[A/N: My Team from Sky, basic game plot with a few tiny twists and a couple of biggies. I'm not giving anything away. Friendshipping, maybe Rendshipping but I'm not sure.]

Whoop, this is just a retelling of the game, really. But with a few twists here and there, scenes edited to fit my character, things like that. I have one/two big plot add-ons decided, I think, so it should be OK. Won't be updated much, though.

PMD2/3: Team Star's Adventure

A storm was raging, lightning and thunder crashed above the ocean. Waves threw themselves against rocks roughly, so hard it could probably break them. It was dark, very early morning, heavy clouds covering the sky.


"Are you Okay?"

"N-No! I-I don't think I can hold on much longer!"

"Try, try and hold on!"

"I-I can't! I'm slipping, please! Don't let go of me!"

"I won't... your hand! Your hand is slipping!"

"P-Promise me something!"


"N-No matter what happens now, carry on! Continue the job! And... tell Mei I'm sorry I couldn't see her through to her last birthday..."

"No, Gemma! You're going to make it! ...No! Y-you're slipping... NO!"


A figure collided with the waves; lightning flashed once more illuminating the water for a split second. A few minutes later there was another flash, and a small figure could be seen on the sand of the beach.


That Evening...

A Chimchar paced back and forth in front of a Wigglytuff topped tent, near his feet was a grate.

"No, I refuse to be paralyzed by this any longer!" He exclaimed after a moment, stopping his pacing and facing the grate. He took a few steps forward, planting his feet firmly on the grate beneath them. After a moment a voice was heard.




"Waah!" The Chimchar yelped, jumping off the grate. "That scared the hell out of me... I guess I can't get the courage to go in after all... I thought today was the day I'd finally manage." He sighed, grasping a small rock that was tied around his neck with a bit of string. "I thought having my special treasure with me would help... guess not. I'm such a coward."

He let the rock fall again, and turned around. Walking down the stairs and then heading down a path toward a beach, walking along the soft sand until he stood a foot away from the ocean.

Krabby sat atop the rocks, blowing bubbles across the beach; they shone in the sunlight casting small rainbows onto the sand and rocks.

"Oh wow! What an amazing sight!" Chimchar said, looking at the sight with wide eyes and a smile. "The Krabby always like to come and blow bubbles at sundown when there's such good weather... it's always beautiful... This is where I always come when I feel sorry for myself. It makes me feel good to be here, it always cheers me up." He chuckled slightly to himself, then turning to look around the beautiful beach. "Huh, what's that?"

Chimchar squinted slightly, looking to his left. When this didn't make any difference he started to walk closer, jumping slightly when he saw what was laying on the sand.

"Wah! Someone has collapsed in the sand!" The Chimchar exclaimed, rushing the remaining distance toward the collapsed Pokémon. An Eevee lay on the sand, seemingly unconscious. The Eevee didn't look like a normal one, a strange piece of fur, the same colour as that around its neck covered the left side of its face. "What happened? Are you OK?" The Chimchar asked, panicking slightly.

The Eevee opened its eyes, looking up and seeing the bright blue eyes of the Chimchar looking down at it. It blinked a couple of times before jumping up, head butting the Chimchar and knocking him back.

"WAH! T-Talking Chimchar!" Eevee exclaimed. Chimchar looked confused, but his eyes were amused at the strange Pokémon in front of him. He stood up, rubbing his head slightly.

"Of course I can talk! Have you hit your head, Eevee?" He asked. Eevee jumped again.

"Eevee? I-I'm not an Eevee, I'm human! Have you hit your head? Wait...maybe I did hit my head and this is all a dream? Yeah, that's it!" Eevee said. Chimchar's face got even more amused.

"You sure look like a n-... Eevee to me." He said. Eevee glared at him with its one visible eye when it realised he cut 'normal' from the sentence. "Look in the sea if you don't believe me."

Eevee shrugged and walked to the ocean, looking into the water and yelping. "WAH! I'M AN EEVEE! I'M A TALKING EEVEE!" Eevee flailed around for a while, looking over itself like the water was lying or something. Chimchar sweatdropped at the quirky Pokémon, waiting until Eevee's little spasm attack was over.

"Do you know how you ended up zonked out here, Eevee?" Chimchar asked.

"No, I don't remember anything actually... except that my name is Gemma, not Eevee and the fact I should be human." She said, shaking her head slightly, sneezing shortly afterwards as the fur over her eye tickled her nose. Chimchar laughed. "And you are?"

"Blaze, nice to meet you G-... Wah!" Blaze exclaimed, suddenly falling forward and colliding with Gemma. Gemma tumbled back a foot whilst Blaze landed hard on his back, something falling from around his neck. "Ouch!" A Koffing and a Zubat hovered behind him, obviously the culprits.

"Well, I do beg your pardon." Koffing said. Blaze stood up, turning to the two Pokémon angrily.

"Hey! Why'd you do that?" He yelled. Gemma stood up again, standing behind the Chimp and looking at Koffing and Zubat, anger in her eyes too.

"Heh-heh-heh! Can't figure it out?" Zubat snickered. "We wanted to mess with you; you can't stand up to us!"

"Wh-What?" Blaze exclaimed. Gemma raised an eyebrow, looking at the two Poison types again.

"That's yours, right?" Zubat said, he and Koffing looked to the fragment of rock with a strange pattern on that had landed on the sand.

"No... that's!"

"Sorry kiddo, we'll take that!" Zubat continued, flying over and grabbing the rock from the floor. Blaze yelped again.

"Whoa-ho-ho. Not gonna try and get it back? What's wrong? Too scared? I didn't think you'd be such a big coward!" Koffing said, then turning to Zubat. "Come on. Let's get out of here."

"See you around, Chicken! Heh-heh-heh." The two promptly flew off.

"...Oh... what should I do? That was my personal treasure... it means everything to me... If I lose that..." Blaze sighed.

"You're not gonna let them get away with it, are you Blaze? If it is important to you, then why not go after them and get it back?" Gemma said, Blaze jumped ever so slightly, having forgotten the strange Eevee for a moment.

"I'm not brave enough, Gemma... uh, c-could you help me?" Blaze said, his voice shaking as he asked the Pokémon he barely knew.

"I can't stand people like that, so of course I will help." Gemma smiled, Blaze grinned.

"Thank you, thank you! Come then, they went into this place called Beach Cave!" He said. Gemma nodded and the two ran off into Beach Cave.

"What is this place?" Gemma asked as they ran into the blue walled cave.

"It's called a Mystery Dungeon, there are lots of floors that you have to battle through." Blaze said. "And lots of Pokémon."

"Alright... so we battle through and find those idiots who took that rock thing from you?" Gemma said. Blaze nodded. "Corsola at two o'clock! Uh... how do you attack?"
"You really don't know? You really are a strange Pokémon..." Blaze replied, earning another glare off the normal type, though this one seemed more playful than threatening. Blaze then jumped up as a Bubble attack headed his way. Gemma, still not really knowing what to do, jumped in front of the attack and took it. "Thanks."

"No problem, no memory or not I remember something about types... uh, how do I attack? Please?" Gemma said. Blaze sweatdropped.

"Just use basic attack, it doesn't take anything special." He said. Gemma shrugged, doing as she was told and knocking some health from the Corsola. Blaze, knowing his Ember wouldn't do much, used Scratch on it. Corsola fainted.

"C'mon, Gemma! There's gonna be more Pokémon to beat as we go on, now to find that staircase!" Gemma nodded at him and the two continued on.

Beach Cave Pit...

"I think we're at the dungeon's end." Blaze said as the two walked up the last flight of slippy stairs into a sandy area.

"Hey, look! It's that Zubat and Koffing, over there!" Gemma said, gesturing to them with her head due to lack of usable hands. "Go on, get a spine and confront them!"

"R-Right!" Blaze said, nodding his head shakily whilst trying to look determined, her ran a few steps forward, Gemma walking behind him at a slower pace. "H-Hey!"

Zubat and Koffing turned around, snickering when they saw who it was. "Oh look, it's the little chicken!" One of them said.

"Urk... give me back what you stole from me!" Blaze continued. "It's my personal treasure, it means everything to me!"

"Treasure you say?" Zubat said. "Well, if it really is worth something, then why would we give it back?"

"We ought to try selling it, even more reason for us to keep a hold of it." Koffing added.

"Whaaaat?" Blaze exclaimed. Gemma took a few steps forward.

"God, people like you aren't worth anyone's time." She said. "Give him back the damn rock, it isn't yours and you have no right to steal it from him."

"Heh-heh-heh, need your little girlfriend to stick up for you now do you?" Zubat said. Gemma snarled at him. "You don't scare us, freak."

"What did you just say!" Gemma yelled, this time the two thieves did look a little scared. "Did you just call me a freak! Oh, you are so getting it now. Blaze, you ready?"

"R-Right! Yeah, I think I am." Blaze replied. Gemma nodded.

"You better be ready for a fight, you two." She said, and with that she Tackled the bat. Blaze used Ember on Koffing and Zubat then used Leech Life on Gemma. "Wah!"

"Gemma!" Blaze gasped, using Ember on Zubat as well. Koffing used Tackle on the fire-type and Gemma then used her own tackle on Zubat again. Zubat was out of it so Blaze finished Koffing off with Ember. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, wasn't that bad." Gemma said, shrugging slightly. "Kinda creepy though." Blaze nodded at her. Zubat struggled up first, hovering closer to the ground than before.

"Here, take the damn thing!" Zubat said, throwing the rock to the floor in front of Blaze, who picked it up immediately.

"I can't believe we got wiped out by wimps like them!" Koffing groaned, also floating nearer the ground than before the battle. "You're victory was a stroke of luck, it don't mean a thing! C'mon, Zubat." The duo then hastily flew away.

Blaze tied the rock back onto the string and looked at it. "My Relic Fragment, thank god I got it back. Thank you, Gemma, if you hadn't helped me then I wouldn't have managed."

"And that is the attitude that makes creeps like them pick on you." Gemma said. "Be braver, have more confidence in yourself and they might just give up."

"I'll try and keep that in mind." Blaze said, smiling an embarrassed smile. Gemma smiled back.


"Blaze, stop saying thank you, I get it. I only did what any decent person would have done." Gemma said as the two stood on the beach.

"Still, thanks." Blaze repeated. Gemma giggled. The Chimchar took the string from around his neck and held out the rock so Gemma could see. "This is what they stole. I call it my 'Relic Fragment'. You see... I've always like legends and tradition and stuff like that, I get excited when I hear tales of the past... I've always wanted to explore, go out finding treasures and legends from unknown places. And then I found this... it looks like junk from here, but look closer."

Gemma moved closer, looking at the top of the small rock and seeing a complex pattern. "I've never seen a pattern like that before... then again if I did I wouldn't remember..."

"I wonder what happened to make you lose your memory." Blaze said, putting the string back around his neck. Gemma shrugged. "I tried to join Wigglytuff's guild as an apprentice, but I chickened out... What about you, Gemma? What are you going to do?"
"I don't know really... I'm still confused. I was a human, and now I'm an Eevee. I'm pretty sure I couldn't see out of one eye even without this fur over it and I haven't got a place to stay." Gemma said, Blaze seemed to go all shy.

"Well... can I ask a big favour?"

"Sure, what is it?" Gemma replied.

"Would you form an Exploration Team with me? I'm sure I could do it with you, so will you? Please?" Blaze said. Gemma looked at him, thinking it through. This Chimchar seemed like a kind Pokémon, and though she didn't know what an Exploration Team was exactly the name gave away a decent clue, and since it involved exploring she guessed that she may have more of a chance at finding out how she ended up as an Eevee in the first place.

"Sure I will." She smiled at the friendly Chimchar.

"Oh thank you!" Blaze said happily, jumping up and down a couple of times.

"What did I say about saying thank you, Blaze?" Gemma giggled, Blaze scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Where do we go then?"
"Wigglytuff's Guild, I'll show you the way. Follow me!" Blaze said, running off.

"Wait up!" Gemma called after him, following clumsily as she continued to adapt to having four paws instead of two legs. "I'm not as fast as you right now!" Blaze just laughed, making Gemma grin.


"This is the Wigglytuff Guild, we need to register here as apprentices so we can become an Exploration Team." Blaze explained as they looked at the tent, and the slightly creepy Wigglytuff face that stared back. "Isn't there just something strange about this place, though?" He seemed to be slightly scared as he said that, before shaking his head. "No. I have Gemma here this time... right, time to step on the grate. If I jump off this time, then I may as well give up for good."

"If you think like that then you're just gonna get more nervous, Blaze." Gemma said. Blaze gulped but nodded in agreement, stepping onto the grate.




Blaze leapt up, but this time he forced himself to land back on the grate. "No... be brave. Don't be a Scaredy-Glameow..."

"YOU MAY ENTER! ...THERE'S SOMEONE ELSE WITH YOU! GET THEM ON THE GRATE!" The loudest of the voices called. Blaze rubbed his ears slightly, stepping off the grate.

"They mean you, Gemma." He said. Gemma nodded, taking more slow steps forward until she reached the grate, panting her paws firmly on it.



"THE FOOTPRINT IS... The footprint is... ummm... err..."


"Um... the footprint is... Maybe Eevee! Maybe Eevee!" Diglett said.


"B-But... it's not a footprint you generally see around here..." Diglett replied. The two above groaned sweatdropped as this exchange carried on.

"UGH! THAT'S PRETTY STUPID! Checking footprints of visiting Pokémon... THAT'S YOUR JOB!"

"Yes, but I don't know what I don't know!"

"Are they... arguing?" Gemma said, looking down at the grate. She couldn't see a thing down there, it was too deep.

"Sure sounds like it... over a footprint too." Blaze chuckled.


The grate over the entrance to the tent opened, and the newly formed duo walked inside cautiously, seeing a ladder down to a lower floor of the guild. They climbed down it, Blaze finding it easy and Gemma just falling through the hole. As she fell Blaze was nearing the bottom when she crashed into him, sending them both to the floor hard.

"Ow..." Gemma groaned, Blaze looked at her incredulously.

"At least you don't have someone on your back, literally!" He said. Gemma groaned again, pushing herself off the monkey. He too stood up, rubbing his back. "You're heavy."

"Shut up." Gemma said, looking around at the room they were in. It was filled with small groups of Pokémon talking to each other, some looking over to boards and some just sitting there. "That's a lot of Pokémon."

"I wonder if they're all Exploration Teams." Blaze said. Gemma shrugged.

"Excuse me!" Someone called. Gemma and Blaze turned to look over by the ladders again, seeing a colourful bird hop up the last few rungs and walk over to them. "You are the two that just came in, right?"

"Yes!" Blaze said, jittering slightly making Gemma nudge him.

"I'm Chatot." The bird replied. "I'm the Pokémon in the know around these parts, and am also Guildmaster Wigglytuff's right hand Pokémon! Now, shoo! Leave, we haven't time for salespeople or surveys!"

Gemma tried to hide the look she was giving Chatot, one that said 'Are you serious? Do we look like salespeople? Sheesh!'

"That's not why we're here." She said instead, "Is it Blaze?" Blaze shook his head.

"We want to form an Exploration Team!" He said. Chatot seemed shocked, turning his back to the Pokémon. Gemma could swear she could hear him mumbling something about hard training and kids not normally joining.

"Is it really that hard, Chatot?" Gemma said. Chatot spun around quickly.

"No, no, no! Our training for Exploration Teams is as easy as can be!" Chatot said quickly. "Well, you should have told me you wanted to form an Exploration Team!"

"Well his attitude changed quickly..." Blaze muttered to Gemma, who nodded in complete agreement with that.

"We better get your team registered right away! Follow me!" He started to hop off again, Gemma and Blaze looked at each other before following. Chatot went down the ladder he came up.


(Whoa this chapter is getting long... so no matter how much I love Wigglytuff, I'm skipping all that.)

That night Team Star – the name picked by Blaze – were both lying awake on their beds. Gemma was staring out of their window at the moon whilst Blaze was admiring his badge.

"T-... aw man, I really wish you'd let me say thank you." Blaze said, making his new partner giggle at him. "Well, I'm glad you joined the guild with me anyway, Gemma."

"No problem Blaze, maybe this can help me. I might be able to find out how I ended up here, and make some new friends along the way." She said the last bit whilst smiling at Blaze.

"I hope we can be friends, best friends. I don't have many, I know almost everyone in Treasure Town but no one is my particular friend, if you get what I mean." He said.

"I get you." Gemma nodded. "I wish I could remember at least something... I can't get used to walking on four paws either. It's embarrassing, did you how many times I tripped today?" Blaze laughed light-heartedly again.

"Yeah, several times into me, and once into Chatot. I swear he was ready to attack you!" Gemma flicked him with her tail. "Ow!"

"That bit was not funny, I swear that look could have killed me." Gemma pouted, Blaze turned onto his back, away from her, as he felt his cheeks get warmer at the look. "And Loudred, well, he could have deafened us both!"

"Hell yeah he could!" Blaze said, nodding his head rapidly, making him dizzy for a moment. "We better get used to it though."

"Yeah, guess we do. Yawwwww... well, night Blaze." Gemma said, laying her head back onto her front paws and closing her eye.

"Night Gemma." Blaze answered, putting his badge away and closing his own eyes. A minute or so later her was snoring, and Gemma was trying to cover her ears.


How wazzat? As ya may have noticed, I have become totally obsessed with PMD2/3 and this pair! I have the plot sorted, and will probably remove some bits if I don't like them much. ^^; I thank the people who make video walkthroughs because otherwise I would be totally lost since I have a ten second memory... hehe. I want to inform people that this is not an OC accepting story, I can't handle that amount of OC again, but I am letting a select few submit if they want, but that is only because they are almost the most loyal readers I have! So, you probably know who you are. :)