more relaxed, that I was hanging over his shoulder. The grime on his skin would more then likely leave stains my white shirt.

I sighed, before continuing, "Yeah, Tony…Go over there and tell him that you built my bikes." I snapped, rolling my tongue around in my mouth.

"Tell him what?" The boy asked surprised pulling away from me. His face was a pale white.

"You heard me, Go over there and tell him you built the bikes, because according to Stark, women can't build bikes!" I said slapping the fifty in his open hand. The kid stood flabbergasted as I pushed him towards the famous ass hole that was still standing beside my bike.

"Um okay?" He asked confused, and started walking on his own towards Stark. I watched for a second to make sure my fifty wasn't going to walk away. Slowly the boy confronted Stark who looked surprised that a 18 year old boy had said something to him. I happily smiled before walking away to find food. I was suddenly hungry.

Sun was brightly shining in my eyes, so I used one of my hands to shield them. I had to remember to bring my sunglasses for the rest of the weekend.

"Can I get a ginger ale, and some fries?" I asked looking up at a fat man, he grunted before walking away from the chip truck window and preparing my food. Closing my one eye I removed my hand from my face so I could dig threw my wallet for some money to pay for my late lunch. I pulled out a ripped and crumbling twenty, smoothing it out as best as possible. I studied that bill intensely; someone had used tape to hold the middle together. As ugly as it was, it was interesting, and I found my self wondering how many people had used it, how many people had died after they used it, how many people had gotten it stolen, and how many people snorted coke with it and suddenly wished I the thought hadn't occurred in my mind.

"Cute trick, can you do anything else?" A male voice asked from behind, I sighed, slouching my shoulders. Why the fuck was he following me? Why was he even talking to me?

"Yeah, I can disappear." I said, as the large man in the truck came back handing me a small carton of fries, and a pop. I handed the man my money and walked away mumbling for him to keep the change.

A small laugh was heard behind me, soon followed soft by foot steps.

"Look what ever you want I'm not interested." I snapped, stopping allowing a small family walk in front of me and continued on to my way to my crappy booth.

"I want to buy your bike." He said behind me, as he continued to follow me.

"It's not for sale." I said, weaving through people, most of which had stopped to stare at Stark who was trailing behind me like a lost puppy.

"I can pay any price you ask for!" He said, trying to catch up to me. Which he easily did, he was a hell of a lot taller then me, and he used his longer legs to an advantage.

"Not for sale!" I snapped, quickening my pace.

"Then can I order one?" He asked, grabbing my shoulder to gently turning my body towards him. My eyes met his; they were blue, pretty for a man.

"No." I said simply, he puckered his lips in deep thought. I stood there with my food in my hands suddenly not hungry any more thanks to Stark. I could never eat when being pestered, or when I was under a great deal of stress. I threw my fries into a near by trash can before walking away.

"Can I higher you then?" He yelled after me, by this point I was more then annoyed.

"Good Bye Stark." I said pushing through people who muttered and chatted away about the Stark following me around the Expo grounds.