Matters of Circumstance

Disclaimer: Not mine.

(A/N: So, as this is the last entry for this challenge I feel like there are some things I should say. Judges: you are awesome, all of you and I'm still amazed at how you managed to keep this competition moving and getting everyone together and coming up with the characters. Smile Life Away, my lovely beta, even if I didn't use her for this last two stories is amazing and is also a great writer, you should go check out her stuff. Pippi55, you're also great and it was really fun discussing the challenges with you. And final, but not last – hey, people, we have to get some clichés out there or they'll stop being clichés – all of you competitors – or the ones who read this, at least, because the others won't even find out I wrote this XP – you are amazing too, I had so much fun talking to you and reading your stuff . =0)

Story Info:

House: Slytherin
Challenge: Seven (August 24th to August 31st)
Pairing: Lily/Remus


He watches her dance. Hidden away behind the trees of the Forbidden Forest, sitting in between the branches of the bushes completely still so as not to make a sound and scare her. She thinks the entire place is empty as she gives a few twirls, stretching and kicking her legs, the dress she's wearing flying up a little. After twirling in silence she bends over and points her wand to a small CD recorder lying on the grass; it crackles to life and the music begins.

She looks beautiful when she's dancing; her whole body rocking fluidly with the rhythm of the song. The voice begins, and she moves her feet, clad in white ballet slippers. She twirls her way through the grass, sometimes letting her feet drag behind her, sometimes, giving a little jump that makes her dress flutter with the wind.

It's when the chorus starts that she surprises him. Putting a hand out into the air, the other grasping at nothing, and dances as if she had a partner. Her eyes are still closed, and she's twirling around and suddenly all he wants to do is rush over and dance with her.

And then, he can't help it. He walks toward her slowly, stealthily, taking care that his feet don't make too much sound. He stands behind her for a moment before reaching out and pulling her to him. She gasps as she places his cool hand into her small, warm one. Her eyes open and she blinks at him, eyes bright.

"I didn't know you could dance," she manages to say, almost inaudibly over the song. He doesn't answer – he can't answer – he just twirls her around- his lips twisting into a smile when she laughs and twirls back next to him. And then he kisses him, and he kisses her back. Because there's no way James could ever find out about this, and he really likes her, and she's kissing him.

Because this is just a moment time forgot, and as soon as time starts moving again he'll lose her, so he'd be damned if he doesn't make the most of it before it goes away.