"Harry you should also know that you have two sisters."

"WHAT? Where are they? How old are they? Who is their father?" Sirius and Harry loudly asked at the same time.

"Well… Your twin sister's name is Elliane Phoenix. The official Corvinus birth records list the time of her birth as 11:52pm on July 31st, 1980. So she is seven minutes younger than you. I am not sure where she is. Your mom owed a debt to a High Elf and he claimed your sister as payment. But I … well … everyone sit down I have to tell you a story so you'll understand.

Just before dawn on Beltane, that is May 1st, 1981 Lily in disguise went to Knockturn Alley to get a contraception potion. She was going to trade willingly given Royal Fae Wing Dust for the strongest one she could find. Unfortunately Death Eaters captured her. She was taken to Voldemort. She was tortured and raped by him for several weeks. She was taken outside and thrown into a Fairy mushroom ring. They thought they killed her that way. Fortunately Lily was part Fae so she was healed and Queen Selene sent her back in time long enough that she went through her pregnancy. She stayed with our cousin Perseus who was studying healing magic's in Elfhaven. Once she went into labor he brought her to a muggle hospital to give birth.

At 11:54pm Hawk showed up with Elliane and handed her to me. Lily delivered your half-sister Pandora Slytherin-Corvinus on July 31st, of 1980 at 11:59pm. Perseus then transfigured a dead mouse into a doppelganger of Pandora, so that she would be listed in the muggle world as stillborn. He took both Elliane and Pandora and left. I don't know where he went and nobody has heard from them since. Your mum once released from the muggle hospital found a fairy ring and jumped into it. She was healed and got back into shape. She then returned to the wizarding world at the exact moment that she had been snatched by Death Eaters. That way nobody missed her."

"Do you three understand?"

"Yes." The two boys and Sirius answered.

"Good. Now Sirius honey, you are going to be the secret keeper for this house. We need to be able to have a safe house for Harry and Severus to escape to if need be."

"That's fine with me. Do the spell my love."

"Redimio scientia Black Manor, 12 Grimmauld Place, London, England in is alio animus."

"Mom, where are we?" Dudley asked in a scared voice.

"Harry, Dudley, and Petunia we are all at my house, Black Manor. The address is 12 Grimmauld Place. It is in London."

"Cool. Oh mum, what are we going to do about the death eaters that are going to attack Harry's dad's house?"

"Sirius you'll need to send a Patronus to Auror Bones that several death eaters are attacking Severus Snape's residence. Let her know that Remus Lupin and his children are there. Okay, we just left there by time turner so do it now."

Sirius sent the Patronus.


-knock knock-

Severus went and opened his front door only to be thrown across the room by a powerful stunning spell. Death Eaters rushed into the house and incapacitated Remus. They then spread throughout the house searching for both the prophecy and Petunia and the boys. Lucius knew that if the prophecy was indeed in the house that it would be in the master bedroom. So that is where he went.

Tala and Hermione were hiding in the kitchen. Both girls were terrified. The house started to shake as they heard footsteps approaching. A masked man burst into the room and stupefied Tala. He turned around scanning the kitchen for anyone else that might be there. He blinked in shock as he stared at Hermione. She was floating a good eight feet above the floor. As he raised his wand to stun her she threw her head back and screamed. He dropped his wand as all the glass in a two kilometer radius shattered, what he failed to notice as he picked up his wand was that at that moment Tala woke up.

Tala looked over to where Hermione was and stared in horror as the death eater stunned her new sister causing her to fall to the floor. A sickening snap echoed as Hermione's right thigh bone broke and a jagged end broke through the skin. Rage flooded Tala's body and in an instant a huge wolf stood where Tala had been.

In a single leap the young she wolf landed on the man growling. A bolt of energy slashed across her chest drawing blood. The wolf angrily ripped the man's throat out. She then nosed at Hermione. A pained groan escaped the injured girl. The wolf then ran into the living room and nosed at the two unconscious men there. Low growls rumbled in her chest as she darted out of the room and searched the house taking down each masked intruder she came across. Just at the entry to the hall she took down a screaming woman after she had been hit by a bone shattering spell in the flank.

Lucius scowled as he left Severus's rooms. There was no prophecy to be found. He looked up as he heard his mistress scream. He watched a large wolf kill the woman. He instantly turned on the spot and vanished.

The sounds of aurors apparating in startled the wolf. Instantly the wolf morphed back into Tala, who screamed and then sank into unconsciousness.

Several hours later all the injured parties were healed and released into the care of Sirius and Petunia, who took them all to Black Manor.

In the following days Petunia went to the Auror's office and St. Mungo's and informed everyone that was required to know about Harry.

A week before school was to start found Petunia rushing home from the Ministry.

"Severus, I have some news for you. I just came from Dumbledore's trial. He pled guilty to all the charges. He left Harry his wand and James's invisibility cloak. As they were taking him out he got away from the dementors. He ran straight to the department of Mysteries. He ran into the 'death room' and leapt through the veil. It's over. You can return home if you want."

Severus smiled and pulled Harry into his arms and hugged his son to his chest. Harry looked up at his father and in a still quiet voice asked a question that wiped the smiles off of the adults faces and filled them with an over whelming feeling of dread.

"Dad, what about the Horcruxes?"


A/N: Yes I know. I suck. I lost the inspiration for this story. I might at a later date pick it up where it leaves off here. Sorry…